Sunday, October 17, 2004

I am a fwump-a-lampa! FAIL!!!

my boy is INJURED! In insane quantities! Well, I actually dunno about his injuries, but he got flung several feet after getting hit by a drunk driver last night, so I am assuming he has been injured!

I feel so bad. I didn't want to leave him last night at all. Yesterday, my mom had forbid me to go anywhere that day, cause she wanted me to clean. But Sean had already left for the bowl, and I was supposed to meet him there. I totally refused to let him hang like that, so I made my mom let me go to the bowl to tell him that I couldn't stay the rest of the day. Then when I got there, Devin was there, and we all agreed that my mom was stupid. Then Devin peer pressured me into staying, and I totally melted cause I have no resolve. So we filmed a bunch. I fell right on my ass in the bowl. Then we walked to Devin's and watched the footage, and ate lotsa food! After that, Devin's mom gave us a ride to Barbara's, where we found out we were two hours early! lol! Barba was barely dressed. I had some fun with that! *wink!*

Then everyone got there, and we had a fun-taculous Girl's Night. All the girls hid in Barba's bedroom, reading Cosmopolitan. Everytime we found a trick we wanted to try out (that wasn't TOO raunchy) we called the boys in and tried it out on them, and then got their opinion! That was intense fun. Then we all sat in the same room (the "shunning" of the boys totally failed *FAIL!*) and Mel read us out things, and the boys were supposed to determine if they were sexy or unsexy! That was tons of fun! We got some interesting answers, actually! Especially from Tim-Tim the Debatorb! "I agree with the activity, just not how it's worded!" lol!

Anyways, I was extremely nervous about going home, because I was sure that I would be dead times a million. Remember that when I went to the bowl, it was supposed to be so that I could tell him that I couldn't stay, and then go right home. And at that point, I'd been out all day! And had only called home once (nobody answered).

So Sean walked me home, and allowed me to wear his shirt for I was cold! This left him in the comromising position of wearing short sleeves. But according to him, he was fine. And he never started shivering, or anything, so I assume he actually was! How chivalrous! My boy is fantastic!

After he left, however, he was riding home, and got hit by some drunk guy with his headlights off. Apparently he limped home in a pain-filled rage, and then typed cusswords furiously to Devin. He also sent me an email telling me what happened which is how I knew. Tonight, I cancelled filming with Devin, and I am going to Sean's tonight to make him un-depressed. I feel awful for him!

Anyways, I'm actually not supposed to be blogging at all, because my sister is a freak, and thinks that me blogging is giving the computer viruses. Dumb-ass. If anyone else is getting viruses from blogging, lemme know. If not, let your silence deafen, for I shall use it to prove myself right. ttyl!


Tim Banky said...
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Tim Banky said...


Yes, I am a debater at heart. OPEN QUOTE! (although you missed most of that one when you left to do the picking up duties). Plebea, you are fun. Although some days I wonder about you.

The most amusing part was when you all found out how truly boring your men are without you. "Er... yeah... so... Greenday"

tashalaughs said...

hey kiddo, that accident probably could have been a lot worse, so I'm really glad that Sean's ok!

VivaLaPinto said...

thanks, Tasha-splash!