Wednesday, March 09, 2005

ok, there's no longer an excuse.

not for many things. One of them being my no longer posting on my blog. At first I wanted to milk all that controversary as far as humanly possible, but for the sake of the losers, screaming their ignorance oall over the internet, methinks I should just stop. I was also planning on posting a financial breakdown just to prove that it was possible, which would satisfy Gareth, but probably incite more mockery from computer junkies who have nothing better to do with their time. So I have decided, I just don't give a crap anymore about it. I know my plans, I know they'll succeed, and I DON'T CARE what anybody says about it.

Today, I am sad. The entire day just seems made for sad. I wish I could just go home and sleep, but life just doesn't work that way, I'm afraid. You know, I have just realized that I have spent way too much of my time thinking about comment controversy of late, and now I have nothing to talk about. That's so sad on my part. bad me.

Today, I wrote an English test that actually made me pant in effort! It was BRUTAL. How can a short story unit test on six measly stories be worth a hundred marks? And WTF is cause and effect???!!! I'll tell you what it is: it's the bane of my existence, THAT'S what it is. However, the new unti, The Crucible play is interesting. I enjoy morbid death units, and learning about witchcraft. I even started an English blog for it! How geeky am I, hey?

I feel responsible for everyone shutting their blogs down. And because I feel responsible I feel like slapping each and everyone of those Anons who caused this controversy until they fall down and cry. It's borderline censorship! Who the hell thinks they have the right to torment people until they just stop blogging? This is a sad world, and karma is alive and well, and I am thankful for it.

k, I'm done with this. Maybe I'll have more to say tomorrow.


bradfurd said...

i'm going to say the same thing I did on the last post: i'd like to say to sun-rape and the random anonymous folk insulting people that you said things that really hurt. you are talking about real people and the things you say aren't funny in anyway. No, I'm not going to kick your ass, but those are hurtful things you are saying.

barbara_mary said...

Are you guys stupid? Drop the stupid comment war and so will they. They get a kick out of watching you scramble and cry because they're calling you names and putting you down. Maybe instead of whinning that they're making mean comments, you remove the allowedness of comments from your blog. Unless secretly everyone enjoys the bullshit.

Tim Banky said...

There is no question that they enjoy the comments. Alleah just spent the last while not posting as she "wanted to milk all that controversary as far as humanly possible".

My blog is not gone (effectively) because of Anon, it is gone because I did not want Mr. Strachen finding out details of my life and the life of my girlfriend.

Alleah, do you honestly not care that this is the person writting university application references for Laura? I mean, why would you even think to give someone's blog address away to anyone , let alone an administrator.

And even after I spent a post complaining about my parents finding out about my blog?

Well, congrads. You got me into the whole blogging ordeal and just as effectively you have destroyed forever the creative energies I put into it.

I was never less than supportive to you and never judgemental but I can fathom no reason for you to be this inconsiderate.

Brianna said...

The problem with you, Alleah, is that you can do no wrong in your own eyes. You never realize that a lot of the things you do make your friends sad/angry/ disappointed.

and abotu yesterday, you cant just scream obscenities at someone down a hallway and then expect everything to be fine the next minute.

Brianna said...
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barbara_mary said...

*steps over the invisible line to stand with Brianna and Tim*

Megan said...

I don't understand this. You let some anonymous person run your blog life? My goodness...
And you told a teacher about Tim's blog? Why, I cannot fathom, but it was not because of some anonymous person, who has nothing to do with your life and posted some random opinions, that Tim shut down his blog.
I really don't get you Alleah...

Unknown said...

So Alleah, How was your day today? Man we had a good time friday eh!

The Crucible is very sweet, just wait til you get to 1984 tho, it'll rock yer socks!

Good Luck on our Bi test tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

well this Sean dude said "he", and obviously this guy goes to Wellington. I dont tnink it was Gareth, or Brad. That leaves Devin :)