Monday, February 05, 2007


My actor tummy is happy from munching on lots of new actor meat. We had the first rehearsal of Power tonight. Wow is THAT going to be a tech wank and a half! Seriously, this show is going to allow the technically minded in our program to shine like nothing. The acting is much less meaty, though I'll have fun with whatever role I get, like I always do. Can we just talk a little about how much NUDITY is in this show? Like, not even kidding, Biff is definitely going to be naked on stage, and if I get the role I want, I may have to show some titty as well...but that depends on the finished script.

Honestly, that is the thing I like the least about this show--that the script is still in the workshopping stage. Most of tonight was a read through and then a bunch of workshopping. That makes me nervous, because I don't like the idea of rehearsing script that's still in production.

On a lighter note, this weekend in AUDITION WEEKEND!!! Friday, I have Power rehearsal, then that night I work till three, then me and Martha head down to Vic for CCPA auditions, then I need to find a ride back to Nanaimo before seven for another shift, and the next morning is B2B auditions, and then that night, I'm heading over to Van...I'm pretty sure if it's ok, I'm staying with Llowyn that night and the next morning is UBC auditions. Then I have to be back in Nanaimo at seven for Power rehearsal. phew! Busy weekend...but it's worth it! *sigh*

For my dramatic monologue, I'm doing Philomele from The Love of a Nightengale, after she gets raped, and for my comedic, I'm doing Mary from The Melville Boys. Big surprise for everyone in acting today, huh, lol! After all buying all those monologue books, I find two brilliant ones in acting one day on a fluke! For my song, I think I'm doing What is This Thing Called Love from De-Lovely. I'd rather do something I like a little more--I wanted to do Privilege to Pee from Urinetown, but there's no way I can find the accompaniment in time...I wonder if Marisha's libretto included the piano...if it did...

Laura, what do you think? Should I attempt the impossible and look for the Privilege accompaniment, cause I sound reeaaally good doing that song, or should I try for less show-tuney, and do a song I've only just learned, that's a little more impressive with the jazzy key and what not?


Unknown said...


If you're coming to Vancouver on Saturday, COME AND SEE THE OPERA!! I'm playing, and we'll go party up a storm with the orchestra afterwards!

And there wouldn't be any problem, I'm sure.

Martha said...

I texted you and I really hope you read this if you didnt get the text!! I dont have my van for saturday, and i have to head over there on friday night on the bus! :S

I'm staying with Kevin, and if you were gonna come down with me, megan or laura could probably work something out..

my hotmail has been completely fucky so it hasnt let me send an email to you sooner!!!

Brianna is going with Nikki on saturday, you could probably catch a ride with them easy!

VivaLaPinto said...

Martha!'s ok, I can get there with Nikki...I just don't know how I'm gonna get home, lol!


Anonymous said...




The Voodoo Doll said...

Sounds like it should be a fairly... interesting show. But, you know me, I'll be there with all probability with a grin on my face.

Unknown said...

woooooooooo titties!

barbara_mary said...

If you can find the accompianment, go for it. You were amazingly fantastic in all your urinetown songs.

I was so impressed with how much you've improved and blossomed :)

Martha said...

Buses are like.... uhm... 15 bucks or something like that one way, and its pretty simple to get on one and get off at the depot (plus its close to you!)

i'm probably taking the later bus home on saturday, or i might decide to make it a weekend thing, and visit people, i dont know yet.

either way, i'm super sorry about the trip! i was excited to drive down with you :(

I LOVE YOU< SEE YOU ON SATURDAy (i'll bring your jelly!)

Laura said...

hey alleah

if you want the music still, email me, because i will photocopy it for you at school. it's in our library. you will be so much better off to do a song you know very well

and be prepared to answer questions about the plays you're doing your monologues from (monologue books can be a big no no because they often don't give you much info...just be prepared)