Sunday, November 21, 2004

me, I'm like SUPER hunt-and-peck!

*sigh* boy, am I tuckered. So much has happened this weekend, I just don't even remember it all! yikes!

Friday night was Brianna's kick-ass b-day p-tay at Boston Pizza. BP is absolutely the best place to have ginormous parties. Brianna got tons of presents (not mine until tomorrow cause I forgot to wrap it, or get her a card), and everybody ate yummy BP food. We sang Happy Birthday to her at the top of her lungs, and then "We Love You, Brianna" to the tune of "We Love You Conrad" from Bye Bye Birdie! and basically were just a loud obnoxious bunch of rowdy teenagers. We played the sexy cake game, which I am proud to say, I am the QUEEN of! I got a perfect ten for kissing Rosie with tongue with cake in my mouth. Of course, Glenn was the one judging, so I suppose we must take my victory with a grain of salt... (*lets have an OR-gy!*) After that, a select few of us went back to Brianna's house and most of them watched Shrek 2, while Spencer and Will cuddled on the couch even though Spencer is supposedly dating, or interested in Jordan or some such. And Spencer and Jordan looked pretty cosy at BP, too. So the fact that Spence was cuddling with Will (pretty hardcore, too, according to Barba) was kind of interesting. Me and Sean went and cuddled very PG-13 like up in the attic, and Gareth came to hang out with us. We had to leave pretty early however to catch the last bus home. That was unpleasant.

The next morning, Sean rode his bike to my house, and we went exploring through my neighborhood on his bike until it started to rain, at which time, we took his bike back to my place to keep it from getting wet. My family had left to do whatever it is they do at eleven'o'clock on a Saturday morning, so we hung out drinking coffee, and I showed him my room at long last (I did a fifteen minute clean-up on it first, lol!), and then we talked to some people on the computer for a little while. It was then that we found out that there was a get-together at Amanda Stephens that night that was previously unknown. So we headed up to the bowl where Sean biked a little, and injured his lake HORRIBLY. it's going to scare. And it bled quite grossly. But he seems to be alright now. However, I kept touching it all night by accident, and he would wince in extreme pain and I would feel like such a klutz. klutzy me.

So we went to Amanda's, and they were watching Radio, which both Sean and I have seen. So it was a pretty relaxing night, of not doing a whole lot. Chris Ruiz, and April and Emily were all there, as well as Devin of course. After the movie, we went and hng out in Amanda's room which was tons of fun. Except I started having cravings for a certain something which is NOT a good thing. Foo knows what I am talking about, lol!!! That stupid night. bah! so regretful.

That night was quite lovely for reasons un-knowable by many many people. If you are super super special I may tell you why that night was fantastic, but otherwise you must wonder in ignorance. The next morning I slept in super super late, cause I'd been up til five thirty the night before. I felt for poor Sean, having to get up at eight for church. Anyways, I thought I was going to be late for pantomime but luckily buses worked out perfectly for me. (which is quite rare on a Sunday.)

Pantomime was--well, pretty meh, actually. Mel kept giving me these crazy baking choclotates that were amazingly yummy, and I had like three cups of coffee. Onstage work was really low energy. A lot of people kept forgetting their lines crazily, adn for some reason, Elina was pissing me off a lot, but ONLY while we were working. On break, and out in the lobby when I saw her, I felt totaly normal about her and I was talking with her, and singing with her, and she gave me a couple of hugs. But when she was onstage, every little thing she did bugged me professionally. It bothered me that she would never get behind the blacks when she was supposed to, her characterization bugged me. I dunno, just everything she did onstage I did not agree with. It was quite curious actually. Changing topics now, during break, me Niki and Jen sang a bunch of quartet music from the Music Man. Boy do I love barbershop. Admittedly not when we are a quarter short of a quartet, but whatever. It's strange the way that works out! No matter where we are, it almost always works out that we have three quarters of barbershop. Weird.

Anyways, after that, I went home to change and pick up some makeup and junk for the *activities* of this afternoon (which didn't end up working out, btw). I tried to eat some dinner, but as usual, an argument broke out, and I ended up flinging a spare rib across the kitchen and storming out of the house in tears. Then I missed my bus. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed. I was pretty much crying the entire way to Devin's. I feel a little perturbed at the way I just bottled it when Devin opened the door. He pretty much just let me in, and jumped into joke-mode, and I kind of just swallowed everything that I was feeling and fell into the routine. I wish I didn't do that all the time. If I let things out, it might be a little easier for me to deal with things. But I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon, is it?

Anyways, we hung out all night, and ordered pizza. Devi paid up on that bet he made with us!!! (yessssssssss! lol, Napolean Dynamite!) Amanda got there eventually, and apparently she hadn't had the greatest day either. She had to work outside even though she's sick. And apparently Constable Stone is stalking her. lol! She's paranoid. What a schitzo, jeex! Anyways, we watched Taking Lives, which is pretty crappy, but Angelina Jolie is HOT. Seriously the sex scene is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SEX SCENE EVER. It was amazing.


YUCK!!! I HATE neo citron! It makes me feel like barfing all over the place!

again, anyways...

I am at Sean's Dad's place right now. Sitting on my studly man-slave of a computer chair. yes, the one named Sean. I am so in love with him!!! Little does he know...HE'S TRAPPED!!! He'll never escape my evil emotional clutches. He's mine forever and ever and ever, and I'll never let him go. (ironic, because right now, he's the one with his arms around ME!)

you know I just realized, Shauna is going to eat me because I wasn't at the dance at Sean's church on Saturday. But I dunno, I just didn't want to go, and Sean wasn't feeling too great anyways. And then there was Amanda's to go to, which was much more relaxing, and pleasant than going to a big crowded dance would have been. Plus I wouldn't have known much of anybody their, whereas I knew everyone at Amanda's. So I figure my weekend was a success.

Except for the fact that I have to go home now. *pout* I would much rather stay here and just be with my wonderful boy...but alas that has to wait. Until SUMMERTIME, *snicker.* ttyl, bloggers!


K said...

but Mormon church dances are awesome in a random sort of way... at least I remember having a good time at the last one I went to (though Brad may not have enjoyed himself so much)

also "injured his lake HORRIBLY. it's going to scare"
do by any chance mean 'leg,' and/or 'scar' because if not I so want to see this lake. I mean, some people I know have buildings near lakes, but none own a lake itself... :p

VivaLaPinto said...

did I say lake??? I must have meant leg!! I DID mean leg!!! He injured his LEG! Oh, boy am I tired.

VivaLaPinto said...

I was getting there...I am sorry, my posting stamina has been sapped what with all the theatre I've been doing lately. Almost too much!!!