Friday, April 13, 2007

has FWP been boycotted??? (45 posts to go)

my blog is a very quiet place of late... leads me to a lot of conclusions, most of which are probably biased by my occasionally terrible self-esteem.

1) my recent absence from school has caused all of you to forget who I am, why I'm important to you, and that I have a blog at all. (which is a little over the top, so it can't quite be it)

2) You all hate me, and don't care about what I write anymore. (which is emo, and silly because even people who hated drama-causing ex-bloggers still read what they had to say)


3) I'm boring. FWP is filled with too much talk about Pinto, and not enough about not-Pinto.

I somehow have a feeling it's the third one. So since my day-to-days are often boring, and negative, I shall do something else.

I was reading on Lisa's blog today, and she wondered about people who seem to have it all together. I just cannot believe in those people. I mean, Western civilization has created such a hectic, stress-filled, complicated lifestyle that you would have to be a robot to keep everythng running perfectly. Most people have to be superman just to keep things running smoothly. I personally think it's absolutely impossible to be happy in every area of your life all, most or even some of the time. Well, outside of household cleaner commercials, and the endings of family movies, anyway.

(half an hour, a lot of math, and some perusal of global statistics later)

FACT: did you know that there are 12.8 people to every square kilometre of this earth? But--by next week, it'll be something like 20 people per square kilometre. By the time this century is half over, the earth's population is projected to have swollen to 7, 708, 260, 509, 000. That's seven trillion, seven-hundred-and-eight billion, two-hundred-and-sixty million, five-hundred-and-nine thousand people. That means more than 15 112 people per square kilometre. You can't fit fifteen thousand people in one square kilometre. Can you imagine the responsibility our generation holds? We (YOU AND ME) must find a way to support more people than stars in the sky on the average west coast night, or...witness natural selection in action. There is no way this population growth will actually happen, not without some significant technological advances. And NOT in the medical field, either. People actually NEED to start dying.

Can you imagine, the strain on the earth's already dwindling resources, with a global population that has multiplied exponentially? Our oil is already running out, where are we going to get more to keep our cities running? We've built vast metropolises, that depend on irreplaceable substances, and when oil runs out, how are we going to transport food from agricultural centres to feed those teeming masses of helpless people? How are we going to feed a grossly obese population, when the rich will hoard what they have, and make up new and financially-debilitating laws just to keep things the way they are? To be poor, will be a death sentence. The middle class will be a thing of the past. And what will happen as an effect of things I don't even understand yet? What if the stock market crashes again, and money is just something to light a fire with? What will the currency be then? Food? Drugs? Are we about to witness the fall of the capitalist era? If you could look forward to a hundred years from now, will we be nothing more than suspicious, narcotic-addled apes hunched over like animals amid the wreckage? Will we come full-circle, and lose the intelligience that took us millenia to attain in just a couple of centuries?

It's almost enough to make you find God. And even then, the situation is pretty bleak. All these numbers made me remember something my gramma taught me about Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe that when the Apocalypse comes, only 35 000 people will be chosen to go to heaven, and they'll all be JW's. 35 000. Next to almost 8 trillion. Hell will be a busy place.

Many Biblical events have been explained by science, such as the Ten Plagues released on Egypt, and the Flood, destroying the faiths of many people. Kinda makes you sad to know that in less than fifty years there's going to be a LOT of people dying, when the possibility of an after life is on the hitlist of scientists everywhere. There's no easy way out here. We are racing towards a future that A) is economically and ecologically impossible, or B) holds a devastating fate in store for human kind.

Now you guys know why I stick to reviewing my day. It's less depressing that way.


Madmartigan said...

loses my blog already... if i wasn't a superman and didn't have everything together i might almost be hurt :P

Madmartigan said...

and what the hell does BOPOPODO....or whatever mean????

Urban said...

Per point 1... that's why things like shutting down what fast food joints are DOING to the planet is important.

barbara_mary said...

I don't agree with you that it's nearly impossible to be happy in most of your life. I think people unnesecarily stress themselves out about things.

Martha said...


i just dont comment

but i do read every word

maybe i'll start commenting from now on.

Bean said...

Me too! I read it all, but I am a lazy blogging fuck and don't comment. I <3 you!

VivaLaPinto said...

*hearts* to all! I understand! And I agree, fast food joints are the balls. in a bad way.

VivaLaPinto said...

PS: and Barbara, sure, everyone gets stressed abou about the small stuff, but think back to the last time you were fully happy about every single area of your life... So few people are lucky enough to feel that often, if at all. I had written more about it, but then I got too caught up in projected global population stats. :)