Thursday, January 19, 2006


so, I just read a whole whack of Barbara-ra-ra-ra's old posts, apparently about this dude named Dave who did a bunch of shit, and then a bunch of more shit, which resulted in shit from accomplice-type person--yada yada yada, the main idea is that poor Barbara has had a few shitty weeks, and I feel for her so. It also made me regret who little time I spend with my old friends. I miss you Collective, and lower branches! Our escapades were invaluable, and have done so much to makle me the person I am. Sure it may sound odd that having wet noodle fights and and singing Sum 41 opera-style have anything to do with growth as a person, but let me tell you as a fourteen year old, I would much rather be having innocent snok fun, than trying to sell hash to people sitting at bus stops (some kid did that to me as I was going home from the grocery store; ew).

I miss all the things we did, and how close we were, and how when we talked we knew everything that was going on in each others lives. I miss when each of us were the barr-none most important people in each others lives, and how you always knew that you could count on them to know exactly what bizarre thing you were talking from only a few mixtures of pronouns and verbs. ("Brianna, where's the--" "Top drawer, beside the stove.")

Thinking back on it, you two were the only people I could be my unadulterated shit-head little self with, because even the boys I dated wouldn't put up with it. It takes so much more than just physical familiarity to make the kind of bond that I had with you guys.

It's changed since those days, and it's still there, but different. I just hope we can still make the most of it and become as close friends now as we were then, even if the people you hang with Brianna, and the people you go to school with, Laura, are different than the people I theatre with.

So on with more mundane subjects, you might be interested to know that Ace and I broke up for about a week a little while ago. I was really depressed after my mom died and it got to the point where he couldn't handle it anymore, and needed some space. I was, of course, dismayed, but I supported him, and didn't get offended or anything, but just let him go. In the space of Monday to Saturday, we ended up getting back together. I was miserable, and from all accounts, so was he. I was really scared to get back together with him, and still am a little. I find myself analysing every littloe gesture, hoping against hope he won't decide it was a mistake.

The way we got back together was actually pretty funny in itself. We were at this party at an ex-theatre students house, and he was my ride home, but on the way he got stopped by a road check. He was carrying two passengers in his car, and although he'd stopped drinking at eleven, and was fine to drive, he blew a .02 on the Breathalyser, and any alchohol is prohibited for the new N. He ended up having his license suspended for twelve hours, so Kylan had to come and drive Sarah Robb home, and me and Ace back to my place. There, of course, we ended up talking about how miserable we both were, and when we went to bed, I didn't want to sleep on my cold messy floor in the living room, so we shared my bed. And the rest, they say, is history. ;D

I love my grand-relatives so, but I'll be really happy when they leave, and I can do my boyfriend in the privacy of my own (my VERY OWN!) home.

So, I have somehow managed to pay two months rent all by my little lonesome, and I have enough in my bank account at this very moment for next month. Little teeny-weeny minimum wage Pinto is paying $750 in rent all by herself! The bad news is, I've had to give my dogs to the SPCA. I miss them SO MUCH! I cried so hard when I did it. I can't think about it for two long, or it depresses me like nothing else. But unfortunately, I just can't afford them. And I'm a theatre student, a slave of the all-encompassing entertainment industry. I just don't have the time to give my babies the attention they need. So adopted they get. And I am stuck in an expensive, gigantic home by myself. The upside is, the theatre department (and all my other friends for that matter) have a permanent p-tay location! I have eleven fucking acres, dude! Party on!

The downside of that bastardly expensive house is that I've learned to subsist on coffee, and what others feed me. Good on me! I'll be skinny enough for the camera in no time!

Oh yeah, back to the title of this post, another thing about reading about poor Barbara's terrible times is that I've realized just how undramatic my own life is right now. I dunno if I like it or not. The only scandal that I'm even remotely associated with isn't even about me. I'm involved only slightly.

Anyways, I wanna go read more blogeroos. Peace out, yo.


MattyRob said...

Woohoo! First comment by me in months!

Brianna said...

aw Pinto! I miss you too! but dont worry, theres a Down With Love party coming up soon ( of COURSE!) and also Laura got a new shakespeare in a box!!!

im soooo sorry to hear about your dogs. I know that was the last thing you would ever want to do :(

but hey, now you can live, right?
invite me over to your place sometime for a raging party, k??