Friday, April 08, 2005

Why I Want Prom to Die

I am not looking forward to prom. Despite the lovely yellow dress being made for me, despite my mom finally spending some actual money on me (buying my make up, paying for my hair), despite how gorgeous my wonderful boy is going to look.

If you read Barbara's blog, she is having a hell of a time with her Barsby friends (or not-so-friends, you might think, if you consider their views) and her prom after party. It's looking like they are going to boycott it simply because Dovers and Wellies will be there. Which I am starting to see a major debacle in, because as you prolly know, Laura McNought is also having a prom after party, which is Dovers only. But the remainder of Collective plus Gareth are all attending Dover prom, which means they'll prolly be invited to Laura's prom. Which means they probably won't attend Barb's. So Barbara won't have her Barsbies, won't have Collective, and I will have seen no one who I really really want to spend prom night with (save Sean, Barbara, and Llowyn) all night.

So this is making me worried for Barbara's feelings come prom night, and also feel majorly sorry for myself. I don't want my senior prom to be awful, but that's the way it's looking. Not only all of that, but I feel majorly unprepared; my dress is not even close to finished (the actual satin panels haven't even been cut out yet), Mom can't buy me any make-up until the twentieth, which means a minimum of practicing, I don't even know if she can afford the rest of the cost of my hair ($40; how sad is that?), I don't have a ride, I haven't bought Sean's ticket yet, I have no money for after-party goodies. There is no way I'll find work, AND get paid before prom. I am super fucked. I'm prolly gonna end up carpooling to prom in a minivan just like last year, with no friends to hang out with the whole night. And I'll look like crap because Estetica will probably refuse to do my hair cause Mom won't be able to pay, plus I'll have done my own crappy fucking make up. I am NOT looking forward to this.

This was a big self-pity trip. But honestly, I don't know what to do, given that half my friends have no intention of seeing me prom night, plus I am entirely unprepared.


Brianna said...

actually, barely any of us are going to Lauras. WE might hang otu with the Dover debating crowd for a few hours, but we'll all end up at barbs place.

barbara_mary said...

If you guys read the post I made, the prom party Laura's having is Dover's only. And by Dovers, I mean the kids that go to Dover pluis Geoff (Mels date). So none of the wellies are invited to that one. Except, I think, Laura B. But who knows.

There will be a lot of Wellington people at my house, plus a few of my barsby friends

Laura said...

hi alleah.
okay. heres the deal. my parents gave me a number of people, and i told my closest friends about it. then word got around and people started assuming invites and telling people that i didn't even know were going to our prom. now its all a big mess and blah. i haven't invited brianna, or laura b, or barb, or you, or any other the wellys. i just couldn't fit everyone, and i'm sorry, i wish i could have. i have invited geoff though, simply because he is mels prom date. i hope no one is offended, because i really would have loved you to be there...but i just can't. daddy would shoot me.

K said...

What's wrong with carpooling? Or minivans, for that matter. Minivans are awesome, in fact the minivan is my favourite vehicle type. How awesome it is. :P

rock on


barbara_mary said...

Absolutely! I see no reason in renting a limo, or a horse drawn carriage (which Trish is doing) to get to prom. I know they say, it's not where you're going, it's how you get there.

But in this case, it's not how you get there, but who you're with and if you have an awesome time!

Laura said...

i want a horse drawn carraige for my wedding.
how romantic is that
if trish's prom is going to be one full of romance, a horse drawn carraige is definately a romantic way to pull it off.


VivaLaPinto said...

I have to say, a horse-drawn carriage is totally where it's at!!! props to Trish.

bradfurd said...

ummm. go minivans. I bet my mom's odyssey could whip those horses butts. after prom is just like a free for all. usually, if you just chill with a couple good friends, it doesn't matter if you end up "where its at".

VivaLaPinto said...

Well, I finally talked to Devin about it last night, and since me and Sean only want the limo for the ride to prom, we're only going to share the cost for one hour. Then we'll find our own rides to Barbara's...maybe we'll take the BUS! lol!