Thursday, January 19, 2006

today list

I haven't done one of these for a year and a half. I think I shall now.

i wore: jeans, my Wellington Grad long-sleeved tee, matching socks (for once), shoes with duct tape on them, and mismatching underwear. And a pretty toque.
i ate: juice in the early morning, coffeee and fruit salad for breakfast before eight thirty rehearsal, Harvest Cheddar sunchips, and Sour cream and cheddar baked ruffles during Theatre History, and a hot dog and a seven up during the directors and SM meeting.
i did: not much of anything. rehearsal for What Colour Animal Are You? which went really well. Jordan Davies called me a diva. Theatre History class in which I made a big deal out of giant penises, a director and stage managers meeting, and then waiting and bitching for Ace. Now I'm in the library, missing my bus, over and over.
i like: making people laugh
i dislike: the fact that Ace is in Vancouver until Saturday night.
brag moment: making Ashley (my director for What Colour) laugh out loud at a schtik, even though she's seen it a million times!
cringe moment: the many times Ace expected me to tell him I loved him over and over again on the phone while I was in the presence of somebody else. I wanted to, but it's embarrassing when there's somebody else there.
i plan to: go home, and buy Gramma gum.

so there! sucks to your ass-mar!


MattyRob said...

Wow...2 post in one day? And I'm the first to comment on both?! Never thought I'd see the day!

Give Vancouver a break! I live here! We hold people hostage for reasons!

Joe Guitar said...

That was a joke...don't mock your stage manager's when they're trying to give notes or make things more's my job to make sure this play looks good everytime we run it so give me a break.

Queen of Hearts said...


.. i don;t hink i have anything fun to say. .... Oh... hmm.. nah... oh .. yea.. no... anyways .. oph... yea... nope.. talk to ya later. hehehe . ~Lisa~

Akiyhrah said...

Blah blah blah... I'm Matt Damon.. blah blah...

VivaLaPinto said...

:O, Kaitlyn! whoa times a million!

Brianna said...

for a second I read "buy gramma gum" as not buying your grandmother some gum, but buying like, a new brand, gramma gum. Im such an idiot :P

Pineapple Princess! said...

Hey you! COngrats again on much fun in the one acts. We should hang out sometime soon! If not, see you at DOwn WIth Love!!!