Thursday, September 23, 2004


that's right! ME!!! I'm in the children's chorus. :P blech! but it's more in the panto than I was an hour ago! I am counting my blessings, wether I like the role or not! I have certainly learned my lesson about assuming that I am in shows! lol!

although, you know what this means, don't you? it means that if I don't get a lead, or principle role in the Welly production, I can kiss a bunch of musical theatre scholarships goodbye. Devin told me that Tinnion asked him to direct Babble Rap, so hopefully (I want to audition for that one, cause it looks really funny) I'll get a role in that. And there's only two roles in that play at all, and NO opportunity for chorus at all, so hopefully things'll work out for me. I am really looking forward to that show if Devin does end up directing. I know how fabulous he is for film, and television, I am curious to discover what his vision will be like for theatre!

and all who are wondering, I am sure he does read this blog, and NO, that comment was NOT for the purpose of brown-nosing my way to a role. although...that might be a good idea! lol! nah, jk. I'll get a role at Welly through hard work. And the fact I have a lot of experience I am sure helps. Dev said he was looking for a girl, and a guy to play in Babble Rap. Not sure who he'll choose. Of course, it also all depends on who auditions...

EEEKK!!!!! I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to this semester! it is going to be awesome!!! Welly choir, Bye Bye Birdie, Panto 04, Babble Rap (hopefully) with Devin, Sean (haha, he's his own category of awesemity!), it is just goign to be a freaking SWEET sememster!!! I cannot wait!

look out world, here I come...!

1 comment:

amyleigh said...

you almost make me miss school...almost. haha.