Friday, April 21, 2006

astro babble

FUCKING internet window just closed the post I was writing, so now I have to rewrite it. RAWR

Courtney brought over a book called Love Signs, and just for shits and giggles, I read the section about Leo, and Capricorn. I seem to have this thing with Leos. I've been involved with four of em. Ace, Sean, Pumpkin Face, and my first bf, Brett, and the book actually had information that applied to both my meaningful relationships. One thing it said was that Leo would try to change Capricorn, and Sean was a perfect example. He was always declaring (from upon high) just how he thought I just be. Like for instance, he wanted me to drop acting, and become a veterinarian, just because I enjoyed biology. You guys can guess how that went over! Ace did the same thing; he was never particularly sensitive about how he thought my wearing pj pnats to school was gross. And it hurt a lot. But I dealt with it, the same way the book supposed Capricorn women would deal with it. I said nothing at first so as to keep the peace, because a little part of me could see his point. But eventually, it developed into this huge issue, that we had our biggest fight over, and ultimately we pretty much ended up breaking up over.

For another thing, the book described Leos as having these grand ambitions, and every confidence that these ambitions would be realized. For Ace, there was never any question that he would become a sound designer. And he did.

One thing, it talked about was how Capricorns and Leos fought most often over money, and how to deal with it effectively. One thing that was never a problem between Sean and I was money and looking back, I realize that we had the same attitude towards it that the book said would be ideal for Leo and Capricorn.

Ironically, the very first thing the chapter says is, "The Leo male believes that he is, by far, the most practical person he knows" which is exactly the view Ace had. And he had some credence to that; he has a Virgo ascendant which is the essence of practicality. But I could never pretend that I didn't think Ace's opinion of his own practicality was greater than what it actually was. Giving advice to Ace was like sitting on the ground and telling the Earth to remold itself into a cube, just for my pleasure.

One thing that always fascinated me about Ace was how much time he spent in front of the mirror each morning, and there it was in the book!

One thing, I wasn't sure about was the way the book described Leo's inner reactions to dealing with Capricorns. It accused me of seeing Leo as being wasteful, careless, egotistical, and vain, all of which I think about one Leo ex-boyfriend, or another. And it said Leo finds Capricorn cold, selfish, unfeeling, and stuffy. I would be interested to find out if thats true about Sean and Ace.

Another thing I wasn't sure about was how Leos sense this "teaching" vibe from Capricorns, and that throws them off-balance, and makes them feel awkward, impractical, and foolish. I never thought Ace ever felt this way, but I have to admit, if he ever did, I would be the last person he'd ever admit it to.

The thing that was amazing though, was one of the paragraphs said, "Leo represents to Capricorn, the eighth house of sexual mystery, death, rebirth, reincarnation, and regeneration. This often takes unusual forms in their relationship, one them being that the association brings to Capricorn, through Leo some experience of death..." What the duece???? I'd been with Ace only three months when Mom died! And if I hadn't been with Ace, I would have been with Sean! Fuckin-A-weird!

So if Ace or Sean read this, you two should give me feedback on the things I wasn't sure about. And please don't be mad at me for anything! Everyone else, isn't that cool? Whether you believe in astrology or not, any objective critic has to admit that there are similarities to real life to be found within astrology.


Anonymous said...

hmm that book sounds interesting...

VivaLaPinto said...

update: I chilled with Ace today, and he said he thought I was cold when I was upset, but not unfeeling or stuffy. :) and of course he knew nothing about the me making him feeling insecure and foolish! called that one, eh?

Unknown said...

yeah those things are nuts.. i heard this really cool thing about palmestry.. that your lines line up with your neural paterns and also has some kind of astrological connection.. kayrazy.

Laura said...


i love's so interesting, and mind-boggingly (?) accurate at times.

anyways. i think i need to borrow that book when i come home.

VivaLaPinto said...


Anonymous said...

A now a message from the President of the United States Mr George W Bush.

Hello Alleah its George W here. Its funny you should mention star signs because only yesterday I was predicting the future of the queen of england. I had been invited to Buckingham Palace - supposedly to celebrate the queen's 80th birthday but really she wanted me to tell her fortune. She said to me "George I'm worried, everybody knows that Bryan Adams shagged Princess Diana, I'm concerned that when I die, the groover from Vancouver will use his relationship with the princess to make a claim on the throne of England". I said don't worry your majesty everybody slept with Princess Diana, even me, so there won't be a problem. She also told me she was worried about her son Charles who has come under the spell of a wicked witch - he once said he wanted to be her tampon in a recorded telephone conversation and it was all getting a bit embarassing. so I went to speak to charles about it. He said "George don't I care what other people think I just wanted to be her tampon. Besides I've got problems of my own. My wife Camilla has a face like a bull-dog licking piss off a stinging nettle and I can't become aroused. "Charles I said, don't worry - take the lady from behind - like she's a bitch on heat". "I'd thought of that " said Charles " but anal sex makes me squeamish - its such a tiny orifice and I'm hung like one of your Texas studs". So I taught him the painless method that has been passed down from father to son through the Bush family for Generations and after that everybody was happy. The English royal family eh ! Bunch of fucking nutters.Any way I'm off to plan the nukeing of Iran good luck with the stars and stuff. God bless you all and god bless America.

Anonymous said...


alleah... any idea who is leaving the awesome george w bush posts??

Anonymous said...

cant belive i read all that.... and the survey.

funny you never talked more about how us leos unlock the house of sexual mystery.

and you never humiliated me or made me feel foolish. thats my job

VivaLaPinto said...

Whoever wrote those George W. comments will be my husband. and that's that.

I typed something about seuxal mystery to Ace, but it sounded really mean, so I erased it. just thought you should know.

Unknown said...

i wish i got george comments! you're loved alleah

Unknown said...

Banging the queen- hooking up with someone soley for the story