Saturday, January 07, 2006

I have a lumpy skull

My head is in so much pain right now!!! I want to kill myself. I'm over at Ace's house, and we just got out of bed. While we were still ijn bed, he started tickling me, so I tickled him back, and al of a sudden our heads crashed together with the force of doom itself!!! It hurt worse than anything bI've felt since the car accident. Ace did a whole byunch of whining (he practically cried) and I just sat there in trauma, and pain, and then when we checked, he didn't even have a bump, and I have this gigantic mound of owie on my forehead, right above my right eyebrow. It's freaking visible, it's so huge.

And Ace is now out of the shower, and I have to piss like a drunken race horse, so I bid you adieu.


Anonymous said...

It's Ace...

hehehe she seriously looks like a unicorn heheheh..

Laura said...

what a blog.

i'm sorry for laughing. it probably hurt a lot. i hate bonking my head.

anyways. hope things are looking up for you alleah. it sounds like you and ace are really happy, and that makes me happy :)

Anonymous said...

awww poor alleah... though it is comical!!

I cant wait to see you on Monday!!!

Akiyhrah said...

awwwww... *kissies your owie*

amyleigh said...

lol! I wish I could see :P

Pineapple Princess! said...

mel loves alleah!

Queen of Hearts said...

he he my head is so a square.. you'll have to feel it.. it has these 4 weird bumps.. i fell down alot as a kid

Joe Guitar said...

Not as bad as when Trish an I were in bed and I tickled her and she smacked her head off my acoustic guitar!! lol. She had this big yellow bruise on her head for a week...she kep telling people that I beat her. :P

VivaLaPinto said...

I remember this one fling I had, I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and walked right into dude's electric guitar. I knocked it over, and it made this huge terrible sound, and woke up everyone in the house! :S