Tuesday, April 05, 2005

twould seem I have been on a prolonged absence, twouldn't it?

so I have. and I actually have no idea what I'm going to write in this post because in addition to not having a computer, or much access to one, my life is also super boring.

I do have opne or two things to say, however. Firstly, my life in a respectably interesting home is coming to an end. We were supposed to be out of the house by April 1st--and it's the fifth. So, we're kind of living in our house illegally right now! lol! but whatever. Mom may have found a place we could rent if the facking service would ever return our calls. Unfortunately, it's a dump. Worse than our old place somehow... Put it this way it's like fivehundred feet square, it has a kitchen, two teeny bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living--space. Not really even a room, except that it is. I just don't consider it big enough to call a room. It's like two feet wider on each wall than Quinn's famed mini-house. How pathetic. Thus comes to an end, the era of the Pinto-parties.

On a happier note, I am the smartest person EVER!!!! I missed every class of Bio in the first week back from Spring Break, and all of that was like this major section of the DNA unit, which everybody (except Courtenay) is saying is the hardest ever! So, yesterday, my first day back at Bio, I got all the material I'd missed. And it seriously blew my mind! I copied all the notes from Gator, and I understood NOTHING! It was a bunch of black and blue gibberish on a photocopied page. I was doomed!

But then today, I got Courtenay to explain as much as she could before class, and then copied down quite a bit of the review sheet answers first thing. After reading a bunch of that stuff over and over again, I started to get it! So I did all the old quizzes, I'd missed, and had a minimum of trouble with them!!! By the end of the class, I was mostly able to complete the quiz that the rest of the class was doing at the same time with NO trouble!!! How cool is that? There's like three things that I need to read up on to be completely ok with the subject matter. I'm missing the test day because of a choir trip, so Mrs. Rodgers said that I could do the test Thursday after school, with study periods during lunch today and Thursday. By that time, anything I DON';T knwo now will so be understandable by Thursday!!! Awesome!

I have nothing else to say. Actually that's a lie. I still have SO MANY errands to do by the end of this week. It totally sucks, cause everything I've had to do so far, I've completed pretty easily, but I still have so much to do. I have to set up an interview with the Theatre Diploma program director at Mal U, which terrifies me, I have to somehow prove to Mal U, that I'm getting at least a C in English by Friday, without having had gotten a single report card. I have my teeth bleaching appointment tonight, which sucks cause I hate trips to the dentist. It's made easier by Andre, who is awesome, and Sean's Mom Bonnie, who is also awesome. But it is stil;l not the most pleasant activity.

Ok, I am boring. I am going to go talk to Mr. Johnson, and find out how many theory hours I need. To not continue failing CAPP. buh bye.


barbara_mary said...

I set up my interview this mroning. :D I have the very first one!

I tried calling, but the number they gave me wasn't working, so just call the number at the bottom of the page on the letter they sent you. She'll patch you through. Good luck!

K said...

Well, luckily with the end of pinto-parties may come the Dobson dynasty... the infamous basement has been expanded & with the addition of a new pool table should be funner than ever. Plus with the freeing up of crashing rights (the sleeping kind, not the vehicle wrecking kind) all sorts of things may become possible.

How many people are going to be living in these 2 rooms?

Anonymous said...

gross--i hate missing school and then not understanding stuff

VivaLaPinto said...

I know what you mean, Anon. Barbara, you have solved my mystery! The number wouldn't work for me, either!!! Thank you!!! So, did you sign up for the Theatre Diploma Program, too??? Cause that would be tres cool! Way to owe fourteen thousand, one hundred and twelve dollars to MalU, co-poorest-person-in-our-group!

Laura said...

it sounds like this mal program is going to be filled with neat people. i don't know if i'm going to do my interview though...because i know iwon't be going there...so is there much point?