Thursday, March 17, 2005

Survey from Laura, Brianna, and Barba's Blogs

I AM: sickly and weak
I WILL ALWAYS: hate mushrooms
I MISS: all my friends
I SMELL: not at all.
I CRAVE: laughter
I WORRY: that I'm going to end up losing touch with all my friends in the next year, even the ones who I trust absolutely.
I REGRET: many things I did during May 11 to July 29th of last year, and even some things after that.
I LOVE: Sean
I DANCE: naked
I SING: constantly
I CANT STAND: up right now, or I'll fall over and die.
I LOST: foosball twice in a row to my wonderful wonderful boyfriend.
I LIKE: hugs. puppies. sleeping.
I LISTEN: to to Celine Dion, and I don't care who knows it!
I CAN BE FOUND: in Bio doing a stupid test.
I NEED: to sleep. really really badly.
I KNOW THAT: God loves me.
I HOPE: that I won't fail at life.
I WANT: to get my SIN card.
I AM ALWAYS: loud, except when I'm not.
I CRY: at school when I am super depressed. Like two days ago.
I FELL: in love with a boy.
I WILL: get off this computer soon, so I'm not late for Bio.
I WONT: get mad as often. I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T!
I THINK: that all people should think about hypocrisy more.
I SHOULD: go to sleep earlier
I COULD: get off my ass and go to Bio. but I won't.
I WOULD: keep Charlotte the Cat, if it was possible.
I DIDNT: want to hurt anyone, and I'm sorry if I did.
I LOOK: like death. today, anyways.
I HEAR: white noise that means nothing to me and I wonder if it should.
I HURT: constantly
I HATE: myself often
I DONT: want to lose Sean, or any of my friends.
I FEEL: melancholy
I CARE: about trying to be a better person
I AM ALWAYS TRYING TO: be better at what I'm good at.
I HIDE: my hatred
I WRITE: finacial plans, and to-do lists. how boring.
I PLAY: with dogs
.I LEARN: well. when I try that is.
I WILL BE: good. I will be good. I will be good.
I SAY: don't worry. Be hapy. But I am a hypocrite so don't listen to me.
I DONT THINK: that I'll be on time for Bio.
I LOVE TO: be with people and laugh.
I ALWAYS: am striving to accomplish something.
I HAVE: serious depression and I am sick of it.
I BELIEVE: that people suck
I AM: lonely
I NEVER: will hurt someone consciously if I can help it, and if I do, I will hate myself until I die.
I WISH: Sean were here.

1 comment:

VivaLaPinto said...

well Gareth, there's l;ots to respond to in that comment. For one, I have always believed in God, and I have always been religious. The difference is, I DON'T flaunt it, I WON'T try to convert people (I absolutely HATE evangelsim), and I don't feel the need for other people to know my religious beliefs. But rest assured, I AM a religious person, specifically Christian, I am merely without denomination at present.

For the other things, you said, yes I've changed some, but this is Grade Twelve, which is a point in time when everyone undergoes a change. It is not because of Sean, at all. I don't know why you think that I am not open anymore. If you are thinking that I've started to agree with some of Sean's views (the ones that you are opposed to), just because I am in love with him, you are wrong. I retain my own views, I am only recognizing the right of Sean to sustain his own. I do not agree with some of the things that he believes, and that is alright with both of us. We are dealing just fine with our differences in opinions, and I'll thank you to recognize that.