Saturday, September 11, 2004

mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! success! success AT LAST!

guess what Pinto is??? the answer is DEFINITELY not "single"!!!!!!

boo yeah!

so last night was great! I shall start at the beginning, cause lots happened. me and Gareth, and Gator and Brianna went to Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal, and it was AWESOME...*theatre orgasm* *twitch twitch* you forget what working under a good director is like after five mind-numbing years with the Rat. anyways, after a wondeful rehearsal of learning dance steps, choral sections, and a sweet-ass song (The Telephone Hour) and a huge lecture on professionalism from Mr. A, we (minus Brianna) walked to More Than Movies at that strip mall on Dover Road. it was raining, so we were absolutely soaked by the time we got there--and that was the BEGINNING of our journey! we searched and searched for Bye Bye Birdie, but we couldn't find it, so we got two other ones...boring boring boring, as we discovered later. (we ALSO discovered later, that Sean owns the aforementioned musical of choice, but neglected to bring it! *shakes fist*). Anyways, then we decided to walk to Woodgrove Exchange to catch ONE bus instead of two. However, that made all of us intensely miserable, as by the time we got there (yes, I HAVE to say it) we strongly resembled bedraggled ass-rats. When we got there, we discovered there would be a bus leaving in two minutes, so we ran around the side of the mall in a rush, hoping to not miss it. That made me and Gator even MORE miserious for we were running with backpacks on, and that is unpleasant at the BEST of times. running with a backpack, and soaked jeans, during driving rain is simply awful. (what an icky turn of phrase. I am ashamed.) finally the bus came, and me and Laura raped Gareth's body heat with our shivering, frozen fingers. that was QUITE enjoyable! lol!

unfortuantely we had to get off the nice warm steamy bus (is anybody else very much reminded of porn when I say that?) anyways, after having lovely warmth for a time, venturing back into the rain was HORRID! yes it was. we walked as fast as our battered limbs would allow to Gator's house, and stripped as soon as we were in the door. thank god, for theatre people! I would NOT have been able to wait for the bathroom to change out of my soaked clothes, I was that uncomfortable! we all tossed our icky clothes in the dryer, and me and Gareth had to wear Laura's clothes! Gareth ended up wearing these track pants that she used to wear ALL THE TIME back in Grade Nien, and thankfully declines to don, nowadays. that was indredibly amusing. I ended up wearing almost all black. How goth, and yet not, because the shirt was unbearably prep. How Proth of me.

Sean was late, and I called around trying to see where he was, fearing that someone might have (sillily) decided to bike here, and gotten lost. But no, my fears were ungrounded, and he made it to Gator's a little late, but relatively intact. (THAT didn't last long once the doggy dogs gpt at him! lol) anyways, it was late enough that we had dinner right away. THAT was interesting. We were all in really weird moods, and for some reason, I had no appetite, so all I did for the entire meal was nibble on peas, play with my burger, and throw items of food at people. we were all laughing hysterically about things. it was really random. Laura made a funny noise while drinking water, and we all felt the need to emulate her. well, actually, me and Gareth felt the need to emulate her, and Sharon just felt the need to mock her. which was also funny!

after we watched THE MOST BORING MOVIE IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA!!!! there were good parts, but it just dragged way to much to be entirely satisfactory. that was the bad part of the night. the mood just degenerated into boredom as we all attempted futilely to enjoy the movie. Eventually (I think maybe after I changed back into my own clothes), I threw something at Sean, and that started a paper war. that's the way to make things interesting! violence! repeated violence using bark mulch weapons! woo-hoo! he has good aim. got me in the face at least twice. grrr...!

so Gareth and I had to leave at a retarded hour in order to catch the last bus of the day which was filled with people who smelled like wet. or maybe that was just us...*blush* I tried calling my house literally about thirty times, and finally just gave up. Later I found out that the breaker for the den had blown, and there was no power for our phone to be ringing. bummer. so I had to walk home from the bus stop pitifully alone, which was unpleasant, and nervous-making. Fortunately the only form of subspecies I encountered was a harmless pair of stoned adolescents. I hate my area.

I was extremely tired by then, cause I'd been up since six, so I pretty much just fell into bed.

This morning I had to wait til eleven for the power to go back on, so I could blog. Sean and I talked for a while, (which was very nice!) and I finally discovered the answer to my question. all I say is W00TY W00T W00T!!! life kicks ass!

anyways, we are hanging out today at the skate park by the curling club, and B-rad Nielson is coming too. so I ahve to get off my bottom now, and go put on some clothing. yay, clothing!

life is good. :)

1 comment:

K said...

congratulations :p