Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am a raw exposed nerve. I am a gaping wound.

I am FUCKING pissed at Food Country. They are Ass Bastards of the HIGHEST caliber. They all must die. Suffice it to say, I think I'm quitting, and if they give me one mother-fucking excuse, I'm taking them to the labour board. And I'm talking ONE. One inappropriate comment, one check missing, ANYTHING, they're ass is grass. And I will make it as public and painful as I possibly can.

In other news, I'm reading the most excellent of books right now. It definitely deserves a mention, in this, my bloggy blog of wonder and joy. The main character kind of reminds me of Gregoire...if he was gay, and living in the eighties.

I have a big problem right now. I have not one single area of my life that brings me any kind of happiness or satisfaction. At all. That is not a good way to be, and may either be a side effect, or the cause of how depressed I've been lately. Like, debilitatingly depressed. It sucks. Work makes me want to throw things, and I only like the people some of the time. I have no boyfriend, never see my friends, and am getting more and more exceedingly unimpressed with my conduct at parties. I don't like how I treat myself. My home life has never been more unhappy. My roommates treat me like an errant child. The other day, Courtney got home from Vancouver a day earlier than she said she would, and because I hadn't cleaned up my camping-on-the-couch-crying-for-two-days mess yet, she threw all of it in my room on the floor, including a pizza box with leftover pizza in it, and a little container of ranch dip, which proceeded to explode all over my carpet without her noticing. I flipped, and she flipped back, saying, "Why should I have to clean up your mess" and I was like "You DON'T. We are roommates. I pay for this house too, so my shit has as much right to be lying around as yours does! Don't insult my intelligience and think I won't recognize spite cleaning for what it is!" I mean really, as if it isn't what I did every day to Sherayna at Hecate.

So there you go. Alleah is completely, unrestrainedly, overwhelmingly unhappy. As I said to Sherayna, life is more than just having awesome goals, or how likely you are to attain them. It has to be great RIGHT NOW too. And mine has never been more unsatisfactory.

What am I gonna do, you guys? Help...


Anonymous said...

aw alleah, when i see you tonight im going to give you a HUGE hug!!

Joe Guitar said...

Yeah Food CUNTry forced me to quit by hacking all my hours til couldn't afford to live. Rat bastards...

Akiyhrah said...

Tell that whore that its YOUR HOUSE and if she has a problem she can leave!

Don't worry, School's starting soon and you'll be a social butterfly again. XD

Ky said...


VivaLaPinto said...

:) I love all of you! I am literally counting the hours....

28 days, four hours and twenty minutes until SCHOOL!!!!!