Friday, April 27, 2007

on the shore at last after the shipwreck, weeping like a little girl whose mother is waving at her from the deck of the foundering boat

that's where I find myself lately. If not completely healed, then almost there. Thank you, Audrey Niffenegger (get a load of that name, eh?) for summing up so succinctly this feeling I've been trying to attain since her death and only recently have started to find.

The Time Traveller's Wife made me cry exactly three times. The first was at that passage in the title after Clare's mother dies, and she finds a poem written by her emotionally volatile mother to her. The second was at Henry's death. The third was pretty much everything that happens after that. I was in tears for the entire last three chapters of the book! lol! Not even kidding, when I turned the page and started reading the acknowledgements, I cried even harder because it was over. What a pathetic bowl of emotion I am.

The Time Traveller's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger. If you haven't read it, get on it! It's definitely going on my shelf of favorite books, along with Memoirs of a Geisha, LOTR, and Elizabeth Rex, fo' sho!

I feel slightly Oprah lately. All this home-making and reading bookclub type books, and thinking about babies. What's happening to me? I've grown up a little too much in the past couple months! Of course, the baby talk is all because of Child on her Mind, which is going GREAT, btw... I absolutely love working with Kayte! What a ball of lightning! She's got an amazing energy, and her method is absolutely brilliant. I told her I wanted her to publish a book on her method, because it is so amazing, and nearly made her cry! lol! However, I have no stamina when it comes to writing, so instead of writing a book, I'll probably end up writing a post on it, cause it is immensely helpful to me as an actor, and I love sharing really good stuff.

I saw her last night, with her partner Zannon (sp?) at the Being Frank premiere, along with almost everyone else I've ever worked with in a professional capacity, lol! I convinced Ace to score me comps, and took Jesse out to dinner at Modern Cafe and then to the show. The show was pretty awesome. I was astounded at Adrian's growth in character since the last time I'd seen him, which is really only to be expected. I couldn't even comprehend who it really was up there half the time. And everyone who knew Frank Ney, affirmed his brilliance in capturing Ney's physical presence perfectly. And a lot of the scenes from the play that I've always lvoed, like the party scene, where all these life events are melding themselves into each other had blown itself into this spectacular, stylised tornado of theatricality. I was pretty tickled by that scene!

And can I just say... Adam Underwood??? OMG, ADAM UNDERWOOD! He was fantastic! I've never met him before, until last night at the reception, and he was one of my favorite parts! His City Council member was hysterical! I seriously snort-laughed through the whole scene! He had this little tongue thing that he did, and he couldn't stop grabbing his wig, but it just made it look like he was trying to arrange a difficult toupe! Pure brilliance. I guess Jesse knew him from Romeo + Juliet on Saltspring, so I got to meet him and talk to him afterwards.

And of course, I nearly squealed when I saw Ky and Maddie up there on the running crew, lol! GJ, you two, I was highly aroused by your pirate-y attire! lol!

And of course, there were the usual others there, Ace, Michelle, Robin and Melissa, Manda Chelmak, Garry Davey, Michael Armstrong. Ky and Maddie were at the reception, and Lee was tending bar. Burton was home sick. I got tired of rubbing elbows pretty quick, and wanted to leave around eleven. I don't know, I understand schmoozing is important in this business, but God, it's exhausting. I felt so self-conscious, which was ridiculous. The boots were a bad choice. I'm never wearing heels over three inches to something like that's just not a good idea.

Anyways, this weekend brings a couple rehearsals, a few shifts at that place that pays me, and Moving Day Prt II! Woohoo!!! This time next week, I'll be on my own again! Thank god... However it also brings stuff like decision-making, bad-feeling, and pure exhaustion. Saturday night through Monday morning will be sleepless, once again. I really do wish I could stop these weekly stay-awake marathons... but they are necessary for a little while longer. Hopefully soon, Kayte will start on scene work, and I won't be called on Sundays anymore.

Anyhoo, so that's where I am. Even though, it's rainy and gross today, you all should do me a favour and find something beautiful today. Then write about it in your blogs, or drop a comment about it here, whatever. Just do that for me. Find something beautiful and dwell on it for a while.

current mood: the cheerier side of melancholy.


Bean said...

Beauty for today: Eggs Benny at Alice's after a weekend of beer and hot dogs. GLORIOUS. Also the sight of my bed and bathroom, hurray!

Anonymous said...

i love reading your blog beautiful

Anonymous said...

Perhaps people would read your blog if you posted more... Its been like a month already. Jeeze.