Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I have to pee.

now that we've gotten the TOO MUCH INFORMATION part out of the way, I can tell you that I hate being late for school. it is just unpleasant, and makes you feel guilty in a way unique to school-related transgressions. even though I've done all my homework. it's not like I MUST be there for anything (except for math), but still it makes me feel, irrationally, like I've just blown any chance I might have had at getting fantastic grades this year. that's right. JUST because I slept in in the second week of school. how neurotic of me.

anyways, I don't actually have anything to say right now. I may just NOT go to Entreperneurship, and head up to Dover early with Gator who has a spare. that would make me have gone to roughly one and a half classes today. wow, am I ever starting Grade Twelve off on the right foot... I'm such a slacker. grrr...

I have been singing all morning. what you ask? well, "When I Fall in Love", my audition peice for panto. I think it may ACTUALLY impress the directors. well, hopefully. I still don't know who's directing it, actually... at any rate, that song actually makes me feel like the brainless, two-dimensional lead, so I may get something this time. I think supporting is the best I can hope for (as usual) cause we all know that Elina out-brainlesses me every time. *anything I can do, she can do better, she can do anything better than me.*

:P times A MILLION!!!

you know, I do believe that that could be construed as an insult...whoops! I like Elina just fine. just not professionally. professionally, she is the bane of my existence. and you know it's true, Elina. don't deny it! with your irksome blond curls, and enormous dimples that all can see, even from the back of the theatre. why don't I just go poke nails in my face...

I gtg catch a bus now. stupid school.


bradfurd said...

I'd advise against going to Dover during school hours unless you want to be dragged back to wellington by their school liason. I'd also suggest you RESPECT your FOOD for which your parents worked hard and sweated. I've never been late for a class. (just thought you might want to know that :)

VivaLaPinto said...

that card I gave you for your b-day was RIGHT, Brad Nielson! What ARE you trying to do, make the rest of us look bad? and if I get in trouble for going to Dover during school hours when Gareth and Brianna do it EVERY MONDAY, then head's will roll. and I do respect my food. know why? cause I am SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE!!!!