Friday, January 07, 2005

diagnosis: desire!

I feel the need to write a romance novel at this very moment!!! Fortunately for you...I shall supress that urge!

So I have finally gotten my keyboard back, but only for as long as it takes Sherayna to feed her youngest child. URGFH! I really don't see how it makes sense for Sherayna to be a slob, and spill stuff all over her keyboard, and I get punished for it by not being able to blog on this computer. Absolutely unfair! I take care of this computer.

But enough of that. Today is a snow day so tere is no school for Pinto! yay! I find it veray amusing that the rest of Canada is like, "oh, there's eight feet of snow outside! I think it would be prudent to close the schools, so that nobody freezes to death on their way to school..." (*yay, my boy is here!!!*) whereas Nanaimo is like, "oh, woe! tragedy, and terrible disaster! How can our poor students go to school in--oh my goodness-- SEVEN INCHES OF SNOW??? Think of the children! WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"

Yes, Rest of Canada, that is how pathetic Nanaimo is. Sure, we spawned Diana Krall, and just south of us, on the 49th Parallel, Ladysmith gave the world Pamela Anderson...but all of us are WUSSIES when it comes to deep snow. And I am not condescending here, at all...I hate snow. Despise it w/ a passion. It is fun for two and a half hours in the morning when I get up, and grab some coffee, and then play with my dogs and the kids for a while. But after that, what is there in it for me? It freezes me ridiculously. It makes me sick. It stops the buses so I am stuck w/ my family wether I like it or not. No, I'll admit, I adore Nanaimo's seven inches of snow annually. And I love it that our beaurocracy is too wimpy to send us to school in not even a foot of snow.

Anyways, I'm done with that subject now. In other news, I totally pwn math and socials. In socials, my mark is up from thirty percent to something like sixty nine percent. Which isn't fabulous, but it is impressive. In math, I dunno what I have, but I got eighty nine percent on my last test, plus I've been getting awesome marks on everything I've turned in! Plus, Mr. Gordon adores me, even though I ignored his class so bad before X-mas! w00t for me.

I think there was something else I wanted to talk about but I don't remember what it was. Oh yes, I think Sean is the sexiest, sweetest, hottest, most kind, generous boy in the whole entire universe. I adore him so.


VivaLaPinto said...

btw, the very last sentence (or two) were written by Sean, cause he is a dork! they are true, however! *wink!*

amyleigh said...

haha, i THOUGHT all that about sexy/hot sounded a little suspicious....

it is rather funny how unprepared nanaimo is for snow year after year. i'm not complaining though :)

Pineapple Princess! said...

whats with everybody saying this is out of character for her to say? it seems fairly normal to me:P:P:P anyways, you never came to starbuckies?!?!?! i was sad. Are we still doing something tomorrow. leave a message on my cellular telephone, as it has no charge, and I will pick it up