Sunday, August 15, 2004

Nerd Love

today was an awesome day! hung out with girl Collective + Kevin. it was a ton of fun!

Brianna called me almost as soon as I got up (though how she knew I was up, I have no idea; maybe cause it was quarter to twelve...*blush*), and asked me when we were supposed to be coming over to Gator's that afternoon, I said I didn't know, but that I would call her in a little while. She said ok, and we hung up. A little while later...I called Gator, and she was (urgfh) in the shower. I mean, come on, I'm bad enough, getting up at quarter to twelve, but she doesn't get up until roughly around then anyways, AND she takes hour showers! She's the slothiest sloth in the whole sloth world. So I called back about twenty minutes later (yikes, running up the phone bill!) and she finally answered. I asked her when her preferred time would be for myself and Brianna to make an appearance, and she said just come over now. She also told me to call Barbara and invite her, but Barbara had to clean in preparation for her mother's imminent return of today or tomorrow.

So I convinced Ken (my mom's random friend who randomly gives me money in return for me allowing him to delude himself that I'm his daughter. Seriously. He gives me ten bucks, hugs me, and says "I'm like a father figure to you," every time I see him. Whatever. I get the better deal!) to give me a ride down to City Center bus stop, or I would miss my bus. I made it up to Gator's, and Brianna and Kevin were already there. We hung out for a while just talking about *ahem* Aden, and other things.

Eventually, we decided we were restless, and that a trip to the mall was in order. Why the mall you say? I dunno, I suppose the endless barrage of stimuli marketing thousands of useless items could be an excuse to wear down our energy. First we headed to Mac's where we all bought huge Slurpees with strange flavours. Nobody finished theirs, except for possibly Kevin, but I am not sure... Kevin bought gas, and me and Gator and Beebur checked out the magazines. (Hey, Mr. Tanlines!) Then we were off, like a herd of turtles, to Woodgrove.

We arrived and walked a ridiculous, and pointless distance around to an entrance where I saw (OMG) a guy that I'd met at the M + CdA cast p-tay. yes I know what you're all thinking. That foreign guy that Alleah made out with while she was horridly drunk? The one who's name she didn't even know? yes. That guy. I saw that guy. *cringe* and what made it worse, was going in, me and Brianna-Beebur noticed him at THE EXACT SAME TIME, so we looked at each other, and were like, "is that the guy you--" "Brianna, that's the guy, I--" and then just cracked into hysterics! and we kept turning to look at him, and Laura was like, "what? what are you all laughing about?" and we told her, and she looked at him, and cracked up into the same hyena laughter that we were convulsed in! And by that time, he had turned around and was probably thinking something like, "huh?" or whatever that word is in his language. And we were just cackling the whole way into the mall. That poor guy must have been so confused. Not to mention Kevin! *sigh*

anyways, we got in the mall, and just roamed for a while. the first shop we went to was a shoes store, and we had a ton of fun drooling over awesome Converses, and pretty bags. (that one was mostly me.) or at least the girls, did. Kevin was all like, "I'm a man." Then we headed down to Spencer's. (the store, not to person's house) we checked out fun things there. I coveted all the Happy Bunny stuff they had there. I think the Happy Bunny company came out with more, cause all day, I saw a ton of new slogans. Jay was working there, as was Kat, the accompanist for Robinson Crusoe. Laura and Brianna decided I needed to buy this book that taught you how to have orgasms. (grr!) I decided I needed to buy outt he store of ALL their Happy Bunny merchandise. After that, we meandered some more, and Brianna and I decided we needed to explore the 88 cent store for sex bracelets. We couldn't find any, so we migrated to the EFAD'S (the Everything For a Dollar store), where we found an enormous selection of really good ones! I bought two packages, and Brianna bought one.

However, a bunch of noteworthy stuff happened before that that I ALSO must tell you about that. Before going to EFAD'S we stopped in Claire, the girly store of the universe. I was in heaven! I found jewelry that I wanted, makeup that I wanted, and a huge selection of sex bracelets for incredibly ridiculous prices (which is why we didn't buy those ones). We found all this stuff that we wanted to buy for Caitlin, and Brianna was jonesing over this huge wall of punky jewelry. We decided that our substereotypes were (by sub, I mean, obviously, we're all theatre people, but within our group) Brianna as the punk, me as the twink/girly girl, and Laura as the folk god. Yes, we realize that folk god is not a general stereotype, but we defy you, cultural melting pot.

We also found these ridiculous hats that said Mrs. Timberlake, or Mrs. Kutcher, and I *heart* Ashton, and I *heart* Justin. Each of us girls put one on, and Kevin took a picture of us with his handy dandy digital camera. It was great! Move over Demi, I am now Mrs. Kutcher!

then we went to Toys R Us to look for a surprise cone, but they don't sell them anymore. It wasn't a total bust, though, I climbed into a kiddy car, and Laura accused me of having a growth desease. I asked her to "help me out, Mommy." It was their idea of affordable transportation for me.
after, we made a quick stop into Thrifty's where I discovered more Happy Bunny pins, and even more ridiculously priced sex bracelets. It was then that we made the fated trip to EFAD'S, and after that, we sat on a bench outside WalMart talking and adorning ourselves with sex bracelets. Kevin ran off to pee, and the girls and I fervently got in as much girl talk as we could before he returned.

Then we went into Walmart, and in the photo shop, Kevin ran off prints of the infamous hat pic in Claire's, and also other pics, from the night I got stoned with Paddy. (ie, me wearing Kevin's mom's pants on my head, me getting bondage-ed with an akido belt, me + Foo wearing a plunger. interestingly enough, I was not under any influences when undertaking these random endeavors!) that was a ton of fun, especially as we found a random abandoned pic of some guy with a red mohawk, and patchy spots of fur all over the shaved part of his head. What made it better was that he was wearing leapard print! We decided I would put it up in my locker this fall, and we would tell people that he was my Russian boyfriend named Dexter Valistofski. (I dunno if that name is even Russian at all!)

after moaning Dexter a few times in an extremely sexual fashion, we entered Walmart itself, and I bought bronzer, and Kevin showed me a sale on Wankinators. (two for four dollars! what a deal!) We roamed the store a bit after that, making many many jokes about the values wanking might have if one was, say, *stranded on a deserted island with a jar of peaches to open*. My response was to use some of the multitude of girly jewelry I would be wearing to signal a passing Air Force jet into finding Kevin, and dropping him off on the island with me so he could open the jar of peaches for me with his mighty mighty wanking skills.

Brianna retorted that I should ask for someone bigger so that I could eat him later.

after that, we returned to Kevin's club wagon to go home, but first we stopped at Roger's video to rent a brainless teen comedy. We got 100 Girls, which was surprisingly good for being amazingly sexist, and devolved. *oh sweet leaping jesus!* there were many many glib jokes that I fell in love with, but sadly cannot remember to include in this blog. Go rent it. You'll lose a few braincells for it's utter stupidity, but it's a good time.

following that, Kevin made noodles, and Ragu, and Laura and Kevin wolfed it down cause they were going to be late for their Shae Apland concert. I told them to scream something at him for me. They have a choice between, "Woo!", "I want to have your baby!", and "Take off your clothes!". Anyways, Kevin dropped Brianna off (cruelly, at the bottom of her horrendud horrendus hill), and made me walk from where he parked for the Shae Apland concert all the way up Fitzwilliam, and down Kennedy. I begged for Foo's jecket for modesty (which was in the car), but he refused. *sniff*

However, something good did come of it! The cutest doggy in the whole wide world came bounding up to me, and butted his cute little head against my leg while I petted him, and talked to him. The cute little pooch got excited when I said I had to go home, and jumped at me, and his owner had to come and grab his collar. Owner was not particularly interesting looking, but I did like his dog, which is a must.

now, I am at home, and just hanging out. I have a feeling my blog will not post for a while, so I may have to save this on Word for a couple days before I can post it. crappy ass.

however, I shall try. no lists for today, because it would just be redundant. goodnight, all!


Brianna said...

Hey, yeah I know everyone can see my post. Whos gonna see it that matters? Aden doesnt even know I have a blog, let alone the address. And anyways, if he saw it, maybe he would GET A FREAKING CLUE!!

VivaLaPinto said...


footnote for above post: the definition of being smitten is to have been smited by Cupid's big stick instead of hit by Cupid's arrow. smited=smitten

and I am now attempting double spacing between paragraphs just for Brad. Feel good about yourself, Brad.

bradfurd said...

gj alleah. that is much easier on my eyes

Brianna said...

hey, dont talk abotu ME not updating my posts!

amyleigh said...

you guys sound like you have so much ridiculous fun. which is obviously the best kind. how are there so many sex bracelets in existence, and i didn't even know it?! i've been living a sheltered life. you should help me bug brad to have a part-ay at his lake house before summer ends!