Thursday, February 22, 2007

"'Save Harewood School?' ...or I could put my shoes on you!"

my night in a glance:


and then.....

Amber gets home from the bar.

"Alleah stop typing so loudly, you're giving me a headache!"

"I can't get away from the wall!"

"My pants are talking to you!!! *talking pants voice* Alleah! Make me some toast"


"Kaitlyn! KAITLYN! Kaitlyn! KAITLYN! Why are you walking around better than me?"

"Alleah! Can you cut me some cheese? Kaitlyn? Somebody? Cut me some cheeeese!"

"I'M Peach!!!!!"

Me: "Amber"


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

truths about the truths

Since there's been a truth trend going on lately, in our bloggeroos of joy and laughter, I've been noticing stuff about them. Whenever we write thruths about people we like but are mad at, we always say, "you have a lot of growing up to do--but I still like you" Now maybe this takes the fun out of guessing, but isn't the whole point of doing the truths to talk about what you're mad about, and get it out of your system?

If any of you have written one of these kind of truths about me, please tell me what you're mad at?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

ambers a meanie

she changed the song from my beloved Killers to some silly thing! How cruel is that?

So I'm going to hell. Just so you know.

I kinda wish something exciting would happen. I'm having trouble focusing, lately. I feel robotic, as if I'm going through the motions of life, but there's really no reason to. I hate it when I feel that way. When it gets to the point, where I go, "what's the frickin point anymore?" I hate feeling ambivalent.

I need something to make me feel alive again. I want to have a puppy to take care of, or to get a call from Bard, or to get the Urinetown DVD's. I want to drive. I want to have a BIG success, that makes me feel fantastimically amazing about myself. I'm so bored with the routine. Go to school, do some work, go to rehearsal, go to work, eat, sleep, smoke, where is all this going? Am I on the right path? Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing the right way? I feel like there's too much time in the day, and at the same time, not enough.

RAWR. Alleah needs something to really sink her teeth into.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

thinkie thinkie

let's start off with a nice round of judgements! woo-hooo!

1) Well, you're pretty, you're funny, you seem to be happy and you make someone I care deeply about happy, you seem like someone I would have a lot of fun why I don't I know you very well? And it's not just you either, it's most of your ilk. You seem like so much fun, so why havent I gotten very close to you at all? Let's hang out and change that, k?

2) Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll forgive me my jackassery...I'm not the easiest person to spend most of your time with, and I know that. I don't like the tension between us lately, and am scared that the whole cliche roommate-situation-destroys-friendship thing will happen to us. You're so cool, I love hanging out with you, and I think we get along famously most of the time. Please don't let my petty bitchiness, or yours get in the way of that.

3) I wonder why you're nice to me when we're hanging out by ourselves..and then you're back to the normal patterns of pretending you don't like me the minute someone else shows up. I know how you really feel about me deep down under the meanie days, and the silly playfighting...but it gets pretty exhausting, you know? I mean, how am I supposed to react, when I know what I know, but you act the way you do?

4) Of the Malaspina program, you will be the ten percent that succeeds. Your professionalism, and easy-going personality, sheer likeability, are all traits I envy in you. You are amazing...cheers and I hope to be working with you in five and ten and fifteen years!

5) You still intimidate me right down to my core...I mean, don't get me wrong, I think you're great, and I understand you a lot better underneath all that cool than I did a year ago. But it's like standing in the presence of live electricity when I'm around you...I'm scared that if I move, you'll pounce on me and eat up all my cool, like a cool lion...a cool cat you might even say! (I can just imagine the look you'd give em at that, and it's a courage-withering stare) I wish I could stop being so intimidated by you, long enough to really get to know you...I envy my roommate the friendship she has with you.

6) Wow, is this show going to be interesting...I never thought in the two years we've been in this program, we'd EVER get casted the way we have. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it! Who would? But it's so bizarre, and if someone had told me in high school what I'd be doing in this show and with who, I would have asked them who's crack they'd been smoking. I think you're a fantastic actor, such a watchable person, and I think if you really really want it, you'll go far with this. It's such a joy to work with you, absolutely.

7) Damn, you're so fine! I *heart* working with you! Another one who truly deserves to succeed! So much fun to work with, and hopefully, working closely on this, we'll become closer too! If you weren't so damn HAWT, I'd ask you to be my wing girl for real and not just in the show...but as it is, you'd steal all the boys!

8) hmmmm...what about you...I don't know nearly enough about what I really feel for you to be able to write this...but I'll try anyways. You are--attractive. Exceedingly so, you might even say. A LOT of fun, and that is the most important matter what happens lets always be able to hang out and just chill, cause that's the most important thing, right? You are unsuitable in so many many ways, it's just ridiculous, and honestly, I am so confused about how I feel for you, and about how you feel for me, that I sincerely doubt anything could ever happen because it'd be so damn awkward. I don't know, I guess what I'm saying is, it's your move. It'll always be your move, because I won't risk it, taking matters into my own hands...way too much to lose.

9) I really really miss you. You're so out of reach even though I see you everyday...even when I can get you away from the rest for a few minutes, something always comes up. You're too busy for me anymore...have you forgotten what it used to be like? Do you remember the sleepovers, the harmony, the pure confidence in the knowledge that we had a place in this world with each other, and how that place was perfect in its way for each of us? What happened to that? I suppose I always knew on some level we'd grow up, and grow away, and start leading our own lives. But why now? Honestly, does anything you have now compare to the way it used to be with us? We were fun, and innocent, and talented, and had something amazing. And it was allowed to just slip away like so many tarnished memories. How can you look back and not regret that?

10) OMG I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES. Ok, maybe I'm not that serious, but you are the only person I can think seriously about dating for more than thirty seconds. You're talented and driven so I respect you, and funny and interesting so you aren't boring, and you're inexperienced so I wouldn't get burned. You're perfect for me and that's all there is to it. Too bad you're married to your career. *sigh*

Monday, February 12, 2007

Pink Floyd rocks my socks

so, I have a question for y'all! I'm doing my audition video this week, and for the DVD, I need performance pics, so if any of y'all have pictures of me in performance, would you be able to send me them? It would be so greatly appreciated if you could... Devin's gonna make me up one SEXY audition video, and for it to be amazingly fantastic as it should, I'll need some more pics than I actually have, k?


Saturday, February 10, 2007

insignificance and how it can work for you

I realized a lot of things between two thirty this morning and right now. First of all, the world is much too big a place to be changed, or even slightly influenced by a small girl such as myself. A child well reared is sure of it's important place in this world and is positive that it will be the one to succeed where others have failed and contribute to a sense of order and peace on this chaotic planet. The adult it becomes learns better, learns how big our home really is, and how difficult is can be to attain even a tiny niche to call it's own. I realized that no matter how sure I am of success, it takes only a couple of tiny "insignificant" circumstances to take it out of reach again.

Today I learned that no matter how skilled, how prepared I think I am, its not enough. I need to be more prepared. More skilled. More confident. CCPA is out of reach for another year for me because of a bunch of tiny stupid things (work, lost student card, inconvenient bus schedules, overextended me), and one huge thing (sheer unpreparedness). It's no one's fault but my own. I feel so small right now, and so utterly stupid. I think I can do it all, but I can't. But even knowing that, it's still not good enough. I MUST do it all. I have no other choice. I can't imagine any other choice but to do it all. Plan B is now put off for at least another year. Plan A MUST succeed, or at the very least Plan C. Plan D doesn't bear thinking about for at least another month.

While I feel utterly useless right now, perversely, it's only made me more determined to succeed in my next year. It's all me right now. No one's going to help me when I think I need it, no one will be there to pick up my slack. I owe it to myself to start carving the niche I want in life, or live with the consequences. And the consequences are unacceptable.

What I need to do, in the next week: PEN number, apply to Langara, get a transcript, get head shots done, start looking for apartments, get my L, finish my mask, start my essay, get a new student card, push myself harder than ever to do EVERYTHING. Take care of myself. Less sitting around, doing what I want, relaxing, more thinking of what needs to be done, what the next week will require of me.

I. Cannot. Fail.

Friday, February 09, 2007


don't you hate it when you copy something from someone's blog, but it doesn't change lines, so you have this huge mass of text instead of a nicely laid out survey to do? READ MY THOUGHTS!!!!

Odd Questions

1.) Do you talk in your sleep? constantly
2.) Red Jello or Blue Jello? jello? yuck. mousse; I'm classy!
3.) Whats the song thats getting on your nerves right now? sexy sad!
4.) Favorite Food Group: MEAT! Give me carcass...
5.) What's your favorite color(s)? pink and green! so obnoxious!
6.) Window seat or aisle seat? window seat, of course.
7.) Ever met anyone famous? I served Diana Krall and Elvis Costello when I worked at the Avalon. Even Grammy Award winners need popcorn.
8.) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? How can I be successful in my life yet? I'm less than a quarter of the way through it. I haven't even achieved ONE long term goal. Talk to me in five yearsa about success.
9.) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? cutting's for wimps. A real man twirls.
10.) Who do you like - Ricky Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Oh, I'm all about the Oprah. Go business conglomerate!
11.) Basketball or Football? football movies, and to watch live, hockey. basketball is lame. is this stupid survey American???
12.) How long do your showers last? As long as the water stays hot, and my fingers aren't too pruny.
15.) Are you self-conscious? yeah, especially lately. I don't think I'll ever come to terms with the shape of my bum.
16.) Have you ever given money to a bum? I gave a bum ten bucks today by accident...
18). Where do you wish you were? onstage in a professional show, or in the arms of a certain person
19. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? urgh, yes...don't ask me what it looked like, I happened to be unconscious at the time.
20.) Can you tango? can YOU tango? then shut the fuck up!
21.) Last gift you received? my christmas package from Amber; Both Jackass movies, and Robin Williams Live on Broadway a shirt that says "I'm blogging this" (how appropriate), and a funny door thing that I'm sure you'll all see next party.
22.) Last sport you played? haha, bocci ball at Geoff's house while we dated!
23.) Things you spend a lot of money on? lately, or in general? clothes, rent, smokes, coffee.
26) Favorite FAST food restaurant? Tim Horton's, unfortunately. Hey at least most of what I eat is free, and slightly less greasy!
27) What food will you not eat? Mushrooms. Oysters. Buckley's cough syrup. Anchovies. Liver. Tongue. Clam. I'm pretty picky...
28) Can you sing? can I ever!
30) What's your least fav. chore? I'm not a big scrubber...if I could have a maid for one thing, it would be wall scrubbing. Almost everything else, I get in a mood for and go nuts doing it until my house is spotless.
31) Favorite Drink? oh how I love liquids! Favorite alcholic drink that I have often? Strawberry Smoothie Bacardi Breezer. Alchohol drink in general? Probably that Electric Popsicle thing from the bar the other night. AMazing! Nonalchoholic drink? strawberry kiwi or peach juice. Designer coffee? now that is super difficult...each coffee shop has a different favorite. I adore my double caramel lattes from Jumpin Java, but mocha lattes from Demeter's are also amazing, whereas, venti white chocolate mochas OR caramel machiattos from Starbucks are glorious. Also Coyote's Pumpkin Spice Latte is INCREDIBLE! too bad it's seasonal...
32) Are you a vegetarian? HELLZ NO
33) Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
34) Do you miss someone? Always
35) Have you ever come close to dying? not that I know of. I've been in a few situations where if ONE thing had been slightly different about it, I could/would have died.
37) Are you eating? right now? no, I taste like pickle and that's making me a little nauseous.
38) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? mmmm, yep.
39) Do you wear makeup? quite often...I'm an actress!
40) Whats your worst fear? big spiders, falling, earthquakes, dying unnaturally.
41) Would you ever have plastic surgery? if I had a really good excuse, like having been in an accident.
42) What do you wear to bed? pj pants, and a t-shirt. pretty generic.
45) What kind of shoes do you wear usually? Usually my black skate shoes. Sometimes my black leather knee-highs.
46) Do you want kids? yes, but not until I have the right guy
47) Future child's name? Arianna. I also want a bunch of boys.
50) Do you snore? sometimes I wake myself up I snore so loud. mostly I deny it though
51) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? London!
52) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? *sigh* no... my bed is very big...and very lonely....
53) If you won the lottery, what would you do? buy a house, a car, and keep on doing what I'm doing.
54) Gold or silver? white gold. best of both worlds!
55) Hamburger or hot dog? I'm all about hamburgers.
56) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be ? sandwhiches. you get all the food groups and can pick them apart and horde whatever food group you're craving until you're satisfied and can switch cravings!
57) City, beach, country? I can't choose....
58) What was the last thing you touched? other than the computer, probably my face.
59) What did you eat last? pickles. and then some candy. before that grilled cheese. ew...
60) When was the last time you cried? last night. MasterHarper Robinton died in my book! It was reeeaaaally sad!
61) Do you read blogs? haha, damn straight!

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? currently, black... (I had to check! :P)
2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? CCPA auditions, the rest of this year, the rest of my life, boys, in that order.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? doing a survey; idiot.
4. Honestly, what did you do today? Slept in like a lazy shit, bought a new Discman, cashed my old work checks, stretched and jogged a little, then did all the dances from Urinetown twice, except for the break in We're Not Sorry which I did about thirty times. I actually made the double pirouette a couple times! After that, helped unplug the toilet, made grilled cheese for AKA, watched two Disney movies, allowed ass to fall asleep doing this stupid survey.
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? most of the time.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? yes...I smoked a whole pack...ew
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? FUCK no! Who has time to watch tv?
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? not really. Maybe Jilly and Gregoire, but I wouldn't say jealous, so much as envious.
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? being onstage, standing o's, knowing I'm on the right path.
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails? nope. Not unless one has a chip in it.
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now? well my ass is asleep and that really isn't conducive to a very good mood.
12.Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? no
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? no. and that's the problem.
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? no
16. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? not unless you count gargle gargle and the other one. And they're not important to hate. They're just irksome.
17. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? who/what? wtf kind of a question is that? who/what! yes I want to hug Santa Clause and a mailbox. (...I mock to keep from saying something emo)
18. Honestly, are you loyal? yes
19. Honestly, are you in denial? that my ass is asleep, and I should stop doing this survey and go do something constructive like memorize my monologue? yes.
21. Honestly, who is your best friend? ...*sniff*
22. Honestly, have you ever consumed alcohol? what a stupid stupid question
23. Honestly, do you like someone? lol, yes, but it's so sixth grade I would drown myself before ever admitting it here!
24. Honestly, does anyone like you? no
25. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them? honestly, shut the fuck up, impertinent survey.
26. Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly? no

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

steely eyed stare

ok. I got a question for y'all. I want an honest answer on this. Do not hold back, I value your opinions, and want honest feedback. Offense will not be taken because I am asking for you to lay it all bare.

Am I annoying? Well, obviously I have my regular annoying moments, but when am I REALLY annoying, and you just want to belt me into next week? I'm sure I have those moments, and I know it's hard to stomach, but I genuinely want you guys to tell me when I need to pull back a little. I don't want to be walking around in a cloud of my own arrogance, pissing you all off and have no idea the whole time. I was just talking about this, because lately, I FEEL annoying. You know what I mean? That feeling where all of a sudden everything you say comes out sounding ridiculous to yourself, and you can't seem to act like a normal person.

Also, with Urinetown having just ended, I've been asking the people I respect about their know, where I need improvement, that sort of stuff. And the feedback I've been getting is a little disturbing. Things like, hard to work with, presence-eater, good at making myself look good as opposed to making everyone onstage look good, diva-ish. I REALLY don't want to slide into the arrogance pit of doom. It's scary, thinking you just finished this amazing show, and hearing a lot of negative things from the people you respect the most. I know they told me because I asked, and they wouldn't have put it so bluntly if they didn't think I could fix it. But it has put me into this really terrible balance in my head, and now I feel pretty unconfident when it comes to Power. Let alone my audition weekend. urg...

So, what about it? Is this something I can fix? Or am I inherently arrogant, and irritating, and is it going to be my downfall? to borrow something from Jordan...

current mood: a little terrified...

Monday, February 05, 2007


My actor tummy is happy from munching on lots of new actor meat. We had the first rehearsal of Power tonight. Wow is THAT going to be a tech wank and a half! Seriously, this show is going to allow the technically minded in our program to shine like nothing. The acting is much less meaty, though I'll have fun with whatever role I get, like I always do. Can we just talk a little about how much NUDITY is in this show? Like, not even kidding, Biff is definitely going to be naked on stage, and if I get the role I want, I may have to show some titty as well...but that depends on the finished script.

Honestly, that is the thing I like the least about this show--that the script is still in the workshopping stage. Most of tonight was a read through and then a bunch of workshopping. That makes me nervous, because I don't like the idea of rehearsing script that's still in production.

On a lighter note, this weekend in AUDITION WEEKEND!!! Friday, I have Power rehearsal, then that night I work till three, then me and Martha head down to Vic for CCPA auditions, then I need to find a ride back to Nanaimo before seven for another shift, and the next morning is B2B auditions, and then that night, I'm heading over to Van...I'm pretty sure if it's ok, I'm staying with Llowyn that night and the next morning is UBC auditions. Then I have to be back in Nanaimo at seven for Power rehearsal. phew! Busy weekend...but it's worth it! *sigh*

For my dramatic monologue, I'm doing Philomele from The Love of a Nightengale, after she gets raped, and for my comedic, I'm doing Mary from The Melville Boys. Big surprise for everyone in acting today, huh, lol! After all buying all those monologue books, I find two brilliant ones in acting one day on a fluke! For my song, I think I'm doing What is This Thing Called Love from De-Lovely. I'd rather do something I like a little more--I wanted to do Privilege to Pee from Urinetown, but there's no way I can find the accompaniment in time...I wonder if Marisha's libretto included the piano...if it did...

Laura, what do you think? Should I attempt the impossible and look for the Privilege accompaniment, cause I sound reeaaally good doing that song, or should I try for less show-tuney, and do a song I've only just learned, that's a little more impressive with the jazzy key and what not?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I want to shoot myself in the head

Urinetown is over. I'm fucking tired from working all night after closing the show, and not sleeping all day like I should have after the all night shift I had the night before that, and the show I did before that, and the day of school I had before that. I want to be left alone, but I also want someone to come hug me. I want to stop feeling so goddamn emo, but I also want to wallow in my misery for a good day or two.

I have a new email address, for work contacts. the other one still works, and I still use it, this one is just for work.


Friday, February 02, 2007

my contacts hurt

omg, blarg and a half...

I feel--icky...this may not be the best time to be posting on the old blogeroo, but I feel the need to talk about myself. yuck. anyways...k, I'm tired from Urinetown, unhappy and lonely, and a tad bit drunk from going out with a few Urinetowners tonight...

I don't even know what to say that won't be misconstrued or taken a little too seriously...I'm just feeling so much right now, with no discernable answer. I mean, I'm pretty confident about my future professionally. I'm just so...lonely right now. Urgfh. It's not that I'm jealous of the people who are happily attached, it's just that I'm so NOT right now that it's just sad...

Amber mentioned that everytime I think I'm interested in some guy, I get distracted by someone who I think I'm MORE interested in...that may have some validity to it, but also maybe not...

All I know is that there is someone I think I'm pretty interested in, who doesn't seem to be interested for the same reason that I usually use (ironic, much?), who I would surprisingly love to be involved with right now. With no cons...I mean, I usually have some pros and some cons, but this specific person seems to have no reason why I shouldn't be attracted to him...and apparently people other than the few I have confided in know this, and I'm incredibly confused as to how THAT happened...

I don't know...I am just one confused, lonely Pinto. bah. that sucks.