Monday, August 30, 2004


does anybody know what I've done to make Geoff so freaking hostile to me? I mean, come on, today I called him because Zed needed a ride to the party tonight, and he was entirely frigid to me. He asked me where Zed lived, and I said Prideaux Street, and he's like, "Anywhere specifically?!" in this really really mean voice. Like if I were writing a book, he would have "snarled" that. And I'm just like, "Well, I don't know his address..." and Geoff just attacks me, like, "Well, how do you expect me to pick him up then?" I was like, "I dunno!" I mean come on, all I'm doing is asking for a favor for SOMEONE else, it is not MY job to set up all the freaking details. So I look up Zed's address in the phone book for Geoff The Whiny Baby, just to placate him, because I want to make sure Zed actually can get to the party. I give it to Geoff, and he's all like, "Ok, I'll see what I can do."

Now I am actually worried that Geoff will blow Zed off just because I asked him for a ride! Now, I know that calling Geoff up, and asking him for a favor for a MUTUAL FRIEND is just oh-so-offensive, and I should never have been so bold as to ask someone that I have wronged so harshly, but you would think he could contain his bile long enough to have a simple conversation, but I guess not. I mean, I should have known that someone SO DEEP, who knows SO MUCH about everything could never ever be wrong. Silly me.

I dunno, as far as I am concerned if Geof is going to act the way he is acting he should take me out of his msn profile as his "pint sized best friend" because apparently I am the pint-sized bane of his existence.

yeah yeah, I know, NOW who's spewing out the bile?


Brianna said...

Personally, I think you are both insane, but thats just me. By the way, couldnt find cool binders AT ALL at Zellers so I had to get a crappy boring one.

VivaLaPinto said...

bitch! we were supposed to do that together! now my mom will make me get an ugly cheap one that probably doesn't even zip up!