Wednesday, August 30, 2006

little ball of wretched

naw, not really...I pretty much titled this post the first thing that came to mind. So, the plan for Saturday is...Kelly (my Timmies manager) rock-s0rs, so she let me only work a half day, so I'll be able to clean my house and whatnot. I'm not coming into my shift at Food Co. that night...cause I don't wanna. Sucks to be them. And for the rest of the night, we shall all have much fun, drinking and whatnot. If people have fun stuff to do, they should bring it...just to have something OTHER than drinking games to play! I mean, come on, it's either that, or we all get nekkid, playing strip poker!

I am unimpressed with Brianna as I don't think she will be coming...if anyone else isn't coming, please RSVP! And Ryan (who is lame-ass and in Vancouver) gave me the brilliant idea of getting Libratorb Dave drunk and filming him making out with a theatre girl! So that is my devious plan for the evening. Amber, Donna I am counting on you two to help me make it happen! :P All y'all who are coming, feel free to bring randoms, cause there'll be some there anyways. And digital cameras are a MUST! I want excellent pics from the only party I got to host this summer!

So, in other news, I quit Food Co today...I felt so bad giving my notice to Sue!!!! Her face just fell, and she gave me a big hug and I nearly started crying! :( I'm going to miss working there so much...I chose Food Co, because I can't count on Marty to give me the right shifts off, and if it comes down to it, if I have to choose between a rehearsal and work, I'm obviously going to go to rehearsal. So, that was the basis for my final choice. Watch me regret it in two weeks when Pat decides to release her inner succubus now that I am trapped in Timmies' Hell.

Ok, I think that's enough post for you. Last thing: Ontario and Denver SUCK for breed specific legislation! They shall be annexed into my new country, called Alleah-Loves-Dogs-Land. Whereupon, all their laws shall be amended to say, "dogs must be loved" at the end.

Speaking of laws, did you know that it is ILLEGAL to ride your horse into Nanaimo's court house? what a freakin gip! I'm mad about that. And it's ESPECIALLY illegal to ride your horse into Nanaimo's courthouse and discharge a firearm while court is in session?

Now where's the fun in life???


-Charlie- said...

you mean to say that if I wanted to charge into the Nanaimo Court House on my bandito steed firing both of my six-shooters in the air yelling "Yeeeeehaw! I am taking over this nyaw court 'o' law and runnin' you sumbitches outta this town!" I could be summarily arrested?

Anonymous said...

why are me and kaitlyn supposed to get him drunk and make out with him!!!

i dont want to make out with anyone

and i am sure kaitlyn doesnt either!!

and if i go... i might not drink... i have a lot to do with my house... but I will try to at least make an appearance at le partay

Unknown said...

so alana is working the late shift. those bitches wont give me saturday and metric off.

Megan said...

This is me RSVPing to say I can't go to your party...

Because I'm moving to Victoria tomorrow.

So sorry dahling, perhaps some other time. Considering that I've never been to any of your parties yet...perhaps this is just a tradition that was not meant to be broken?

VivaLaPinto said...

:( Megan, don't say that! there will be a time! And no one has to help me corrupt Dave..but I do need an accomplice...volunteers would be appreciated!

alana, would you like me to fake being a frantic family member with an emergency to get your night off? ;D

Unknown said...

ive done that recently..:S... and too late... after 2am probably. is dave the one who wears lots of plaid and had long dark hair.. kinda curlyish?

Anonymous said...

alleah, I can help you get him drunk but not that making out part

since at one of geoff's parties i managed to get dave to drink a bit... i think i could convince him to drink a lot this time :) i just need slurpees

VivaLaPinto said...

oh yeah dude, that's all I really need help with is getting him wasted...he's not the beer bong kinda guy!

Once hes wasted the making out will take care of itself! :P come on! it's MY house!

Anonymous said...

hahaha oh my alleah