Monday, August 02, 2004

I am Pinto the Stupid

you know you're pathetic when.
yesterday, I was doing dishes at Gator's house while dogsitting (she's in Vancouver with her Mom; it's Mom month for her), and I absolutely could NOT open the cap of the dish detergent! it was so sad! You'd think that "SQUEEZE CAP SIDES" is pretty straight forward, but noooo, simple child safety features confound Pinto the Stupid. lovely.
so at this point, I am completely superfluous in every sense of the word. The only thing I can do ever is finish my laundry so I can pack. Sux0r. I'm heading up to Gator's later with Mom to walk her dogs, and spend some time with them, and feed them and stuff, and then I have to finish up some last minute shopping. I need to find new boots from Value Village. Mine are completely falling apart. I also have to get some sleeper earrings, and maybe more sex bracelets. But I bought a new package yesterday at the mall when I bought my wedding jewelry, so I don't particularly need them. I just found out that I'm leaving on the morning of the third which means no Laura p-tay for me! Life sucks a LOT.
well, I did a post yesterday but my idiot mom closed the window before I was finished without saving so I lost it all. So I'll simply do yesterday's lists.

i wore: denim shorts, and a big black tee that had a picture of Smurfs on it.
i ate: coffee, thai kitchen, and grape soda. and burgers that made me nauseous in the middle of the night.
i did: some dogsitting, some reading, some shopping, some moping, some laundry. exciting life, huh?
i like: my new jewelry.
i dislike: not having oodles of money.
brag moment: there wasn't one. I did nothing extraordinary.
cringe moment: my unnatural unnatural demeanor around Jesse Janzen on the bus. Now the entire world knows just how much of an awkward nerd-o I am.

here's a new one!

granola moment: folding laundry in the kitchen while being scrutinized by my big old dog. How domestic.

(a granola moment is something that is refreshingly ordinary and nice and relaxing)
so those were yesterday's lists. I am not going to do my lists for today cause it's only ten in the morning, and nothing's happened yet. so you are deprived. *weep weep*
anyway, laundry awaits. have fun blogging, bloggers.


Brianna said...

i need more sex bracelets!! and did you read my blog??

K said...

Domesticness is awesome. I am curious as to how you have so many frickin words written though... you must be the blogging fiend.

VivaLaPinto said...

huh? so many words typed? how do you know how many words I have typed???