Monday, January 17, 2005

me = geekburger

for starters, I am eating macaroni salad, and pickles. which I am sure are acceptable singularily. But together? This is a level of dorkability that I had never thought to attain.

But that's not all. no no. not all at all at all....! I am wearing yet another of Sean's sweaters which is so comfy and joyous inside, and you know how sometimes when you miss a person so badly, and you have something of there, and you wonder if maybe just maybe the fact that you can hold and touch that item of theirs, it kind of connects you on some kind of cosmic level...? yeah well, it's true. I am just that much of a loser.

But I have an excuse! I miss Sean. Which is truely sad, cause I saw him last night. But we are not to see each other until Thursday. We are taking off-days to avoid seeing too much of each other and getting sick of each other. We were going to have them on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but then he changed Thursday to Wednesday. So there is this enormous, malicious, cruel chunk of time in which I am denied my Sean. Which brings me back to the food issue.

As I am clingy and needy and pathetic, I am eating insane combinations of food (such as macaroni salad and pickles) to give me comfort, in my time of need. *sigh* I wish I had my boy.

Yeah, in other news, my life is pretty boring. My house is literally colder than outside, which is crazy. However, we have recently acquired a spaceheater, compliments of Sean's Mom, and so it has been bouncing around the house warming people. Last night, I went to bed with it on, and this morning, I poked my little arm out of my covers...AND LEFT IT THERE!!!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!

However, unfortunately, there is one measly space heater and seven people it needs to warm, plus a slothful cat. (oh, my hot water...hang on.)

ok, make that pickles, macaroni salad, and instant Turtles cappacino. I bet Sean wishes he was here now!!!

Also, a couple days ago, on Friday, me and Sean went bowling, which was fun. Afterwards, we walked to his house, but not before I broke a three inch plate of ice with my face. Well, to be accurate, my forehead, and I have the lumps to prove it! Sean and I found all these huge flat chunks of ice that were like three inches think, and Sean picked one up and made some kind of Conan the Barbarian noise and broke it on the ground. This inspired me! Then he discovered a slick of ice on the ground and went off to slide on it. Meanwhile, I hatched an evil plan in my noggin. I picked a peice of ice up when Sean was ready to pay attention again, and mimiced his Conan noise, and then (I really have no idea why I did this, it wasn't thought out, or anything, I just thought of it--and did it. that quick!) and then I broke it over my head. Karate-style. Oh yeah, I'm h-core baby!!! Sean just stood there and laughed at me! And head started to hurt! And I realized the error of my ways. *sigh* but it makes a good story now! lol!

Other than that, the only exciting thing of lately is, I learnt that I could write an email without a keyboard yesterday. It's called copy and past like a mad fool, and it BLOWS MONKEY INNARDS. It took me a half an hour to write an email that was two and a half lines long to Sean. Soemtimes I could copy and paste whole words, but more often than not, it was one, or two letters at a time. Tedious McCrappy.

So yeah, that's how exciting my life has been lately. And you guys wondered why I wasn't posting. Maybe cause the only thing interesting in my life right now is Sean, spoons and butter.


barbara_mary said...

There is also a thing called, "On-screen keybpard" which allows you to press the buttons with your mouse. Super awesome.

VivaLaPinto said...

REALLY??? How does that work??? How do you get to it?

VivaLaPinto said...

today is a day of falling on my ass. Not only did I slip and fall and (it felt like I) almost broke my toe, but just now, I was running through the house, and I slipped on spilt water and crashed into a bookcase, bonking my knee elbow AND hip. Next thing you know I'll be falling down the stairs.

amyleigh said...

hey! I used to have to do that all the time, because my parents would take the keyboard into their room at night sometimes just randomly, thinking they were being clever in preventing us from msn-ing far into the night...little did they know that I sometimes had desperate homework to finish and so I ended up staying up longer because I had to copy and paste and it's the worst thing in the world...sigh. i feel your pain.

Beth-a-knee said...

I miss my boy too. Oh so much. It is too painful to think about :(

barbara_mary said...

You go to the start menu, then to "All Programs" then "Accessories" and then "Accesability" and it should be a program called "On-screen keyboard"

K said...

I must say I actually laughed out loud at your anecdote about smashing ice on your head.

I have had keyboard troubles too, though not of the same variety. You see, my laptop has a keyboard, built right in so you can't take it out. It also has a password, so Foo cannot use it ever. Unfortunately, every once in a while they keyboard will just stop working -- and I'll have no idea why. So, for that exact reason I bought another keyboard (the kind you plug in, a.k.a. PS/2)... well,

actually the reason I bought the other keyboard was I spilled tea (with sugar!) on one of ours and fucked it up, thus necessitating its replacement. But it's mine so I actually brought it Taiwan, where it came in handy the day my keys randomly stopped working. The problem is, if this happens & it gets turned off, and you turn it on it will start freaking out even if a working keyboard is plugged in, and be like KEYBOARD ERROR!!! ERROR!!! THE WORLD IS IN FLAMES!!!!1

or something of that variety. Anyway, rock on, and indeed try out the little thing with the on-screen keyboard. :p

Anonymous said...

hmm, macaroni salad and pickles sounds kind of yummy to me...

~Sarah G (

K said...

"the only thing interesting in my life right now is Sean, spoons and butter."

In retrospect, the last line of your post sounds, very, very dirty. teehee :p

VivaLaPinto said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Kevin, and Angie, you two are awesome! And maybe I meant it that way!!!, I didn't, I am not that clever. However, SHOCK AND DISMAY!!! I have no on-screen keyboard in my accesories! there is nought for me but copy and paste and--*sigh*--the keyboard!