Wednesday, December 22, 2004

There is acid making itself noticeable in my stomach.

arg. I am at Sean's right now. My momma should be picking us up in about twent minutes to go shopping, and then after I am going to go to his Mum's house to make pillows, and stockings. *sigh* oh, to be a crafty Pinto.

My love was in the shower but now he has emerged. There is an elusive pile of gifts under the blankets of the bed beside me, and I have been threatened with painful retribution if I am to look under them. Not that I would. But if he had just not mentioned it, I wold never have even thought to look under the blankets. What a silly Serseph.

Wow, I haven't called him that in many months...weird. Matt is coming over from Vancouver tomorrow morning...I am going to meet his ferry at nine bearing a sgin that says something witty, and engaging. He said he'd bee taking the seven'o'clock ferry from Vancouver, and going to some unknown Dairy Queen, but seeing as how we had less than five minutes to talk last night, I'll just show up at the terminal. It's easier for me, what with buses and whatnot. If whoever he's with knows which Dairy Queen they're going to then I'll be able to meet them there. I'll get someone to come with as well. Who wants to meet Matt of Vancouver tomorrow at nine w/ me???!! Hey, Llowyn, contrive to be on the same ferry, and then I'll have Barba, and probably a ride as a matter of course! lol!

This is a very random post. I think I am going to go fawn over clean and spiffy Sean now. I love him so!


VivaLaPinto said...

What? No comments??? Is my writing not engaging enough for you, Bloggers??!! Well...poo on you. I guess I'll just have to blog about Brad's p-tay, then. :P

K said...

indeed you shall... I have also been noticing a dearth of comments recently. I must ascribe it to INSANE BUSYNESS due to that whole Christmas thing. I guess I'll just have to talk about the concert & how I tried unsuccessfully to pick up chicks with my classmates. :p

amyleigh said...

i absolutely love making pillows...when me and bachfub move out, we're going to have a huge store of them and give one to everyone the first time they come visit us.

bradfurd said...

you didn't write abuot my party. I have to visit you ASAP, mainly Christmas Eve, regarding said item. I must get it back, I must. Thanx for comin to my party. It was really fun, and the people are what make it so.

VivaLaPinto said...

indeed, Brad, how right you are...Kevin I am quite busay w/ the X-mas season (whoops, a twinism snuck into my speech there)--I still have to get gifts for half my family members. Plus wrap them. PLUS see if I can finish my friends Christmas gifts. So much to do, so much regret of past procrastination. urgfh. and Amay, that is the coolest idea ever!!! I hope I turn out to be that kind of hostess. With the money to be able to give lavish gifts, even if they are just homemade pillows. And one day, I WILL perfect the making of the X-mas stocking, if I have to sew off half my fingers to do it! (last night, I butchered about five in preparation of gift-giving w/ friends. and you all better like them too, cause I made them from SCRATCH! jeex)

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, Angie, squishy! I can't embroider. I wish I could...

K said...

Merry Christmas, and what day exactly was that birthday of yours?

VivaLaPinto said...

You better not be thinking of my birthday as the 27th, Kevin because if one person makes that specific mistake, I shall start ripping some hair. lol! It's the twenty ninth. And Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Kwanza, Birthday, whatever you happen to be celebrating! I am a happy Pinto this Christmas morn. I hope you all are, too.

more details on what I got later in the day, after I go to Sean's homes (where there are gifts waiting for me! that's crazy...)

Beth-a-knee said...

ok you better post buster >:(

amyleigh said...

HEY! i'm expecting a post about christmas from you alleah, and soon! your public needs you.

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, ok, ok, I'll post! Never woulda thought it'd be ME neglecting my poor readers during the X-mas season, DID you???!