Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I am the most awesomest of awesome!!!

Today was my gig with theatre one! :D bestest most crazy sweet day EVER! I started at ten thirty, and we all just sort of sat around the board room table talking before we started the read through. It was me, Lee, Burt, the writer Kim, and the other actors were Yvonne (playing Jocelyn), Adrian (playing Frank; whom I now have a little school girl crush on), Russell (playing one of the three male actors) and Michael (playing the other male actor). It was a pretty frickin awesome read through I think. I did pretty well, and I just fell in love with Adrian's voice! He's just an amazing actor! Great energy. He wasn't just reading, he was really getting into it, right up to making his water bottle into props, and whatnot. He even left the room a couple of times because of what the scene had his character doing! It was great. Anyways, when we finally broke for lunch, we all headed to Tina's behind the Arts Centre on Commercial. (Ace, you and I have been there before) and I sat with Lee, Yvonne and Adrian, talking shop. It was so great. I learned so much about the reality of being a working Canadian actor from today. We talked all about various theatre experiences, about the show, about what else we did. Adrian teaches at Spotlight! The adult on-camera classes. It might be a good idea...

Anyways, when we came back from lunch it was discussion time. I'm not actually doing the show. It won't get into production until April of next year. But the playwright was workshopping it and that's what Burt called me for. So we started just kind of complaining about it! lol! And there were some really really excellent ideas thrown out. I think the best one came from Michael. The scene in question was where Frank was just kind of standing on stage, and it kind of molds from party to's a wedding, a funeral, a retirement party, and they're all for this mysterious "Bill"! The idea behind it was that Frank Ney went to so many functions that he never really knew the people who's big day it was. And I've always loved the scene, but the other experienced actors were all unsatisfied with it. Then Michael throws out the idea to make each transition a little shorter, and build the momentum that way and then finally Frank ends up back at home with his daughter Michele and there's a profound moment in the play. I won't spoil it for you, cause I want every single one of you to come see it. But I thought that his idea was the best thing I'd heard ever!

So that was le super awesome! And the writer Kim adored me, cause I was the only one who appreciated the "Bill" metaphor. :P And the best thing about the whole thing is that---I GET TO DO IT TOMORROW TOO!!! :D

In other news, work sucks, I'm buying a Bronco, and moving has been put on hold. And the Canadian government are ass-bastards. Guess who DIDN'T get to take her L test today because she's an orphan? YEAH! that's right! ME! I either have to wait six months until I'm nineteen (OUT of the question); wait two months for Sherayna to get full guardianship papers which is NOT going to happen, cause it'll royally fuck with my life and the things that I can and can't do; OR pay sixty fucking dollars to get a letter of support from my fucking optometrist! I HATE LIFE! Whatever. Fuck the world. I'm buying my truck, and I am driving to work.

I miss you guys. I no longer have a social life, and it saddens me. But I keep telling myself, it's only until September, and I get my Student Loan. It's enough to tide me for the last three months until December when I get my settlement money! :D Plus I'll have saved up a fucking shitload from right now. I've been working sixty plus hours a week for the past four weeks. This week, I'm working ninety-six hours between my two jobs and my gig. o_O

So yeah, things are a little hard right now. But mostly things are pretty frickin sweet ass!!!!


-Charlie- said...

"adult on-camera classes"? Sounds racy.

VivaLaPinto said...

haha! I KNEW someone was going to make that connection! :P

And yeah, I've been trying to be pretty tight-fisted with my bread, but it's hard.