Saturday, August 19, 2006

legal tender

I caught a fake bill yesterday! it was so cool!

me and Barbara had this conversation a couple weeks ago about checking bills, and how she checks all of hers. I thought, the only fake bill I've ever seen was a doesnt it make sense that I should check every bill I'm given? So I started checking compulsively, right? Whenever, I get a bill, I'll scratch the shoulder of the person on it, to see if they're raised, and if it's a ten or a twenty, I'll look through to see if I can find the face, right? It takes me ten seconds to do, an then I put it away. I mean, I get some pretty funny looks from people when I check their fives, but whatever. I mean we all have these little notes recently about checking large bills, so I just refer to that as my excuse.

well, anyways, one of Sarah's friends came through yesterday, and she gave me a five that felt smooth when I checked the shoulders! hello! so I tilted it, and I couldn't find the maple leafs, this time, my eyes were all wide, and I was like, whoa! So I took it to the UV light, and it had TWO bar codes!!!!! OMG! So I took it to Pat, and said, I dunno what to do with it, it's fake. So she took it out to the til, and said, we can't accept it, it's fake. The lady was so pissed, she was like, I got this from YOU this morning in drive thru! And Pat just looked at me, and I was like, I'm really the only one who checks small bills. I'm probably the only one who would have caught it.

So she was out five bucks, and I was in Pat's good graces! :)

My other klegal tender story is hat someone tried to give me a Euro instead of a dime, yesterday, and I was like...hey buddy? this is gold. I need real money. he laughed at me and found a dime.


Unknown said...

ALLEAH, this is the sweetest post ever. thats so fuckin cool.

Akiyhrah said...

we have this pen thing at our Timmys and if its counterfit it will leave marks and this one girl, Shannon, has a habit of going through all the tills, pulling out all the bills, and checking them. XD I'm not sure if she's ever found anything though

Anonymous said...

i used to always check money when i worked at the coffee shops on the mainland.

once... my own boss at a coffee shop accepted a fake 100!!

how retarded is that!!

VivaLaPinto said...

:O tell her she's the stupidest of stupid. and I hope she works for my timmies boss one day, cause she would have been fired for that!

A lady who's worked for Pat for like ten years accepted a fake fifty the other day by accident, and Pat demoted her from supervisor, and threatened to fire her!

Unknown said...

oh so im durnk and thought id send a drunk blog comment so that i can read it later and be embarraassed and laugh at mysef... there was agigrl at the cambie and i thought she was you she looksed like you and i was like high alleah and she looked and i as og shit. it was fgunny.

Richard said...

I love your blogs alleah.
You write them like a journal, but a journal that's effin hilarious to read. I swear you could almost make a comic about your life with the way you write these blogs.
It'd be a helluva lot funnier then
family circus I could tell you that much.

<>< Mantrain

VivaLaPinto said...

:D awww! You guys are great! especiallyyou alana! I have to go drinking with you immediately! Call me today if you're not too hungover!