Friday, April 20, 2007


That's a perfect description of a Van Isle spring day, I think. Sun-rain-cloud-freezing rain-cloud-sun-and maybe some snow just for good measure. :) A sun shower is that windy cold rain coming out of monolithic clouds with sun poking out beyond every pillow-y spire. Don't forget to look for the rainbows! If I'm with you when you see it, I'll claim I made it for you. And you better like it!

I am in a FANTASTIC mood! The past three days have been absolutely great! On Wednesday, Jesse picked me up at my house and we went to James Street Billiards to shoot pool. On our way from where he parked to the pool hall, we were assaulted with the traumatic sight of an "intimate transaction" between two crackheads! lol! Jesse called it the 'magic corner' for the rest of the night...

So aside from that psychologically scarring event, the night went incredibly well! I won a game, he won a game, we had a couple drinks there and talked for a long time about everything... Then we stopped in at the Cambie for a a drink and listened to some cover bands. Watched an overly energetic lead singer who's never heard of enunciation knock over his mic stand and I honestly couldn't help but laugh. I know, I'm a terrible person! Then we headed to 70, and sang some kareoke and he protected me from the evil cold coming in from the open door. Some other stuff happened... :)

He took me home and we made plans to go out the next day, which made me retardedly excited, lol! And then yesterday was just about the most exciting day of all! I woke up early to get to my hair appointment at ten, which turned me into a princess! Well, maybe not a princess, but DAMN my hair turned out well! I got the red taken out of the base and had some blond streaks put in, as well as getting a trim. It looks damn fine, now. After that, I headed home where Brianna called me and we went out for ice cream, which we ate with Frank J Ney on his rock. He has now heard some secrets that shall never be repeated so do me a favour and don't bind him and torture him for information, k? It was a case of wrong place, wrong time for poor Frank J Ney. I bought her a pretty headband for Coachella and one for myself as well! Then I went home and read a little before Jesse gave me a call. I was able to get ready, clean the whole kitchen AND do dishes before he picked me up, which made me pretty happy.

And the BEST part was, while I was waiting, I got a call from the transglobe offices (management company for the apartments I applied to) and my application was APPROVED!!! I move into my new place on the twentyninth! I have to research Zorkon insurance though, and get signed up for tenant insurance, so... and then when that's done, I bring my first months rent and the papers to the office, sign a lease, and I'm DONE! I'm going to live on Rosehill. I'm like a five minute walk to Brianna's through Bowen Park, and a ten minute walk from my work and I can hear the waterfall in Bowen Park from my bedroom window! So to celebrate, me and Sherayna went shopping for household things today! I am now the proud owner of a brand-new coffee pot, toaster, water kettle, dish set, pitcher-and-tumbler set and a broom! I also got-- A COOKIE TRAY! I shall bake cookies as soon as I move in! :)

Unfortunately my next few weeks are going to be so crazy busy that I can't go camping anymore. A Child on her Mind starts Sunday (IF Catherine can replace the lady who dropped out--urg) and since Dan got suspended for smoking pot at work I have to take on most of his extra shifts, which means my life is going to suck a little bit. But that's ok, it means I can earn back a little more of the money I've been frivolously spending. Definitely time to start my budget. *sigh* Oh well, my lately rocks way too much for THAT to be a problem! :P


Brianna said...

And youre so close to Coyotes! So you can eb a cool cafe goer. Too bad youre moving on the 29th though, i'd help you if I wasnt out of the country!

Akiyhrah said...

how come you missed the exam today?

jordanibanez said...

You know, that whole thing was the best thing I've heard for the past week. So glad to hear all of that.

Anonymous said...

are you coming to 70 tomorrow?

VivaLaPinto said...

maybe...I have rehearsal though, so I'm not sure.