Thursday, January 18, 2007


omg...please god get me through this.

So tomorrow I work at seven, eh? Til three AM. Then I work at seven the next day too. Then the next day, I have q2q and dress tech for U-town from one to five...not such a bad day, considering. The next day, I have my theatre history presentation, our little acting skits go up, then I have a rehearsal from seven to ten, then I work from eleven PM to seven AM. I stay up for Mike's class until twelve thirty, then catch a few Z's in the green room until people get there at seven for U-town. Then I go back to work at eleven til seven the next morning. That night is preview. And then we're in.

What have I got myself into? I'm always pushing myself, but this is ridiculous...can I really do this in the week leading up to opening? I CAN'T get sick. I can't, I can't... I hope Leon and Ross are ok with me missing Wednesday, because I MUST sleep that day. I was going to sleep Tuesday too, but we start masks that day. I might end up missing it anyway...we'll see what kind of shape I'm in. And the only reason I'm working is because ass-bastard Mitch decided that he wouldn't let me have the time off. I tried to book the week off, and he's like, "NO." Straight up, NO, had no sympathy for me at all.

Please guys, if I do miss stagecraft that day, please understand what my next week is going to be like, and please don't harass me about it. I'm going to be extremely stressed out.

lovey lovey to all! I'll see ya on the fourth, lol! Cause that's the next time I'll be truely awake! :P


Anonymous said...

Alleah you're insane
But you can do it.

Anonymous said...

Nuff said. I don't know how you handle so much stress... you're so small. Well, keep it up darling. You can do it.

Anonymous said...

i could kill your will be worth it..THIS SHOW IS GOING TO KICK ASS!!!

Anonymous said...

don;t kill yourself ok. cuz that would suck... a whole bunch

but for now courage

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Alleah! I bet you handle stress and pressure better then I do. I'm already sick.. stupid stress

I'll help M murder your boss too if you want

Anonymous said...

you crazy!!!!!!! you must be so tired. Ill hook you up to an IV with a caffiene drip. I have a feeling your java hut card will be letting you get a free coffee in the very near future.