Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pinto really IS emo!

oh no!!!!!! I have fallen into the Pit of Despair!!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!

BAH! I HATE emo people! I don't wanna be one! But I've noticed a distressing tendency in the past couple weeks to constantly bitch about how much my life sucks! And, yes it sucks. Quite h-core, in fact...but that's NO excuse for Alleah to sink as low as the beer-cryers and start moaning and dripping about it!

wtf is WRONG with me??? How the deuce do I FIX it???

I've burned no less than FOUR emo cd's in the past two weeks! Granted, one was for a friend for work, but it was nonetheless EMO, and did NOT portray me as the super-excellent partying Pinto of Awesemity that I am!!! It's all Modest Mouse's fault. The music is just so goooood, it makes me want to lie apathetic on a couch all day and listen to it, while thinking about how screwed up I am.

I need some Jefferson Starship. STAT! oh well...Feist will have to do.

EDIT** I went to see Snakes on a Plane yesterday w/ Geoff and Monkey and Kemal. good movie, although the band that sings that stupud song is THE ugliest group of people I've ever seen. And this is after four years of Jessica Scott and her friends! wow.... (haha! Laura--"it must suck to be that gross" you are the meanest ever!)

And party THIS Saturday night at MY place! Be there, or I will KICK you!!!!! Help save me from my own emo!


Anonymous said...

can I invite Melia to your party?

and dont forget im bringing sean and sarah too!

Unknown said...

nothing wrong with a little leslie!

" Ive had it! its time to get these MUTHA FUCKIN' SNAKES, OFF MY MUTHA FUCKIN' PLANE!"

-Charlie- said...

Samuel L "Motherfucker" Jackson is my god damn hero. I have a few heroes. He is one.
I seriously do not think the band at the end were that ugly. There are many many bands that are much uglier than them. That song was pretty catchy, too.

VivaLaPinto said...

the song was ok, except for that stupid girl. God, she was ugly, and useless! Her entire involvement in the song consisted of ONE lyric repeated over and over while making really disgusitng sexy faces at the camera.

*dry heaves*

And it's Samuel 'Motherfucking' L. Jackson, bitch!

Anonymous said...

**is wondering why her question which was the 1ST COMMENT was ignored**

VivaLaPinto said...

sorry, geex! Yeah, it says in my emial, friends are welcome. there'll be TONS of randoms there, so don't even worry about it.