Friday, September 03, 2004


urgfh! since when is Geoff allowed to hoard EVERYONE to himself? I am SO mad! first, he goes and hangs out with Brianna, and Laura, and they decide to just NOT invite me, simply because he is there! I mean, I have no problem interacting with Geoff! If he is so frickin sensitive that he cannot even handle being in my presence, then maybe he should cut HIMSELF from things!

Then this morning, I called him, wondering when Llowyn was getting in (from Vancouver, also; haha! Collective IS taking over the world!), and first of all, he wouldn't give me any information, just that Llowyn was staying at his house, and that he would be in today, and he would be at the party. Then he's all like, "why do you want to hang out with Llowyn so bad?" as if I have had NO contact with him! as if Llowyn WOULDN'T want to hang out with me! I mean, come on, Geoff knows that Llowyn and I have been talking a lot on msn. And yes, he (Llowyn) HAS come right out, and mentioned that he considered me a friend. So what right does Geoff have to wonder why I want to hang out with someone?

Seriously! This entire situation is ridiculous. Geoff won't interact with me, ever, and now he is practically trying to cut me out of my own group! In case he doesn't remember, I was the one who introduced him to L + B IN THE FIRST PLACE!

jeez, I am SO ticked at him! I wanted to call Gator and vent, but of course she's being a slug-a-bed. Far be it for me to expect her to be up at noon. Sorry. Now I am just being sarcastic and nasty. I apologize.

It's just, I have called him, and talked to him on msn, initiated all sorts of dialogue, and he is always so frickin COLD to me, and it is NOT fair!

you know what? I am done with that. I refuse to think about it anymore, because it is only ruining my good mood. Happy talk now.

Hey Matt you want serious train freaks? Come see my neice and nephews! Every train they ever hear coming, they have to run right out to the curb, and watch it go by, because we live right by the tracks. Sometimes, they drag me along with them, and we all sit out there and talk aboutt he people we see in the windows. Actually, right now, Steven (who is two and a half) is pretending his sandwich is a train! He is running it around his plate, and going "chooga chooga chooga chooga WOO WOO!" it's so cute!

I am bored. I think I am going to go make a survey. Maybe. I don't know. I might turn into a cleaning nazi, and draft my family into the mop brigade instead. So long for now! P-TAY TONIGHT! WOO!


MattyRob said...

I don't get the name Geoff. What's up with that name??? Aperently it's the same as Jeff. Why can't they just keep the name Jeff, instead of some insanly weird Geoff name...

Oh man! Your niece and nephew sound just like my brother and I when we were kids. We live right by train tracks and when we heard the train, we would run down the block to go watch it. But the train closed about 4 years ago so no more running down the street. Except now I wouldn't have, I'd just drive!

VivaLaPinto said...

awww! I was like that when I was a kid, but I lived too far away from train tracks to run anywhere to see it. And now that I can, I am just not as interested in them anymore! lol! very disappointing.

tell me something...while watching trains, are you ever nervous that they are going to fall on you? just because of their sheer size? and intimidatingness? I dunno, maybe it's a short thing.

MattyRob said...

Nope! Mainly bacause I know it's pretty impossible. Although this guy showed me a home video of him watching this train, and it fell over right in front of him! Like any closer, he would be under the train!

And I used to be super small as a child and I would get like reaching distance from the train! I don't even get that close anymore! So no, it's not a height thing, maybe a girl thing