Tuesday, March 15, 2005

ok, so this is interesting

I finally figured it out!!! I thought that when I changed the addy of my blog, it didn't work! But it did! So now I know how to post! Oh happy day!

Actually today is a super-mondo-fantabulous day! Yesterday, after school, Mom picked me and Sean up from school, and we went off and did a bunch of errands. I made a doctor's appointment for the thirty-first to look at my heart murmur. Then we went up to Rutherford, and I made a consulation appointment, and prom appointment at Chatter's formerly known as Estetica for hair, which is all well and good. Then all we had time for before everything closed was to get my birth certificate photocopied at a bank, which was good. Then today, during my spare block, Mom picked me up, and we rushed downtown to put in my SIN card application, which is now done. And then we went to the Access Centre to get a BC student loan application!

And now it's Eng;lish where Mr. Perrett loves me, which is cool, and in Bio, I found out I got 46 and a half out of fifty on my last test! I am feeling very good about life today, which is really good because yesterday I was so depressed, and you'll get more about that later in English class. Yesterday, I broke down in tears in the middle of every single class. Life sucked yesterday.

Anyways, goodbye. Oh, don't forget! You have to get Mr. Perrett to sign your choir field trip forms, and find out what is due for today as far as Act 1 crucible questions go! Plus get Sean to give me prom ticket money, fill out prom guest form, and return it with cash, and prolly other things--OH YEAH! You have two scholarship appies due in by March 31, plus you need to talk to Johnson about theory hours, plus you need to talk to Dean about work experience, plus you need to talk toMr. A about scholarship references. ok, bye.


K said...

who the devil is "Mr. Perrett" ?

VivaLaPinto said...

he's this random Australian English teacher who is on exchange with Mrs. Stewart who thinks all Australian students are a thousand times smarter than Canadian students. He's prolly right!