Saturday, July 15, 2006

survey of Pinto the Emo-est! (emost if you will)

I've decided to take on an alter-ego for this survey. because nothing else will do. :)

Finish the sentence:
1. My ex is: a black exacto knife cutting chunks out of my shriveled heart.
2. I am listening to: the voices
3. Maybe I should: throw myself off a tall building. hopefully I'll land on someone who hates themselves as much as I do.
4. I love: nothing
5. My bestfriend is: the bleakness of my wasted life that is with me always.
6. I don't understand: what's not to understand? life sucks, and I am hellspawn.
7. I lost: everything
8. People say: stuff, but I can't hear it because of the buzzing in my ears from all the emotional torture I go through from the time I open my bloodshot eyes from the time I fall asleep, wishing I wouldn't wake up.
9. The meaning of my screen name: ****___~~~~*~**~^%#@&*(~~~***^$@#$^&#@%%^$^$^$%^DiEdIeDiE***%^$!~*()(&$@@!!~~~~~~****^&%&------#!~~~~!#%*())())()))(******************** the meaning of my screen name is that I am just too sad to say anything, so I express my emotions in symbol.
10. Love is: something only the priveledged feel. I have nothing but my envy and pain.
11. Somewhere, someone is: cutting out a little doll that looks just like me, with my asymetrical haircut, and all-black attire, and they are sticking needles into that poor little dolls heart over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER....again.
12. I will always try to be: like no one else...all those other little emo kids think they have it so tough, but they don't know what REAL pain looks like!!!! (I take back those exclamation marks)
13. Forever seems: too short a time for my pain to heartbreak, and misery will last long after my death and the deaths of those who have made me this way.
14. I never want to: understand your happy little world with your money and your friends and your family dinners. You need to watch your blood flowing in the streets to UNDERSTAND!!!! (again, I take back those exclamation marks)
15. My cell phone: is lonely--like my heart.
16. When I wake up in the morning, I: take five pain killers and cut myself so I bleed--like my heart.
17. I get annoyed: when people don't understand that to me, the world is black--like my heart.
18. Parties are: a cruel invention created for the sole purpose of making me feel like even more of a loner freak than I already do. I take the opportunity to take more drugs and cut myself with other people, because they won't remember why they're covered in blood in the morning. I'll tell them they spilt their vodka ceasar.
19. My Dog is: dead--like my heart
20. Kisses are the best when: mixed with my blood and tears
21. Today I might: write an epic poem showing through medieval metaphor and imagery how right my emo philosophy is and how one day all those who oppose me will burn in hell.
23. Tomorrow I will: die a painless death with any luck.
24. I really want: this hurt to stop (but not really)
25. I am: pure pain in human form



-Charlie- said...

I am sorry, Alleah, but the joke has been taken into the realm of the absurd and has ceased to be funny at this point. Do not get me wrong, I looooooove making fun of emos, but this is just ridiculous.

Ky said...

i me sometime alleah!

Akiyhrah said...

I disagree too. That was hilarious! l(ike my heart!) lol

barbara_mary said...

Geoff's just angsty because he's e-mo to the h-core and is offended :p

Anonymous said...

oh barb how i love thee

Akiyhrah said...

Barb, I could kiss you!!

-Charlie- said...

Akiyhrah said...

-Charlie- said...

getting old.

-Charlie- said...

THIS is good emo satire.

Anonymous said...

The rain drops sting like tiny razors. they cut your name into my soul.

Pineapple Princess! said...

I thought it was funny too :D

VivaLaPinto said...

I am Alleah's smarmy grin directed at Geoff.

-Charlie- said...

Why the smarmy grin?

VivaLaPinto said...

