Thursday, October 14, 2004

hmmm, something smells like my childhood. do you smell it? do you smell my childhood?

Today was ok, in such a bland, un-unique, typical, everyday way. Know what I did? Absolutely nothing of any importnace. Except attend every single class. How boring of me.

I got to school ten minutes late, and rushed to Drama, cause I thought I had to perform my monologue today, but it turns out, only Devin's group went. They were good. I didn't get their scene at all. I was irked at Ashley and Joanne for taking my textbook without asking, but I merely retrieved it while glowering. Then I did something else, and returned to my place to discover Don had taken it, and my self control dissolved. I flipped at him. It's not that bad a transgression, but man was I pissy this morning. Honestly, I was Nazi Pinto times a really enormous number. It was insane. Then I finished my character work, and handed it in. Today was the absolue last day I could hand it in, and the Storyline Analysis was confounding me, so I just ignored the last page, and welcomed my seventyfive percent with open arms. Which is retarded, cause I did more work on that stupid thing that anyone in that class. Seriously, I have the reams and reams of notes to prove it. Pages and pages of double-sided printout with hi-liter, and pen covering it plus pages of drafts, just to produce three measley pages of character. I am a pathetic human being.

Then was Peer Tutoring which brought my mood up. Mrs. Tinnion had to yell at them for like ten minutes in the very beginning and threaten them with a fifteen minute detention (which is surprising even for her) before they would calm down. I told the class that I believed in them, and they all looked at me cheery-like. Then we began doing some scene work, and again, the class seemed cheery, and accepting of this diminutive upper classman in their midst. I actually felt like I accomplished something in that class which made me feel happy. Also, during Peer Tutoring, I realized that I had never gotten anyone to watch my monologue, and give me notes on it. Which was prolly cause I didn't even finish the character work until that day. But at any rate, I talked to Mrs. Tinnion about it, and she offered to allow me to do it in front of the Eights! woo-hoo! though a bit frightening a notion. but it'll prolly make 'em feel smart to give me notes on my performance instead of me giving them notes on theirs like usual. So that's coming up first thing tomorrow morning! And the next block after that, I'm doing the actual performance!!! yikes!

Lunch was okay. I got beat on by Brianna. Laura bought me a chocolate cupcake which brought me joy. Gareth called Brianna an arrogant hypocrite, and meant it. Which intimidated me. I think they are spending too much time together. I also think Brianna is getting very close to spending too much time with Mel. Mel, and Brianna can get very catty together, and this is fine, because Mel confines it to the conversation itself. But Brianna has been getting bitchier and bitchier, and just plain mean lately, and I think it may have something to do with bleed-over from Mel-Brianna-nasty-gossip. Not that I think they shouldn't spend time and have bitchfests together. But Brianna should make certain that she contains her bile to those bitchfests. She's turning into a big ole meanie, and that makes me sad.

Also, know what makes me a little irked? The fact that Barbara's Girls Night she had planned for this Saturday has turned into a COUPLE'Y-TYPE NIGHT, but NOT, because the couples aren't even allowed to see each other! This I believe is complete anarchy, for this is a girls night. And if it is a girls night, there should be NO BOYS ALLOWED. However, it worked out that Llowyn had to come over this weekend, and so Barba invited Gareth to keep him company, and then Martha wanted to come, and she told Tim, and Tim wanted to come, so Barba gave up, and told me to invite Sean (which I have done), BUT STILL! It is neither fair to Brianna to impose our couple-y-ness on her, because she'll actually be the ONLY single one there, nor would it be true to the concept of girlhood to have ANY males around on girls night, and Llowyn is going to be there ALL NIGHT LONG! urgfh! know what that means? NO GIRL TALK FOR US!!!! THIS IS NOT FAIR!

So, I am sorry, boys, I do love you all dearly, but I must make my opinion clear: I vote for boylessness on Girls Night! All those with me? SAY AYE!

At any rate...where was I? oh yes. Lunch time. So that was fun. Then I attended BOTH of my afternoon academics, liek a good girl should, adn in Socials, I worked so hard, I got ALL my homework done in class. (though I am still ridiculously behind; I have forty seven percent! yikes!) and in Math, I felt very very good about myself because I understood it all very very well, and felt very confident while doing my quiz, but then the bastardly bell had to go so Mr. Gordan said I could take my quiz home and finish it, because I had choir and had to go.

So, then I went to choir, and it rock-s0red! We were on the stage, cause the band had borrowed the choir piano for a gig. I was in the back row with Emily, and April-Katherine, cause I am sillay, and wanted to sing with them. And because we were not on risers, I couldn't see Sharon's directions (wow, it is impossible for me to think of her as Mrs. Sinclair anymore! must be hanging with Amanda the other night! lol!), and so I stood on my chair! It amused me. I have a feeling that Sharon felt this made my voice stand out too much, but she didn't say anything, because for some reason whenever the entire choir was singing, the ONLY SOPRANOS YOU COULD HEAR WERE ME AND APRIL! Literally, I am not even kidding! Gareth, Laura, back me up here. Especially while learning the new part of I'll Be Home for Christmas. During that, April kept talking, and as a result she didn't know where we were in the music, so I was LITERALLY the only one singing. When she worked with the sopranos by themsleves, it was practically like she was working with me alone! Which is a good thing, cause I got some good notes, that I could actually apply to my own voice, and singing. One Tin Soldier sounded okay, though I am seriously going to shoot whoever it is that makes that same mistake over and over and over in the chorus! Whoever it is, they're SINGING IT WRONG! They are not singing what's in the music, they're singing it the way they think it should be, and if they continue doing it, I swear I'm going to break their arm! Especially if it's that retarded Lee kid. Cause he actually makes me want to breathe fire and brimstone. I'm going to eat that kids' spleen one day in angst, and malice. Then we worked on I'll Be Home for Christmas, which was, like I said, basically me and other sections. lol! Nah, jk, it was good. We learnt a new part, and I like it except for the fact that it makes NO SENSE RYTHMICALLY! It confounds me badly. But then we worked on the prayer, and I was SO SURPRISED! Cause I did it SO WELL! It was ridiculous! Nary a stray note, nor a mistaken phrase! I looked at my music in the right places, and watched for cutoffs in the right places (for some reason, I must be the only soprano who understands direction; cause seriously the other girls--and Lee the prepubescent freakazoid--would either trail off on the sustained notes or ignore Mrs. Sinclair when she cut us off, and hold as long as it pleased them to! That was very infuriating.

After choir, I took the bus home with Megan Coots. I normally don't like busing home with anyone because it's my "alone time." It is literall;y the only time I get to myself. At home there are always kids or Sherayna or Mom or Ken there. At school--well, it's school. So transit has become my yoga. But for some reason today, I thought it was going to be a bother, but then it wasn't. We ended up talking and I didn't mind it so much!

Then I got home and ate copious amounts of Pringles while sitting on top of the shed that Mom is building. It was fun!

Now I am here organizing a big drinking party when my sister-in-law comes out to visit! She wants to see if I can drink her under the table, lol!! Now I am bored. I feel like reading other people's blogs. ta-ta for now!


barbara_mary said...

I'M SORRY!!!! It just worked out this way :( We can banish Llowyn to the upstairs during sleeping if you really really want to.

K said...

Drinking party eh? Sounds like fun. What does your childhood smell like? I guess dogs, musty books, or communist propaganda.

Pineapple Princess! said...

HEY! im sad!!! brianna and I don't bitch with each other!?!?!?! we're generally very civilized, (except when it comes to rawkish laughter!) I mean sure sometimes everyone complains with their friends, but I wouldn't say its just with me, and besides, (i dont have another point, so just assume I made a good one). and Brianna won't be the only single one at the girls night? Hello! way to forget about me. yeah cuz You, Barbara, and Laura are the only ones that are going to be ther *glare* Im angry with you. Because I dont make brianna into a bitch (and in my opinion she isn't but you tend to clash with her so I do see your point of view) and because I'm single. I exist too, and in a good way.
On a happier note, I also can't stand that stupid little boy soprano! and all the quiet singers, thats just a piss off, i mean I'm not good, but at least I'm loud.


VivaLaPinto said...

for real, hey? and I am sorry if that paragraph seemed accusing, and maybe I am completely wrong, but Brianna has been bitchier lately. It's a fact. I didn't mean to be mean or anything, this is just how I feel.