Saturday, September 18, 2004

I shall never forgive the bus system of Nanaimo

last night, both the last bus of the day AND thew second-to-last bus of the day DESERTED ME!!! that's right! they just--NEVER CAME... they don't love me. well, I don't love them either! especially since I waited for an hour and a half for the freaking bus to show up, and that's before the rain showed up! then it started raining, and thundering, and lightning-ing, and I waited ANOTHER twenty minutes before I gave up and walked to Laura's house. when I got there, I was so bedraggled and cold that Laura's Mom thought I was drunk for all my stuttering! urgfh...well anyways, I tried to call my mom, but of course she had deserted me too, for that seductive agent called sleep. weak human that she is. so I went to bed.

so that was my UNPLEASANT UNPLEASANT bus misadventure. only in Nanaimo, hey?

but yesterday, there was also a bunch of other things that were interesting that I can blog about. The entire day was really really weird, mood-wise. The morning was for some reason really sad. My mom and I discussed the eviction situation, and I got teary, and depressed cause I am a goob. Then I went to school, and on the bus for some reason I couldn't shake the funk, and I was just crying really really hard. Someone asked me what was wrong, and I just said, "allergies", even though I don't have any allergies at all, and never have. Then--COMPLETE MOOD REVERSAL!!! I got to the last half hour of drama, and had so much fun! I was talking and laughing with everyone, and was just in this really happy mood, and it was great. That continued into lunchtime, when me and Brianna, and Gator, and Gareth spent the whole time making fun of people's walks! That was the most hysterical time I've had in a long while! However, then I went to Math, and Socials, and my mood just went plummeting into my poor little knees... In fact, I spent all Socials class huddled in my comforting blankie, being a lamer. I refused to do any work initially, but then I did some. Then, I went to Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal, and had yet another major mood swing!!! somehow, no matter how tired I am, no matter how much I really don't want to go to rehearsal, by the time I'm there, I am just purely happy. in rehearsal we've just abotu finished "Honestly Sincere". Me and Tony got to learn another couples sequence which was AWESOME for me, and horrid for him. (he's a non dancer; which is strange, cause he's doing great.) We're right centre stage, behind, and to the left of Conrad. I get to jump up, and wrap my legs around him, Tony spins around, then I let go and wave my hands all upside-down-like. Then we spin again, I do a small thing, then he picks me up again, spins me around AGAIN, and I faint into his arms at the sight of Conrad! it's the FUNNEST sequence EVER!!!!!! Then I went to Katie's and became a lamer again. lol! We ate a lot, played some DDR, Jesse punctured me with his wicked evil fingernail, and his angst. Then we watched the COOLEST MOVIE EVER called Donnie Darko. me and the girls huddled together on one chair with me and Laura both sitting on Brianna with her arms around us in such a manly way. WHOA, Collective--just, whoa.

k, well, I'm sure I have other stuff to talk about, but I have to go shower now, and get ready to go to Sean's today. hey, Devin added Sean to his website! go check it out, the pic of the biker is Sean!!! Told you all he was all pro, and stuff! Just wait, I shall find some pics of him from magazines, and post them either here, or in my locker. hahaha! ...erm, sorry, that cracked me up. anyways, bye all, I'm off to the shower. Uh-oh, good luck finding clothes, Alleah Poirier....


K said...

eviction situation, eh? What's that all about?

amyleigh said...

i totally know where you're coming from with the mood swings. i've had some crazay ones that fluctuate by the MINUTE. yeah, it's sad. but fun, in regards to unpredictability. lol. wanna sing in the garden?? (ok that was a little out of the blue)

VivaLaPinto said...

yes I totally want in sing "The Garden"!!! That would be sweet!