Thursday, June 09, 2005

I am going to fail Biology, and it is the City of Nanaimo's fault!

It is not fair! It is not fair! I look like a total slacker, and for the stupidest reason! It is eleven'o'clock AM, I have a (VERY IMPORTANT) class, which I am missing because I JUST got to school.

What on earth could possess a public transit system to change an already pathetic system to one where half it's routes only run every 1 and 1/4, to 2 hours?! Honestly? If I have a class first thing, I MUST be out of the house by 7:05 to catch the 7:19 number 6 bus to the new downtown exchange which gets there at 7:33, where I have to wait for twenty minutes for the 7:50 number 1 (because retard number 2 just decided not to go to Country Club anymore! douche!) which gets to school at 8:19! An actual hour in bus travel time ONLY! WTF????? For days when I have a spare first, I have to catch the 8:14 number 6 which gets downtown at 8:53, or 8:55, or some such, to catch the 9AM number 1 to get to school at 9:30. And if I don't...well then! The very next bus after that is--9:39!

Not to mention going to work! I live as far south as I possibly could, because my mother obviously wants to ruin my life, I go to school right smack in the middle of the city, and go to work as far north as I possibly could!!! Who up there HATES me?!

It makes me look like a slacker, because I work evenings after school, which means I get home at midnight (exactly; 1 Downtown leaves Woodgrove at 10:50, arrives downtown at 11:34, the 5/6 leaves there at 11:40, arrives at my bus stop at 11:48, and it takes me ten to fifteen minutes to walk home), and I almost always fall asleep before remembering to turn on my alarm. That means that I sleep in every day, by accident until--quarter after eight. Which means the only route left to me is the aforementioned bastardly 9:39 bus.

Actually that's a tad bit of a lie. I live close enough to South Parkway Plaza to walk there: but it takes a half an hour to walk there, and the buses don't go up to Country Club half the time. The only one that is remotely convenient means I have to leave at ten after seven to get to Country Club by ten after. The next one that actually makes it up to Country Club gets there at ten after nine.

For those of you who think that I'm whining, or actually am lazy,
go here, and then tell me I'm wrong. I defy--no I INVITE anyone to prove me wring, because I will only appreciate it, if you can show me an easier way to get to school!

The whole system is retarded. Whoever wrote it is retarded. And I don't a rusty fuck if the drivers don't like it either, and shouldn't have to deal with our bitching, because they don't actually have to deal with it. In my opinion, the only person who should ever write a bus schedule, or devise a route is a person who takes the bus. Anyone else is NOT QUALIFIED!

That is my decree, and when I control Nanaimo, it shall be so.

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