Monday, October 11, 2004

mmm--good, you. explain me.

lol! that made me laugh so hard...I almost peed!

Tonight was Thanksgiving at Gator's with Brianna, and her mom, and Tim, and Sean, and Mel. It was fantastic! great food, fabulous company, and many many many games to entertain ourselves with! Before dinner, the girls and I ran through our set for the fundraiser (which may or may not be cancelled, no one knows, ask Amanda) and people gave us feedback on which songs to sing. Our set list may be entirely wonked around because of that. But again, no one knows. For some reason I sucked extremely badly, especially during I Will Follow Him, and Lonesome Road. There was a very stubborn persistant frog stuck in my esophagus that was especially determined to frustrate me a lot. My solos blew walrus guts far distances. However, Sincerely was awesome. As usual. :D As was One Fine Day which is why I want to open with IT, NOT stupid icky bad irksome evil I Will Follow Him.

After that, we ate yummy turkey and yam and corn, and potatoes, as well as special vegetarian dishes for the three strange ones. It was very very very good food. And there was much talking and joking across the dinner table, and much laughing. I enjoyed it a lot. It was like that was my true family Thanksgiving, cause it was with the people that I most enjoy being with. All the people I could have wanted there were there, and we all ate good food, and were good company and laughed many times, and I was totally happy! I like my friends... *warm glow*

after dinner, we played Pit, a game of screaming, and malice while trading groups of cards. I won not a once, but it was okay. I was mostly there for the screaming! lol! After that, we ate the BEST PIE IN THE WORLD! There was chocolate pecan pie, and pumpkin pie, both of which were orgasmic, and blueberry pie which I did not sample for I was busy scarfing chocolate pecan, and pumpkin pie at the same time. Yes that's right. At the same time. So there. We also had very very very yummy tea, and related various parent-related movie laughter, and drunk stories. I think I embarrassed my mom, but not too bad, cause it was mentioned later during another game, and she just laughed. Then we played that funny octopus/category/blinking light game. It confounds me a lot. It's not so much that I forget people's categories, but that I am so slow thinking of one before they think of mine. Not usually. But today. Today I am exceptionally stupid. Hmmm... After that, we played yet another enjoyable game, this one involving odd bits of turquoise-colored technology. These included a beeping timer thing, and a disk that showed you a word or phrase. Whichever thing you got, you had to explain it to your teammates without saying any part of the word, or saying what it started with, or saying what it rhymed with. I turned outt o be surprisingly good at that game. I enjoyed the whole explaining thing, cause I usually caught on to a clear way of explaining it tha wouldn't take up too much time quickly after seeing the word. I was proud. My team won! :D

Then people had to go home. Sadly. Mel forgot her keys, and we had to bring them to her. The ride home was filled with discussing me beating up my cousin Justin, and Sean maybe beating up Drew. It was interesting to say the least.

But I had such a good time, and I laughed so hard! I loved it! It was a truly truly wonderful night. I am joyous, except for the thought of going to school tomorrow. blech! blech, I say.

goodnight all!


VivaLaPinto said...

Geoff, let me tell you right now to just stop it. Don't get involved because it won't gain you anything. And don't be so stupid as to think that I don't have my own plans concerning the situation, either. Just mind your own business, and trust to my judgement.

oh wait. that's impossible.

VivaLaPinto said...
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VivaLaPinto said...

A better word would have been "wanting" to beat him up. Nobody is planning on beating up Drew.

Brianna said...

Hey! Your team didnt actuall WIN at Catch phrase. WE played three rounds, the first of which my team won, the second which we tied, and the third you won. So really, It was most definitely a tie. But whos counting, right? :P

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha, I can't believe you just used the phrase "if it comes to fisticuffs," Geoffrey!
And yes, I have forgotten my password, which is why I will never, ever again post on my blog. But I shall comment on yours.

Tim Banky said...

Hahah... Yes, we had a great time. I am sorry I had to leave when I did.

Plebea, you are really funny. Too bad you 'ruined Thanksgiving', eh? Waving your bras and manhandling your salad!


VivaLaPinto said...

lol lol lol, Tim-Tim!!!