Thursday, March 10, 2005


Ok, for all the people convinced I am uncouth, insensitive cretin, allow me to say this: I at no time talked to Strachen about anything other than NOT blocking Blogger because I needed to get on it because of my English assignment. For the privacy of the person who did, and to ensure that you all don't go witch-hunting THEM like you did to me, your friend, I'll just say that they did it to protect their friends out of a sense of loyalty that I sometimes doubt with other friends. Next time make sure of your facts before you judge something you think I did. Also, before you consider me insensitive, consider what exactly it was you all just did to me. In conclusion (lol, Mrs. Rodgers, Brad!), I'll say thanks to Alana. Your unconditional support is appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. OK. I am a little lost, I don't know what's going on, but I think everyone should stop ganging up on Alleah, because.. that's just not what good friends do. I am posting as annonymous.. because.. most of you don't even know who I am. And I don't want to be yelled at for commenting.

Hope it all gets better. :)

Pineapple Princess! said...

Well up till now, I would like to belive I stayed very far out of this controversy... or at least on the outskirts. However, I must say I think things are being blown out of preportion HUGELY here. I don't think anybody (except perhaps the people who would only be doing it for kicks) has called you uncouth or cretin, and if people call you insensitive, perhaps you should ask why they feel that way and really consider that. Perhaps you have done insensitive things to some people and they deserve apologies. On a side not, I don't think anybody has NEVER done anything insensitive.

From what I've seen, you haven't been witch hunted, however I can see why people might be angry. You may not have specifically done the telling, but you started a chain of events that hurt a lot of people, and I just think that enstead of getting defensive you might want to sincerely apologise to those people.

I still support you, and don't want you to take this comment as an insult, but just a suggestion from a friend

barbara_mary said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Alleah! haha i got yer back! Tonights random chilling was really sweet, i had a good time, we most definitely need to do that more often. Sure we froze, but it was worth it. I totally am game for a BBQ now. Yes for staying in school! See ya!

Megan said...

*rolls eyes* How are we ever supposed to know who to believe?
I'm beginning to really hate blogs.

Anonymous said...

"uncouth, insensitive cretin"

Rry unfortunate looking vaginal fart.

Anonymous said...

"uncouth, insensitive cretin"

Rry unfortunate looking vaginal fart.

Anonymous said...

"uncouth, insensitive cretin"

Try unfortunate looking vaginal fart.

Anonymous said...

why would devin go to the principle? do you people care that much that we make fun of you?

Anonymous said...

So why don't you just move on and post something else already?

Anonymous said...

*rolls eyes*
So just move on and post something else already?

MattyRob said...

hi! off topic and i haven't chatted for a while and i miss visiting! we've changed our blog url! If you want to come visit it's

K said...

Let it be pointed out that I didn't say anything of the sort-I like to take unsupported allegations with a grain of salt. It should be noted that possibly to this day some people (not currently part of the blogger community) still think it was you. I have done my best to correct that.

In other news, it's been over two weeks since the last post, so, "Thank you sir could I please have another?" :p

Anonymous said...

Hi Alleah! I know I haven't seen you in several years, but I felt obligated to comment on your Blog. Some of the things your "friends" have said in past posts were quite nasty. Here's a few points;
1) Don't be discouraged by the amount of money that you or your family makes, if you dare to dream it, it can come true. My Mom (your Mom's sister) also raised us on welfare and I now earn $60+ a year and own my own farm and drive a new vehicle. The only thing between you and attaining your goals, is taking steps towards them. Being raised poor only gives you a better sense of appreciation for things later on.
2) The most valuable thing you have is your work ethic, learn to work hard at whatever you do best, and the world will be yours. Set goals for yourself and follow them like yur life depended on it, cause it does if you want to achieve them. Its Ok to re-evaluate now and again, but always keep going forward and never look back.
3) Don't take too much stock in what your peers say, the truth is within a year of getting out of highschool, they won't matter at all any more. Their comments and opinions are based on their very small frame of reference, always heed the advise of the people with a "wide" frame of reference.
4) You always get more flies with honey. Always be nice whenever possible. Even when you want to rip someones head off, you can gain power over the situation by keeping your emotions intact and out thinking them. You will never regret being nice and respectful of people but you almost always will regret loosing your cool.
5) You have talent. I remember your voice! If theatre, etc. is your dream, go for it! But we have a saying here in AB, "Go hard or go home!" Which means don't pursue something half way, get serious about it and get it done!
6) You can't soar like an eagle while scratching with the turkeys, (I know I'm the analogy queen), but its true, if you are hanging out with people that are getting in the way of your life plan, either stop hanging out with them, or change your life plan. I read your life plan, and all I gotta say is... "think bigger". You could accomplish that, but there's so much more out there... take it from someone who has came from the same background as you and managed to pull myself out of the rut, you can do it!
7) Lastly, don't depend on anyone or anything else but yourself! You control your life! Life doesn't come with a warranty, so if you're gonna change it, it'll take your own blood, sweat and tears!

Hope you can tolerate my rambling! Can't wait to see you at the wedding! Take Care. TJ :)

VivaLaPinto said...

my new address of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Well sis, you are a bit uncouth at times. hahaha.
Write me some time.