Friday, March 18, 2005

long email of lifeness

Ok, I wrote this email to my ex-sister-in-law, because she was kind of out-of-touch with me, and wanted an update on my life. I thought it was actually a really good summary of the way things have been going lately, so I've decided to post it. Sorry, things get kind of redundant, cause I know all of you know all lot of the things I've talked about in there. Perhaps this just explains it better.

I know, I'm really sorry about that. Getting on computer has been really difficult lately, because Sherayna dislikes paying bills (*eyes rolling*), and we no longer have internet. I've really been neglecting my emails, and what I've been concentrating on, when I'm on computer is turning into a huge debacle.
And by debacle, I mean Blogger can suck some major ass. Especially when people you don't know post hurtful spiteful things. For the past couple of months, there've been these really awful people posting cruddy comments on everybody's blogs, among my circle of friends. It's created a really stressful tone on everyone's blogs, which I hate, because it's almost like a form of censorship, in my opinion. We no longer feel like we can post about anything anymore, because if we do, we'll be persecuted for it It's really discouraging. And the kicker is, these people are so morally undeveloped that they don't evwen have the balls to leave their own name. It's really pissing me off. Of course, they probably aren't leaving their names, because they know that my boyfriend will, undoubtably kick the ever-living shit out of them. But that's another subject. And for once, I condone. I despise people who are4 so blindly cruel like that. They are so unbelieveably needing to be killed in their sleep, and removed from the gene pool. People of that moral caliber Are what's wrong with this world.
So that is one reason why I have been so neglectful of things lately. Another reason is that, graduating is KILLING MY BRAIN!!!!!! I have applied for every single scholarhsip I possibly could, plus I have been goiung crazy catching up on documentation stuff. I am now the proud owner of a brith certificate!!! :D lol! I know, I am a loser, but it seriously took me so long, and so much hassle to get the fucking thing. I swear, DO NOT go through Welfare,if you need to get any documentation of existence at all. It is too important to trust to those jerk-offs. And if you do, insist that they fax it before your very eyes, if only to insure that it gets faxed. Because I am NEVER EVER EVER EVER goin to wait nine months for a document imperative to my living ever again. I swear, it's just easier to not eat for a couple days and pay the twenty bucks and send the application yourself. Because Welfare is USELESS. But I finally did get it,. adn I sent off my application for a SIN card the next day. So within four weeks, it ought to be legal for me to work in Canada, finally! Every single plan I've ever made just seems so much more reachable now, and only for having gotten one document. It's sad how much it encouraged me.
Speaking of which, I don't think I've told you about any of my big plans lately! But I think I shall, because although I know you'll have some good constructive criticism for me, I also think you'll support me in this (which I'll admit, almost none of my firends here, do, seriously, go here:; 71 fucking comments on how all my plans are useless, and I'll be on Wlefare for the rest of my life. this episode was crazy! btw, The True Anonymous, and em-eukal, and Sun-Rape, are the cruel assholes I was telling you about).
Ok, my crazy plans are these: Sean and I were talking, and hetold me about this idea, his mom had about what she would think my career should be. And according to Sean's Mom, she thinks me and him should open a Ma and Pa pet store!!! We both love pets of all kinds, and I swear, since her saying thatm, we've spent at least half our time together in a bloody pet store!!! We both are now the proud ownewrs of one dog (Ahrodie), one cat (Charlotte; she's a beautiful long-haired Himalayan) and two lovebirds (VeeVee, and Cocoa). We love them all so much, and we are planning on getting more. We've discussed the idea of the pet store, and one thing that we would both really enjoy doing, pertaining to this business plan, is breed our own dogs, and birds for it. So that spawned the idea of having a breeding farm, but we agreed that we wanted it to be on our own property. We wanted to live with the animals we raised. So we were discussing what kind of house we'd need, and Sean mentioned really liking the house we live in now, but it would need to be modified, and built somewhere out in the country. So, I drew up a set of plans, of our house (the one that you stayed at at Hallowe-en; same one), and incorporated everything we wanted to change about my house (eg, addition of a sunroom, off the living room, bigger basement, nicer master bedroom, and extend the outer walls a few feet, so we had more room), and we've discussed it. I'll probably change a few more things about it, but Sean has the plans, so I can't until I get them back.
So, pertaining to everything, we'd need to start this business, we made a list of things we'd need to do. These include getting bredding, and kenneling licenses, a business lisence, and a loan to cover start-up costs. We started thinking about the loan (and quite a few in-depth financial conversations with my mom, the queen of budgeting), decided that we needed much collateral for this loan. Now Sean already owns a car, which is considered collateral by most banks, but the problem is, it's a liquid asset, which means it's hard to sell, plus owning it doesn't make you moeny, it costs you more money that you might earn in selling it. So we decided that we needed lots more collateral.
Enter the most exciting moment I've ever had in my entire life, lol! Me and Mom were at the Sally Ann, one day, cause they werehaving a fifty percent off sale. While we were there we saw Andrew, and his new girlfriend (you remember Andrew; used to date Yanci). Well, they were buying a couch, and since we had the truck, they asked if we could run the couch up to his house for them, so we agreed. We got to Andrew's house, adn he gave us this tour. He lives in these townhomes down on ninth street (WAY WAY WAY south, in the southern-most part of Harewood) called the Highland Wood. And his house was really really cool, and townhouses go. You entered on one level, which was this mudroom, with closets, and spaces for freezers and such. Then you went up a few steps, and you were in the living area. There was a living room, dining room, kitchen, powder room, and entrance to a back patio. Then you went up another few steps to a storey above the mudroom. This had a nice spacious hallway nook type thing, and two bedrooms on either side. These bedrooms had fiteen foot ceilings, and one had a balcony. Then you went up another few steps to the storey above the living area, and it was another two bedrooms, with lower ceilings, and a full bath. So it was quite a nice townhome, and I cold see myself living there. So I asked Andrew what he was paying for it, and he said: $800 a month. So that's pretty good, but then--oh man! Then he was like, "guess what? that's MORTGAGE, not rent!!!!" and I was like WHAAATTTT????? You freaking own this place for eight hundred a month!!!!! Jeebas!!!
I was so incredibly excited!!! So then I just went nuts, I started figuring a monthly income, with me on minimum wage, and Sean working minimum wage in roofing (which is nine an hour), and even on minimum wage, it is possible!!! For me to go to college, pay off a student loan, and us to be mortgaging this townhouse for eight hundred a month!!! It would take us ten years to pay off the house! I figured a bunch of the contingencies, and such, but the great thing is, the mortgage on this place is the collateral we'd need!!!! So halfway through our mortgage, once we're making good money, NOT just minimum wage, we'd move out, rent it out (which basically pays off the mortgage all by itself, with revenue if we charge more per month than the mortgage is), move into another place, and get our business loan right there!!! We could own our own business, and home by the time we're thirty!!!! Isn't that insane???!!!
Well, those are my plans, anyways. We aren't focusing on them right now, but they are lying in stasis, just waiting for some significant income. btw, I forgot. On minimum wage, with NO help from any of our parents or loans, we can make a ten thousand downpayment in one year, each paying four hundred a month to save for it. So that's basically our plans right now. Even if we moved out at the end of my school year,and were both living on minimum wage, we could pay rent, and save up six to eight hundred dollars a month for downpayment. It is so incredibly possible!!!! And I'm loving it!!!
Well, back to my actual life (lol!), that is where all the blog stress has been coming into play. Somehow, my incredible plan has just knocked the socks off of everyone I know,l and some people I don't, and motivated them into trying to shoot my dreams right the hell out of the sky. On the link, I gave you, there are sventy one comments on MY lfe plan. How sad is that? And the whole thing has just escalated into people I don't know leaving cruel, and pointless comments, on every single post I wirte. It is very depressing.
That is what sucks about lately. i;VE BEEN SUFFERING FROM SOME SERIOUS DEPRESSION, AND EXHAUSTION TO BOOT, JUST FROM EVERYTHING i'VE BEEN DEALING WITH. bOTTLING ALL OF MY FRUSTRATON AT STUPID BLOG WHORES, (OOPS, Caps lock!!! meh, I don't feel like changing it, lol!), plus the stress of graduation, and applying for college, and scholarships, plus prom is com,ing up, adn I'm stressing about paying for all of that, plus I have all this dental work to get done. (Sean's Mom is a dental assistant and she has this huge plan to whiten and fix all my teeth before prom--which is in LESS than two months!!!) And because of all this dental work, I have to go to the doctor's. I am just incredibly overloaded. And of course, there's school. (which BTW, I am doing AWESOME in!) and all of it has resulted in depression, and serious exhaustion. Thank God, Spring Break starts tomorrow! I really need it...
Well, I have to go now, I hope that was a good synopsis of my life right now. Feel free to post one of equalling magnitude back, April!
I hope you're life is ok, and say hi to Lily and Quinn for me next time you see them. Love you lots, see ya later!


Brianna said...

If anyone sent me an email that long, I dont think I'd read it :P

youre coming tomorrow night, right?

Anonymous said...

Haha, I'd like to see your weirdo bf beat us up...that'd be hilarious. Oh and we're not in gr.11. We're in your graduating class ;)

Unknown said...

:-O !!! .. ^

i dont understand why people like to be mean to other people. please explain this to me.

K said...

Haha Brianna, half the emails I write are longer than that, & the other half are like one paragraph (mmm... brief & businesslike).

Glad to see you are blogging again, Alleah. yay

bradfurd said...

ho ho ho. it is brad. yay what a plan. em-eukal, sup, so you are a welly kid? .... intriguing, *chin stroke*

bradfurd said...

ah. I was surfing, and updating my links on my blog, when I stumbled across the "failing" blog linked to from Kevin's blog. I randomly read the entire thing. Yes I read every post, and every last comment, then only to find that I couldn't comment. :S Anyways, I don't know if something can be done about that. I know that I'm not a failure. I've never failed anything in my life. In fact, I've gotten straight A's since grade 6. Out of school I suppose my marks have gone down to a B or C+ or so, not utter failure though. Nonetheless, I find that blog amusing, so I shall put a link to it from my blog. adios

K said...

Hey em-eukal, can you get those "kinder em-eukal" things in Canada (or the Republic of China for that matter) or are they just available in Germany?

barbara_mary said...

lol, Brad? Failing as in failing in keeping your virginity intact, not school-wise (as I've never failed a class ever either). And if you would be interested in commenting ever again, let someone know and tehy can add you to the list.

VivaLaPinto said...

hahahaha! Kevin, you're great! though the idea of kinder em-eukal kind of frightnens me, (I assume it is chocolate) as I have had enough chocolate in the past--well however long it's been since Easter to last any one person a lifetime.