Tuesday, November 30, 2004


bummer. and a half. I am offtage right now, as Honestly Sincere, my favorite song in Bye Bye Birdie plays maliciously behind me. Why am I not on, you ask? Well. for starters, it's Kelsey's turn to practice this number. She's filling in for me on opening night, cause I'll be away at the choir show for the first act. Also, my idiot partner Tony Retard-o happens to be sick, and not at the dress rehearsal, which means that we won't get to run the curtain call properly. Urgfh, everybody is irritated at him for being so unprofessional.

I hope nobody that I like goes on opening night, cause that's the day that I'll only be here for half of it. It's kind of creepy to know that tomorrow night, we'll be doing this show with an audience in the auditorium. ack! I hope Megan Russel goesn't yell at me again. She scares me with that rage of hers.

Anyways, I must run for the owner of this computer terminal I am at is here to take her rightful place, and besides which I am on standby in about five minutes. Farewell, bloggeroonies. I do so hope that there is even a purpose in all this blogging that I do. Send me a shout out, all. Should I even continue this notion of keeping others updated with my life?

PS: I love Sean.


K said...

Well, let me assure you that I read your blog with a frequency that could be described as somewhere between regular & assiduous. I for one am interested in a running commentary on the events of your life, fun-taculous, shitty, boring, or hilarious as they might be. blog on, or I will surpass you in word & post count one of these days & do an awkard victory dance; and hilarious as that sight may be, we don't want that to happen. :p

VivaLaPinto said...

yes that notion has the potential to become very entertaining indeed. however, should you surpass me in Word Count, let ALONE Profile Views, I would indeed be forced to smite myself repeately with the Hammer of the Gods.

Or just scream a little.

Tim Banky said...

I read your blog, Plebea. It is good (although I personally would enjoy more capital letters and paragraphs).

I wonder briefly if the comment about Megs was meant to be reactionary. I love Megs, she is like a sister to me. I also realize it takes a lot out of her and this musical means a lot to her. She has a bit of a Dover Musical history here that you may be overlooking. Don't be too rash, Megs doesn't mean to be harsh.

Plebea, I try to put myself in your shoes, so try to understand where that puts me. Don't say people are scary or harsh unless you are sure they are okay with it, because I might be inclined to take offense, were I her.

VivaLaPinto said...

Tim-Tim, were you to take offense, I would have to reply that I didn't see a point to getting offended at me being scared of someone getting mad. Where is the offense in that? If possible, I prefer to avoid getting yelled at, and should I consider one person's anger to be somewhat formidable, I don't think that that is an offensive statement. So I would advise you to not get offended at that, because it could possibly start an argument of sorts between you and I, and I would like to not do that.

Kahloke said...

Hey, you. I never post, because I am a bad man. Whatever has become of our delightful post conversations? The ones we had in the days of yore... I mean olde... I mean yore... :S

For what it's worth, my dear, I read your blog religiously. Seeing as I'm completely oblivious to so much of your sordid history, and the varying natures of your myriad relationships (romantic, platonic, evil vs. good alike), I usually decide to play it safe and not comment, for if I did a torrential rain of inaccuracies and misinterpretations would fall onto the lush lands of your province of the blogdom.


Megan said...

I can live up to the red-head temper if the situation calls for it...
I didn't mean to rage upon just you, Alleah. As long as you weren't excessivly talking, it's all good. I'm sorry if I upset you though! Poor little thing...I don't think many people have heard me yell like that...
P.S. my last name has two "L's" in it...for future reference.

VivaLaPinto said...

Llowyn, this is a BLOGDOM of it's OWN! And Megan Russell-with-two-l's, you did not rage upon me specifically, but at this exhausted point in time, any yelling at all feels bad to me.