Sunday, August 13, 2006

*love in a nutshell*

so, I've discovered I am incapable of having a good time at work before 1pm. that's about it. for six hours of my shift, I suck at everything, I fuck up orders, everyone gets mad at me, and I get mad at everyone else. And then from 1pm onwards, work is sweet! Everything I do is smooth like butta, all my customers love me, and I have so much fun w/ my coworkers...weird.

me and Whitney's awesome headset convo:

"Alleah where are you?"

"Far end of front. I'm sweeping, why?"

"Come to the freezer."


"You'll see"

I walk in, and she has this lump of chocolate chip cookie dough for me, and she's like, "your turn, I'm finished mine!" it was THE funniest thing!

then later, just before we got off shift, we were talking about acting, and she takes lessons from Adrian Hough, the actor I was in love with at the Being Frank workshop, and I confessed my huge crush on him, and she was like "he has a wife and kids you know" and I was like "I know" and pouted. We had a good laugh, and then served some customers. Apparently she's waitlisted for the program! WEIRD! I told her to go to the classes anyway, cause there'll probably be like three twinks who drop out...

I went to this crazy spot at the river way out past the Bungy Zone yesterday with Ace. It was sweet! Way long hike all the way down and back, but it was such a pretty spot. We bought a case a beer, and some chips, hung out for a while. Good times! We went back to Robin's, and I stayed over in his sexy ghetto van! :P I want him to come through drive thru again, so I can be like, "That comes to blah blah dollars and blah cents. You live in a van." :D

Oh yeah, I guess no one really knows...Ace's ex roommates suck, and stole his rent money, so now he lives in a van that his Mom bought him! BURN! He can never call me ghetto again! Also, Ace = Beef Dip. So it has been prophecied...


Anonymous said...

at least i own up to being ghetto.

VivaLaPinto said...

I'm not ghetto, though! do I look like a racial minority? (ooh, that's the racist-ist thing I've said--EVER)

Akiyhrah said...

BIATCH!!! COME TO THE PICNIC!! Call in sick if you have to!!

-Charlie- said...

yeah, a van that his mom bought for him. So ghetto.

VivaLaPinto said...

I dunno what you're even trying to say Geoff. quit being negative. if you wanna be a bummer, go do it on your own blog. this is MY party and you CAN'T cry if you want to!

Anonymous said...

Oh snap, point one goes to short people

VivaLaPinto said...


Akiyhrah said...

Hehehe go Alleah!