Friday, March 11, 2005


I think I've had that title before ^^^. meh, whatever.

Last night was me and Sean's six month. It was really nice; it began when he came to choir. I sometimes feel bad when he comes to choir because it must be so boring for him. There isn't exactly anything I can do about it though; it's his choice to come or not. I won't mind either decision. After choir was done, I wanted to drop off my pack at home, which was inconvenient. He didn't want to take the bus cause he had his bike with him, so he ended up racing me home on his bike! And you know whta: he won! I was so surprised, I thought I was going to have to wait at City Centre for him, but actually by the time I arrived, he'd already been waiting ten minutes, and was ready to leave, lol!

After that we went home. Sean was super thirsty so we both grabbed something to drink (!) and left a little while later. His mom came to pick us up, and she was really enthusiastic about the gift we gave her for her birthday. There's a huge story behind that too, but all I feel like saying about it is, everyone forgot her birthday, and we felt awful, so we ended up walking to my house and I finished up a tray I'd started painting, and we wrote her a card. When she saw it, she said she just loved it! That made me happy.

We drove up to the church, and I met the bishop, which was interesting. Then we went to Wendies, and had our six month anniversary dinner (LOL! fancy, hey? nah, it was great; I loved it!). We got into this huge debate about religion and religious morals concerning homosexuality. I was really enjoying the debate, but Sean was getting frustrated and I was sad about that. I don't want to make him angry, and feel bad when I do because of stupid debates.

After we decided to just drop it, and we walked over to Brad Neilson's where we'd heard there was a get-together of some sort. We got there, and it turned out to be only Brad, and Alana! Apparently there'd been huge miscommunications, and some offense being passed around that circle, so it wasn't on anymore, but Alana, Sean and I never realized that! So us four ended up hanging out in Brad's kitchen for a while talking about--religion! lol, poor Sean! just got off the topic, and then we started it again! April was on speaker phone, cause we were trying to convince her to come over, and abandon her laundry, but she wouldn't. Then we got into another theological debate of sorts, and April had been completely silent, until all of a sudden we heard this little cough-sound from the phone, and realized that we'd forgotten ALL ABOUT HER!!!! lol! We felt bad; Alana started stroking the phone, and I laughed.

Then we went to Rogers to rent a movie we didn't end up watching and just hung out and talked about everything under the sun for the rest of the night. It was great. And Brad and I got into debates every twelve seconds! lol! It was a lot of fun.

Sean gave Alana a ride home, cause it turns out she lives really close to both of us, and I ended up getting home at half past midnight. And this ought to show you just how pathetic I am, this morning I woke up burnt because of it! I'm so pathetic! I'm getting old.

Anyways, the only other thing to say is that this week is a milestone for me! It's the first entire week of this school year that I've been to every single class! lol! Man, I'm so sad!

Ok, I'm done now. Have fun, all.

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