Friday, June 03, 2005

Lyrics suck

I know I've posted about this before, but I just have to say it: I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE POST LYRICS! I know that some people find it a release, with words they maybe couldn't find themselves, but still! They're still words written by somebody else! I think the clearest you can get is when you describe what you're feeling the best you can in your own words. I feel mean by saying this, but when people post lyrics, I just don't even read them unless it's really worrisome. In my opinion, when you post somebody else's words to express something you are feeling, if you mean it to be a message to someone, that someone never picks up on it. Or, they're confused by it, and don't know what it means. I never know what people are trying to convey when they post song lyrics, especially because to me, a song is meant to be listened to, not read.

But anyways, that is my rant for today. I missed Bio today, and went to the bank to open an account. It took forever, and the lady enunciated everything she said as if I were a drooling retard. T'was bothersome. I now have a bank card for the first time ever! All I have left to do is get my driver's license, and I will be a real, live, documented person, and my wallet will prove it!

Last night was the District Awards night. I won a $600 bursary from the Canadian Federation of University Women. Yay, having ovaries! Laura won the same thing, but for $1000. Brad Durvin from Welly won the biggest award, the $2500 one from Superpages (yes, the phonebook) for writing an essay on wheelchair junk. I wasn't really listening! *blush* There were lots of people I knew there, like Laura McNought, and Barbara, of course, and Tim, Steven, Lisa Vezina, Matt, my Spongebuddy, and others. It was long and boring, but super exciting when I recieved my award. Just before mine was called, there were a ton that called up like seven or eight students at a time, and then mine was called, and it was awarded to only me! Which made me feel special! And the lady even almost pronounced my name correctly! Woo-hoo!

Anyways, tonight is work, and before that I need to go to Value Village, and buy black pants and shoes. I don't have appropriate shoes, and my choir uniform still has blood all over it. I have to write my thank-you note now, so I'm off! Kirby is adorable, good bye!


Brianna said...

Seriously, that dog is the most adorable thing Ive ever seen. Its so cute, it makes me want to make gross cute baby noises, which then makes me want to SHOOT MYSELF.

K said...

"my choir uniform still has blood all over it" -- apart from the severe pain that doubtless caused, I must say that is one of the most delightful sentences I have ever read. :p

Hooray for awards, and ovaries :)

I try not to post lyrics, or at least, limit myself to a song title or a single line as like an "easter egg" (except not nearly as cool as the ones in video games). I did put an entire song of Genetic Drift's up one time, but they never published their lyrics, so I don't know you could find it elsewhere.

anyway, rock on

Remember to photocopy all your cards so you have something to work with when you lose your wallet.

Pineapple Princess! said...

I love the name you chose. Kirby is awesome

VivaLaPinto said...

I totally agree! We were stuck for a name, until some random stranger suggested it, and I was like, "yessssss! that's IT!"

VivaLaPinto said...

wait, I lie. Some random stranger suggested somewthing else that I liked, but Sean didn't. Kirby actually came from the choir concert. He's named after Kirby Shaw. :)