Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I don't know what to do...

Ok, I had assumed my grad fees were paid for, right? Sherayna was nice enough in the beginning of the year to write out a check for the full $233. For some fucked up, only-could-happen-to-me reason, the fucking check just decided not to go through. Mrs. Peace wouldn't tell me if it bounced, or what, but apparently it didn't pay for what it said it would pay for. Which mean, I have to come up with $233 before the end of the year.

Now, that isn't the end of it. Yesterday, my Mom's truck got broken into, and a bunch of stuff was stolen. Right after that, we were served with a fucking eviction notice from Moni's pathetic little worm of a property manager, who kept trying to insist that he had nothing to do with us, and that he was only doing Moni a favor. Lets just say I expressed my displeasure with him to his face, and with NO doubt of my true feelings. Basically, the jist of it was that despite no communication between Moni and my Mom as to what rental arrangement we would take for the month of April, they just assumed we would pay our rent, and because we didn't cause we didn't know what to do, they are evicting up, PLUS slapping with an unspecified $300 utilities bill, which is BULLSHIT. I shall explain. We have to pay our own hydro, andour bill is run enormously up, because Moni has heavy machinery, AND computers running everyday in OUR basement, which is not only against the terms of our rental agreement (that the basement would be retained for storage purposes), but is also harrassment of us, because our guard dogs go insane at people coming in and out of our house all the time, and they leave things on, that are so incredibly loud that I can hear it in my room, disturbing our sleep, plus they leave the lights and computer running allt he time, which means we are paying for their employees laziness!

So basically, we are getting thrown out of our house on the twenty second, and the only rental properties we would have any hope of being able to pay for either will not allow dogs, or have already been rented. And you wanna know why they've already been rented? Because everytime I call that fucking company (Ardent Properties) they either have turned their phone line off, or are using the fax machine. It is just about impossible to get ahold of that fucking company. And God forbid, they should call back any of the millions of messages I left them.

So I ask you, how much worse can my fucking life get?


K said...

Ah, the struggles of life. Sometimes it makes me wonder what I am whining about. I'm sure you will find some way to continue, though as my father's work on our house remains unfinished & I don't actually live there right now I am not exactly authorised to offer crashing space... could ask Foo though.

This might also be an interesting time to move in with that delightful boyfriend of yours, of bike-riding fame.

Anyway, have a nice day... just be glad you aren't leaving for school at 6:30 every morning and getting abck at 5:30. Way to give people 'what for' or "short shrift" even. *thumbs up*

rock on

VivaLaPinto said...

man, Kevin, I have seen the additions on your basement and they are super-awesome!! I think we shalt have long parties of foosball, and Super Smash Brothers upon your return!

barbara_mary said...

Is there any way the school can pay for the essential things? Like, the gown and cap and such? Dry grad isn't really something you NEED to go to, right?

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, I don't even really know if I want to. I don't, if the school paid for the cap and gown, they wouldn't be part of the fees in the first place. And anyways, there might be a slim chance of that if the administrators knew me better, but as it is, they're new this year, they suck, and I hate them,. So there's no point in even asking, pretty much.