Thursday, December 16, 2004

late for school--blech!

It is late, and I feel disgusting.

Last night, me and Sean, and his dad went to go see Tuula's show, Scrooge. That was fun. There were parts of it that I really really enjoyed (the Christmas Spirit dance, w/ Scrooge and all the toys), and parts that I wasn't so hot on (some of the direction), but all in all, the play was quite enjoyable. I actually had to try really hard not to be critical of them, for you all know me. I wouldn't have directed it the same way. Maybe there were reasons for it, but to me it diminished the play just a little. However, there were lots of really great performers, and it's the Christmas Carol, which is the best Christmas tale ever! Therefore, it was good.

Sean's Uncle, and Aunt, and cousin Heather were there, as well. During intermission, me and his Aunt Penny talked about Heather's screen acting. I don't think it's ever hit me as hard just how unsuccessful I am. I mean, you all know my crazy schedule of late. Well this kid has one just as bad, and parts of it are professional screen acting. And she's like, nine! Therefore, I am pathetic, and seriously think I should just give up. I hardly even know why I do it any more. I am not succeeding in the business at all; not even in amateur theatre here in Nanaimo! Who really cares anymore. I ought to just focus on business, and management.

other than that, I am done. I want my coffee. I hate being late, after not being late. Whatever, it's only stupid drama. It's this close to being a spare block now that that crap theatre shit show is over. good bye.


amyleigh said...

ahh :) I like how I can hear about sean in your blog as well as you, seeing as how sean NEVER how nice and dependable you are.

Beth-a-knee said...

Yah, but Alleah! If the girls 9, then it's probably her parents that are managing her schedule, whereas you are trying to manage it all on your own, not to mention High school is a lot more stressfull and demanding then elementary. Don't give up, everybody has doubts now and then and you are really talented and people will all know your name one day! (beetla knows you will suceed)


Megan said...

Ahahahahaha! I just realised that if you hold the mouse over my name on the side there, it comes up with the funny little "She fell off the couch, but finds time to blog" and it amuses me to all ends. Hehehe! You're my hero.

VivaLaPinto said...

Kevin should be your hero, Megan, it was all his ingenuity. Sadly, I can take no credit.