Sunday, November 14, 2004

things Alleah loves

I have been updating my blogger profile times a million today, and I was tweaking my interests. I just started listing all the things I loved, and realized that there were far too many for me to list, and half of them weren't actually interests, per se, they were just things that are dear to me. So I have decided to devote a post to the things that I love more than anything, be they interest, ideological idea, animal, mineral or vegetable. I may arrange them from the most loved to the not most loved, or maybe not.



-being inside by the fireplace on a rainy day with a blanket, a book, my dogs, and no responsibilities.

-traveling to new places

-navigating on road trips

-organizing something that is pulled off really well

-buying makeup

-applying makeup

-creating new looks with makeup

-removing great amounts of theatre makeup with one swipe using petroleum jelly and baby wipes (oh so satisfying!)

-watching a really great movie that made me laugh, cry, squirm, and sigh.

-hearing my boy tell me he loves me.

-telling my boy I love him.

-loving in general.

-eating something I love.

-getting out of the bath and into clothes fresh from the dryer.

-running and playing with my dogs.

-watching my dogs do funny things.

-living with puppies.

-watching puppies do funny things.

-cleaning of the thorough variety.

-reading about architecture, and interior design.

-discussing religions

-alone time

-getting rides places so I don't have to get myself somewhere

-finding emails from people I like that aren't just forwards.



-giving people gifts that you KNOW they are going to LOVE.

-Collective sleepovers where we talk about everything that we don't talk about elsewhere, and eat chips and pop all night, and ice cream for breakfast, and lie all over each other, and tickle each other, and fall asleep while laughing.

-laughing hysterically.

-singing harmony

-arranging songs

-hitting a chord by accident that works better than anything you could have come up with on your own.

-comfortable silences.

-saying the same thing at the same time.

-yelling at someone who has REALLY REALLY REALLY been pissing you off, and having them recognize what they did wrong.

-a really really good performance.

-enthusiastic applause

-a full house

-individual recognition for an un-individual role.

-meeting new people who aren't freaked out by my forward-ness.

-gaining new friends

-feeling loved, feeling needed, and feeling valued.

-feeling useful.

-feeling rested.

-having good conversations with people that don't turn one-sided, or into fights.


-bath products that smell good.

-knowing you look good.

-having other people recognize that you look good.





-waking up to find a cat curled up on you

-waking up to find a boy gazing at you with love in his eyes.

-having someone to cling to after a nightmare.

-having an animal who trusts, and loves you

-people laughing at your jokes



-items that have nostalgic value

-being able to return to your past.

on that cryptic note, I have to go catch a bus that heads out to the neighborhood of my past. it's time for me to go to pantomime now. see you tonight...

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