Monday, August 28, 2006


BSL: Breed Specific Legislation. In ontario, pit bulls are being exterminated.

For being Pit Bulls.

As a staffordshire Terrier, that means if Quinn had stayed on Ontario, my baby Clovie would have been put down. Now all of you know Clovie...what has she done to deserve that? In Ontario, pit bulls, and all breeds related to them and all pit bull crosses are taken from their owners, stuck in a dirty, uncaring, cruel facility, left to starve, rot away from disease, beaten and mistreated, neglected until finally they are murdered. Family dogs, therapy dogs, even frigging police dogs are taken. Why? Because they are pit bulls and pit bulls are vicious child killers. Heads up: more people are attacked by other kinds of dogs each year than pit bulls. Why not just murder all dogs?

Now what...what does this remind me of? hmmm, let me has something to do with death camps, and six-sided stars....

if you want to see something that will make you cry, go here:

if you don't agree with me and think BSL is a good idea, take a look at the photos above and tell me exactly what is so vicious about this beautiful, loving, obedient, devoted family member. give me a shoutout, whoever you canine-rascists are, and I will show you more proof of your own head up your ass than my dog being a child-killer, or most pit bulls, for that matter.


Joe Guitar said...

that is fucking stupid I love pitties.

Akiyhrah said...

I dislike all dogs in general, but I would NEVER wish to extermanate them, or in this case, one breed based on some statistics and isolated incedents. Its not the breed, it's the fucking owner!!! People discriminate the same way against rotwilers, but my aunt had one and he was the biggest, cuddliest teddy-dog ever!!! I loved that thing, despite my dislike for canines. I think the OWNERS should be "put down", not the poor puppies.

VivaLaPinto said...

hahaha, EXACTLY, Donna!

Anonymous said...

my sentiments exactly kaitlyn.. lets work on putting down the dumb vicious owners !!

VivaLaPinto said...

guess what else? I was reading into statistics on pit bull attacks: more than 2000 children are killed bye THEIR OWN PARENTS each year. That's 1,997 MORE people than are killed by pit bulls.

That's right. Over one hundred thousand people die from cigarettes per year, and they ban a breed that kills three.

Megan said...

Pit Bulls just have a bad rep. It's not the animal that is mean and cruel, it's the owner. ANY dog can become a "vicious" attack dog if the owner mistreats them or trains them that way.

I have a Rottweiler, and they get a bad rep too. They always play the mean vicious dog in the movies. When children see my dog, they get scared. But ask anyone, and they'll tell you Maya is one of the sweetest (and most chicken, ha!) dogs ever.

It's not about the dogs, it's about how they're treated. Take them out of the abusive homes and you'll have a lovable pet again.

Anonymous said...

That is so fucking retarted, Pitbulls are awesome and the fact that police dogs are being taken aswell is just simply bullshit. I can understand if they instated some law where first offence on any pit bull and they take it away or what not, like if it attacks someone, then well the owner should have been watching their dog, their bad, take THEIR DOG. Not everyone in the fucking province...what if someone has like a 12 yr old pit bull, or 16 yr old, even a 2 yr old dog, it doesn't matter that dog is now a member of your familly and taking a member of your familly because its a pit bull is the same thing as taking a person away and killing them because they are muslim, they are jewish (Throw the jew down the well, so my country can be free! omg such a bad time but I just saw that Borat Video again, and lol it was so funny), wether they be black, or hey lets go back 100's of generations and just kill all women and children while we are at it. Like WTF is wrong with people...Its the owners fault when attacks happen, not the dog, Dogs are not vicious, dogs are the result of a lifetime of training and treatment. Treat your dog right, train them properly and they are the best thing in the world. Anyways those were my two cents, though this is an old blog so I doubt any1 will read it, it still needed to be stated.

Much love, from the mainland to the island, coast to coast...This is Fraser signing out...and Russel....somebody gunna get a hurt...REAL BAD! (Sadly its the pitbulls)