Wednesday, December 29, 2004

it's mah birthday!!!!

what's that rap with 'something something something, it's your birthday' in it...? on second thought, never mind. in fact, forget I ever said that.

so it's my b-day, and I am spending it w/ Sean and my family. also known family. I am wearing a pretty red t-shirt that is sadly NOT birthday new, and skanky summertime shorts, cause everything I own is dirty, plus my pink frog slippers. I'm also cooking Sean food, while burping, so suffice it to say today is a strange day. but it's gotta be! it's the anniversary of the day I was born!!!

this morning, I got up later than I should have and walked to Tim Horton's where Sean met me after running to my house and back looking for me cause he'd had a dream I was getting beaten up by random males...what a crazy ninja. we drank coffee, and talked, and then ran for a bus, while I snippily asked Sean to take his coffee...*blush*

we got to my house, and spent some time on the computer while Mom and Sherayna were wrapping my b-day gifts upstairs. then Ken arrived, and him, Mom, Sherayna, and Sean watched me open my birthday gifts. I got five bucks from Ken, twenty bucks from Gramma and Grampa, shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner and a chocolate orange from Sherayna, a makeup bag, socks, pink fishnets, gray leg warmers, a purse (w/ a loonie in it for good luck!), a SpongeBob SquarePants calendar, two belts, and the game Boggle from my Mom. Oh yeah, plus a BEDSIDE TABLE! I was so happy, I've been needing one. But now I need an extension cord, and some trimming for the inside of my room that I can hide this extension cord in, that is removable so Moni won't refuse us our damage deposit if I put it in...or I could just leave my alarm clock where it is.

It's been a pretty good birthday so far. For those who want to know, my first birthday p-tay is tomorrow at 2pm to 6pm at Fast Eddies on Bowen Rd. Any who want to come are invited, gifts optional cause it was just X-mas, and the rest of Panto will be there, too, so if you don't really like me, but you like others who are in the pantomime, you should come anyways...but if that's your reason, then you HAVE to give me a gift! lol... Then my other one will be on the second of January at my house, which is pretty easy to get to. Email me if you want directions, ad I shall oblige. That is from seven to pretty much all night for those who want to stay all night because of travel troubles. It is non-alchoholic, but I will not turn you away if you show up inebriated. But my mom WILL yell at me, so try not to. Oh yeah, and if anybody has an air hockey table they want to bring for the night, I would very possibly be your slave for the rest of my life! Now, I don't have time to make specific invitations, so, pretty much if you were in Bye Bye Birdie, and want to come, sure, if you are in Panto, and want to come, sure, if you go to my school, and want to come, sure, if you randomly read my blog and live in Nanaimo and want to come, sure, but you may not bring your drugs, prostitutes, porn, or any other form of contraband. And you may not come if you are Emma Love. Other than that, p-tay at my house on the second! Again, gifts are optional, unless you are Sean, Laura, or Brianna! lol, jk...

k, mah boy wants to go watch jackass, so I'm gonna go do that! ttyl! Happy Birthday to me!


amyleigh said...

yeah boggle!!! now we have to continually play it until we're better than kevin

Tim Banky said...

So... Laura assures me that it would be alright if I came. This is true right? If not I may just show up.

bradfurd said...

Yessss, another party. :D yay. I shall come if I have no prior commitments. can't wait. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. go to this site, because you will see me using such tactics in the near future so do not be alarmed.

Queen of Hearts said...

I didn;t knwo it was your Birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY hahaha muahahaha *twitch twich* ~lisa~

Kahloke said...

Happy birthday!!!! *hugs you and twirls you around*

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. speaking of Emma Love, shes exactly a day older than you... what that really has to do with anything i dont know.

VivaLaPinto said...

Alana: I know she is, and Mike Pinneo is a day younger than me! Happy Birthday to us---but not Emma Love. Ah, the rejection! Anyways, Amay: we will SO have super Boggle p-tays of nerdiness, thanks Lisa!, Sarah: directions will come in your electronic mail box, Brad: thankee and I am feeling some trepidation--what are these tactics you speak of? Why don't I find out...buh bye!

VivaLaPinto said...

oh yes, and I also got shaving cream from Sherayna, and thanks Llowyn, and Tim you are ALWAYS welcome at my house, and not JUST because you important to my best friend in the world!

Megan said...

Happy Birthday hun! Now we're BOTH 17! Woot for us!

K said...

speaking of shaving cream, as people in my class were too lazy to get something together for our class leader's birthday yesterday, today like 4 people 'pied' her in the face/head with plates of shaving cream. And then gave her a cake, but she had to wash and then dry her head in the bathroom. Made her hair look nice though :p She seemed to like my present, was wearing the bracelet I'd made that morning. All in all quite random.

VivaLaPinto said...

that's so cool, Kevin! I got egged by my softball team once, but only because I told them that my b-day was off-season so I'd never get to be egged. So they came to practice and threw eggs, and syrup at me, and I discovered just how much fun it wasn't quite was...k that made no sense. but whatever, I think you get the gist of it.