Sunday, September 12, 2004

think about this...

I was spacing on the bus the other day from Woodgrove to Gator's house, and I was thinking abotu each of my friends, and every single descriptive word in the history of language, trying to figure out with descriptive word went with which friend. So far I've come up with Laura McNought as the most "beautiful," Nicole Crosson as the most "lovely," Caitlin Weir as the "hottest" and that's it. I need feedback for the rest, cause that's as far as I got before L-Gator, and Gareth poked their noses into my musings.

I also had a question pop into my head while talking with Sean today. (about bubbles! lol!) if you could describe your life as one object, what would it be? I asked myself this question cause Sean had said something about his life being a bubble, adn it amused, and intrigued me. I have been trying to figure out what mine would be, but I can't put my finger on it. Updates are forthcoming. But yes, I need feedback on this question as well. Aid me in my search for all the answers to this life's questions! (*and no, the meaning of life is NOT forty-two...loser!*)

jk, you're all cool! :)


K said...

if my lfe were an object... hmm... I am not sure. I am thinking of something with the potential for great things, possibly a device of some sort. but nobody can figure out how to use it very well.

bradfurd said...

hmmm. my life would be a rounded square. very two dimensional. i'm feeling really lazy, bored and lethargic right now