Thursday, June 16, 2005

wow am I ever bored

and now I will post everybody I know with more than one blog. oh man...

  1. me
  2. Brianna
  3. Laura (if she EVER accepts my Collective invite, which she will cause she has to!)
  4. Barbara
  5. Mel
  6. Megan
  7. Martha
  8. Kevin Taylor
  9. Stephanie
  10. Glenn
  11. Cora
  12. Nicole
  13. Llowyn

I think that's it...please someone, entertain me?!

it's a bird! it's a plane! NO! it's the Collective Blog!

yes that's correct. it had to happen sometime.

on to other news. I feel like getting married. As in within the next year. I've been obsessing over it long enough. I want it to happen. There is a small possibility of getting my settlement money (from the car accident) before I'm nineteen, and I'm supposed to be getting an amount somewhere in the two-three thousand dollar range. With a yearlong engagement, and monthly savings from now to when we actually need to buy the stuff, that is enough money to pay for a wedding. but, uh...I should probably discuss this with Sean first, hey? Well, if we spend any private time together in the next bit of forever at all, that may happen. It's funny, everybody thinks we're engaged, anyway. I think we should just prove them right. But that's me.

So, I know of a few people in the Theatre program at MalU next year, and I shall list them here. If you're in it, and not on my list, please tell me! I'm very curious!

  1. me
  2. Barbara
  3. Geoff
  4. Jen Schaper
  5. Laura-Gator is in choir with me, but not in the theatre program

and I think that's about it. hmmmm.... I'm surpirsed that I can't think of any Dovers in the program, cause they're super drama. Laura McNought probably would have been, but she's going to CCPA, instead. And Mel, and Brianna never even applied. tsk tsk. blog is all double spaced now...and not by my doing!





huh. k, that's weird. ok, I'm gone! ttyl!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Michael Jackson is scary

apparently he is innocent, which I think is crap. anybody that fucked up who has children is his bed at night is not *actually* sleeping with them. He's messed, and if Martha Stewart can go to jail, then he needs to, too.

Whatever, I don't really care about the whole thing. I am more concerned with my stupid blog troubles. The concerned posts have gone back to centre alignment! This is seriously going to make me scream!

I work tonight. Remembered my cup, this time, so I won't have to borrow Holly's. Yesterday, she told me that Tuula told her that she'd convinced Sean to buy me an engagement ring--but this was at the beginning of second semester, so something tells me, she didn't really convince him. Too bad. Bully for me.

I had really weird dreams last night, and this morning--right up to when my Mom woke me up with coffee. But I don't remember them.

I kinda wanna call Sean. But I use the Career Centre phone way too often. I would just leave, but by the time I got there, he'd be leaving for work. Damn work. Ruins everything.

btw, girls, I remember why I *ruined* Thanksgiving! It's because I waved my bra around, and manhandled the salad!

...yeah, I don't really get it either.

So this post is all over the place. It's because I actually have nothing to say. Some might think that that means it's time to stop talking. But me? No. Not me.

hum hum hum. I am going to go read other people's blogs.

Monday, June 13, 2005

irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk

I really hope whoever did that is not my friend, because whoever did do it, is NOT in my good graces right now. Pranks like this really piss me off. It's like someone finding your diary and writing stuff in the last pages about who you like, that you only find when you get to those pages, and you know someone read your diary like six months ago, and has been reading it since.

The difference with this is, I like people reading and commenting, but I despise people messing with my shit. Tampering in my world is a capitol offense, and demands retribution. So I really hope whoever did this, did it out of spite, cause I'd really hate to be super angry at someone who did it as a funny ha-ha joke. Cause I am really angry.

I basically had to go into every single post displayed on my page, and change the font color, and the alignment. I couldn't figure out how to change the text, so the font is still messed, as are the titles, which are HTML crap which I can't do! Plus, I had to change my password so now Kevin can't help me even if he wanted to. And I was perfectly happy with my DAMN password!!! I DIDN'T WANT TO CHANGE IT!


ok, whoever changed my font is going to get their testicles ripped off their body


Ok, there was my big freakout. I swear if this posts stupid, I will kill someone. I hate it bad enough when my template fricks up. But this (I am pretty sure) is someone actually going into my account, and SCREWING with my settings. I don't care who it was, I am going to kick you. I hate it when people do stupid things like this.
Anyways, I used to have things to post about, but I don't really remember them. Ok, I'm just going to give up, and post this to see if it works, or not.
*rumble grumble, mutter, grump...*

Friday, June 10, 2005

um...I dunno about that. which one was the slutty one again?

jk! lol!

What Beatle are you?

Paul McCartney

You have a soft heart. You love animals, nature & quite evenings with good friends.

Personality Test Results

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Alumni Choir!

ok, I know this is my third post in an hour. shut up! yesterday, I called Sean three times in an hour just to hear him say his own name in the voicemail introduction, then leave a retarded message. I seem to have backslided into a new degree of patheticness.

OK. I have a proposition for everyone, and anyone who is, or has ever been in the Wellington Choir. For those of you who have been part of an amazingly awesome year (read: last year), then had to lower your standards for a new group of annoying grade eights (read: this year), you obviously understand how much Mrs. Sinclair hates it! So, we have been throwing about the idea all year of an alumni choir.

No one is quite sure how this would work, and in fact, it's not *officially* even happening yet. But I'm sure with a good response, Mrs. Sinclair would do it. After all, look at the people she's lost to Grad in the past five years! Some ideas about how it would be, is that it would be a separate choir, not affiliated with Wellington (although, I hope we keep the name). We would practice probably at night, and arrange our own performances. Nobodys said anything, but I'm almost positive that for the first few years, we'd all have to pay something--a membership fee or something. And I'm pretty sure Mrs. Sinclair intends on making it audition only. At least she should. There is a tiny miniscule chance that has been brought up, but not discussed, that she would make it interschool. So anyone graduated who wants to join. But the basic idea is those who have been in choir with Mrs. Sinclair for a number of years.

So, I'm not going to say that this is definitely happening. But I think that with a good response, it has a super good chance. So, Kevin, Geoff, Niki, Amanda, twins, twins' sister Sarah, this year's grads, anybody who has graduated in like the past five years (because I'm positive Mrs. Sinclair would LOVE people like Mike Olsen, and Wilson Pascoe to come back) you should ALL make multiple repeated HARRASSING phone calls to Mrs. Sinclair urging her to do this! Because the only way it'll succeed is with a large number of past students, and a tonne of commitment. Now I am going to die if I never have Mrs. Sinclair again, because honestly, I am just not ready to let go of her choral apron strings. So, all should come and talk to her about it! Spread the word!


I'm in a self-pitying mood.

My life sucks. I'm poor, and I live far away from the school. I don't work enough hours, I don't have enough time to spend with my boy. I wish I had more motivation, and discipline. I wish I could get up in the frickin morning. I wish I was in a play, and at the same time, I'm glad I'm not. I WISH I WAS IN ARTS ALIVE!

In fact, I wish I was in Arts Alive, did a fantastic audition, got Gertrude McFuzz, and showed up everyone with my awesemity. Unlikely, and selfish, I know, but I miss having lines! And dances to learn! And feeling important!

I wish I wasn't the super-ugmo-est (ugmost, if you will!) person at my work. I wish I hung out with more people. I wish I didn't have gigantic scars all over my face, and that my nose wasn't bigger than Laura's entire head, and that my teeth could at least pretend to be nice looking for ONE DAY.


I wish I didn't have to worry so much about my dog hurting something (Kirby, Nicholas; yes she started loking at him the other day as if she was going to attack him the way she attacks Tika. I am so worried that I'm going to have to put her down)

I wish I wasn't so damn morose. I'm a whiny pathetic nothing.


I am going to fail Biology, and it is the City of Nanaimo's fault!

It is not fair! It is not fair! I look like a total slacker, and for the stupidest reason! It is eleven'o'clock AM, I have a (VERY IMPORTANT) class, which I am missing because I JUST got to school.

What on earth could possess a public transit system to change an already pathetic system to one where half it's routes only run every 1 and 1/4, to 2 hours?! Honestly? If I have a class first thing, I MUST be out of the house by 7:05 to catch the 7:19 number 6 bus to the new downtown exchange which gets there at 7:33, where I have to wait for twenty minutes for the 7:50 number 1 (because retard number 2 just decided not to go to Country Club anymore! douche!) which gets to school at 8:19! An actual hour in bus travel time ONLY! WTF????? For days when I have a spare first, I have to catch the 8:14 number 6 which gets downtown at 8:53, or 8:55, or some such, to catch the 9AM number 1 to get to school at 9:30. And if I don't...well then! The very next bus after that is--9:39!

Not to mention going to work! I live as far south as I possibly could, because my mother obviously wants to ruin my life, I go to school right smack in the middle of the city, and go to work as far north as I possibly could!!! Who up there HATES me?!

It makes me look like a slacker, because I work evenings after school, which means I get home at midnight (exactly; 1 Downtown leaves Woodgrove at 10:50, arrives downtown at 11:34, the 5/6 leaves there at 11:40, arrives at my bus stop at 11:48, and it takes me ten to fifteen minutes to walk home), and I almost always fall asleep before remembering to turn on my alarm. That means that I sleep in every day, by accident until--quarter after eight. Which means the only route left to me is the aforementioned bastardly 9:39 bus.

Actually that's a tad bit of a lie. I live close enough to South Parkway Plaza to walk there: but it takes a half an hour to walk there, and the buses don't go up to Country Club half the time. The only one that is remotely convenient means I have to leave at ten after seven to get to Country Club by ten after. The next one that actually makes it up to Country Club gets there at ten after nine.

For those of you who think that I'm whining, or actually am lazy,
go here, and then tell me I'm wrong. I defy--no I INVITE anyone to prove me wring, because I will only appreciate it, if you can show me an easier way to get to school!

The whole system is retarded. Whoever wrote it is retarded. And I don't a rusty fuck if the drivers don't like it either, and shouldn't have to deal with our bitching, because they don't actually have to deal with it. In my opinion, the only person who should ever write a bus schedule, or devise a route is a person who takes the bus. Anyone else is NOT QUALIFIED!

That is my decree, and when I control Nanaimo, it shall be so.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

they wear great big platform shoes, on their nasty little feet!

don't walk on short people...

don't walk on short people...

don't want no short people 'round me!

(what a wonderful world)

short people have nobody...

short people have nobody...

short people have nobody to love

(what a wonderful world)

don't walk on short people!

don't walk on short people!

don't want no short people 'round me!

short people have no reason...

short people have no reason...

short people have no reason to live!

(what a wonderful world)

another post, because I am a slacker

I just mistakenly typed post as poast, as in toast. I quite enjoy that. Anyways, I just wanted to say, I am STILL reading old posts, and I think all verbs ending in I-N-G should have an eight inseted in them. Such as "kill;" that should be kill-8-ing. Or "roll" should be roll-8-ing.

Actually scratch that: only verbs ending in double L's.


I hate the word 'scald'

it sounds like a mixture of bald which is icky, and scalp which is icky. what an evil word.

just a thought.

anyways, work is super montabulo-wonderful. I don't know where that word came from, but I enjoy it. certainly more than the word, 'scald.' According to one of the oldest girls there, I learn super quickly, and because of that, she trained me on till, three shifts earlier than you're supposed to! I was so excited! She also taught me how to make wrapzels, and I got to make one for Jon, one of the guys I work with. He didn't die, so I assume I'm not too bad at it!

So, now I know how to make popcorn, serve popcorn, clean the popper, serve drinks, clean the drink machines, serve nachos, make Wrapzels, use the cash register, ring up people's orders, and fill up the ice buckets! Aren't I a good little worker?!

The other day, this other guy I work with, Garrett, who talks about doing drugs all the time found a corn plant growing underneath one of the tills!!!! It was hysterical! I wanted to put it in a little pot, and keep it as our mascot, but I think he threw it away, instead. bummer.

I don't have to work until tomorrow night, so yesterday, I spent the afternoon with the girls plus Mel learning more on Mr. Sandman, which is turning into a debacle. Brianna doesn't want to learn the other parts for the other verses, and just change the words, and sing the lines we already know, but it requires changing keys oddly, plus it feels slacker to me. Then we tried actually learning the lines, and they are super hard. So I dunno what we're going to do about that. But at least what we know sounds super good! We're learning it for testing in choir, next week. If it works out, it'll be really really awesome! We tried to sing the bum-bums (you heard me) for Jen Porteous (sp?) yesterday, and she said, and I quote, "that's the most fucking awesome thing Ive ever heard!" or something along those lines! I thought that was cool.

Afterwards, I went to Zellers to look for a purse, didn't find anything, and then deliberated over spending my grad money from my grandparents on makeup or not for a half an hour. I was planning on taking the bus up to WalMart to examine further, but I missed it, and just went home. There, I watched Pocahontas 2 (joy upon joys) while Sean worked night shift (eleven AM to ten PM; it sucks bean poles!), and then read a book for a long time. It was a very relaxing day.

Today, I neglected school, and bought some Asiatic hybrid lilies at Buckerfields, whilst missing bus upon bus upon bus. Mom's truck broke down in the very CENTRE of an intersection (it flooded) and wouldn't start again until she'd made a fool of herself to no less than two different Good Samaritans, and pissed off no more than three bus drivers. It really sucked, so once it started again, we went and got coffee.

The Career Centre is quite loud, currently.

I won an award of excellence for Career Prep! How cool is that? I get to get out of English this Thursday for the celebration! That's pretty cool; I'm assuming Mr. A nominated me, cause he's who I used for Work Experience hours.

Today, I feel ambivalent. About everything. Ambivalent is a word that describes Mr. Poppy's attitude towards ghosts in the Bastion. Equivocal is, also. I read an article about haunted Nanaimo buildings around Hallowe'en. It talked about the Occidental Pub, the Bastion (where Mr. Poppy was quoted; he's the bagpiper there every summer), and Beban House. The Oxy is the coolest pub ever, because it has a frog painted on the wall.

I am le random. Anyways, I'm off, so Brad can visit my newly updated blog. goodbye!

Friday, June 03, 2005

in the cookies of life, you're my chocolate chip!

oh, Alana is so cheesy! But I think it's cute! I love watching her and Brad in Bio, they are so adorable.

Moving on now, I was reading my old posts from July of last year (wow almost a full year!) and I was such a loser. My writing style was annoying (I said "haha" after EVERYTHING!), it was all about Geoff, I swore a thousand times more than I do now, and I posted like fifteen times a day! No wonder he broke up with me, I was incredibly uncool. I hope I have changed.

So this post was for the sole purpose of writing that title, because Alana is a sweet nerd :D, but now I am going to resume reading old posts. I wonder which month I posted the most in...?

PS: if Geoff reads this anymore, there's a conversation I posted of ours in July, and some of the things I said were truly brutal. I'm sorry.

Lyrics suck

I know I've posted about this before, but I just have to say it: I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE POST LYRICS! I know that some people find it a release, with words they maybe couldn't find themselves, but still! They're still words written by somebody else! I think the clearest you can get is when you describe what you're feeling the best you can in your own words. I feel mean by saying this, but when people post lyrics, I just don't even read them unless it's really worrisome. In my opinion, when you post somebody else's words to express something you are feeling, if you mean it to be a message to someone, that someone never picks up on it. Or, they're confused by it, and don't know what it means. I never know what people are trying to convey when they post song lyrics, especially because to me, a song is meant to be listened to, not read.

But anyways, that is my rant for today. I missed Bio today, and went to the bank to open an account. It took forever, and the lady enunciated everything she said as if I were a drooling retard. T'was bothersome. I now have a bank card for the first time ever! All I have left to do is get my driver's license, and I will be a real, live, documented person, and my wallet will prove it!

Last night was the District Awards night. I won a $600 bursary from the Canadian Federation of University Women. Yay, having ovaries! Laura won the same thing, but for $1000. Brad Durvin from Welly won the biggest award, the $2500 one from Superpages (yes, the phonebook) for writing an essay on wheelchair junk. I wasn't really listening! *blush* There were lots of people I knew there, like Laura McNought, and Barbara, of course, and Tim, Steven, Lisa Vezina, Matt, my Spongebuddy, and others. It was long and boring, but super exciting when I recieved my award. Just before mine was called, there were a ton that called up like seven or eight students at a time, and then mine was called, and it was awarded to only me! Which made me feel special! And the lady even almost pronounced my name correctly! Woo-hoo!

Anyways, tonight is work, and before that I need to go to Value Village, and buy black pants and shoes. I don't have appropriate shoes, and my choir uniform still has blood all over it. I have to write my thank-you note now, so I'm off! Kirby is adorable, good bye!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

urgfh--less than Brianna

I am worth $1,736,570 on

ok, this is really super bothersome

as you all probably know, my profile pic has not been working for some time now. I just changed it, and it's still not working! How irksome! If anyone can help with this dilemma, please?!

anyways, last night was our Spring Choir Concert. I cannot believe it was my last. At the end, we gave Mrs. Sinclair roses, and I forgot about this tradition, but then she turned around and offered all the grads roses. I was so happy! I love long-stemmmed roses, and it just about made me die. Laura was coming unglued at the beginning of We Rise Again, our last song, as was Mrs. Sinclair. For some reason, even though I'd never really thought much about the song, while singing it that last time, all of a sudden it just made so much sense, and suddenly, my throat closed up, and I had a hard time singing. We got a standing O, that was completely unhesitant. Everybody just stood right up. So, we did Hold Me, Rock Me as an encore, but from around the audience, instead of onstage. Laura sang only like half the song, cause she was crying the rest of the time, lol!

And of course, Sean brought the puppy! He caused such a stir at intermission, and after. Everybody was coming up, and gooing over him. His name is Kirby, and he is just the most adorable thing! You set him down on the grass, and walk away from him, and he just waddles right after you, wagging his tiny little tail! He is the most adorable thing on the planet!!! I love him so! rs. Sinclair nearly had a hernia over him, and came as close as she ever will to resembling me. And Kirby was a little scared by all the attention, terrified of the applause, but took to people petting him really well. When you set him down, he just ran right up to everybody for pets! He's so friendly!

Anyways, tonight is the District Awards Night, which I am so excited about! You wouldn't think I'd be looking forward to sitting on the stage of the Port Theatre for five hours, listening to other people's name get called, but I am! I get to get dressed up (albeit, in an old dress, NOT a new one; *sigh*) and I recieve $500 minimum in educational cash! How cool is that?! After that of course, I start working in earnest. Friday night, I work evening, and matinees on the weekend. I am working concession at the Avalon, as you know, so I expect you all to come to a movie this weekend, and buy popcorn from me, ok?

btw, my first training session went really well. He was fine with me missng Wednesday, and Thursday, and in fact, almost all the girls had to miss a couple days, which made me feel better. There's three other girls who are new, one of whom may or may not have been in Bye Bye Birdie, but I can't remember her...strange. We watched this movie with Rodger Lodge from Blind Date in it, that lasted for a million years! It had all this random stuff in it, like it told us not to arge with a customer, and for an example, it had this guy, after he got his Pepsi, wanting to change it to a root beer. The girl was like, "Are you sure? Pepsi's better," or something like that. And the guy was like, "Yeah, but I'm George and I want root beer," and it made me laugh so hard! There was this other guy who was acting the part of a kid, and he was basically wearing a beanie, leaning against the counter, and fingering a pile of change, while asking the price of EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! It was amusing in its absurdity. The same guy played someone else who spoke a different language, but all he said was, "Queak?" Suffice to say, it was rather amusing.

So I have no other news, other than that I am incredibly behind in English, and haven't been there for almost two weeks. According to Brianna, I'm getting away with it too, cause he thinks it's because of the accident! Also, I finally called MalU, and I AM in the theatre program! With Barbara, Jordan, Geoff, and others. I am excited! And finally, I am going for my L test, hopefully in the next two weeks. Wish me luck!

ok, I'm done. buh bye!